In case there was ever any doubt..
Ben Garrison absolutely 100% browses Sup Forums
Can we talk about how fucking horny Ben is for Trump?
Please post the unedited version
Considering the Pizzagate references, he's surprisingly well-informed.
That's it
wasnt that obvious?
Glad to see hes taking it easy on the LABEL EVERYTHING he used to do
>Wtf I love Ben now
Jk I always love him.
literally drawing Sup Forums memes
>that wall piece
Here one, that is not from BenG...
Year of APE finished Jan20 2017, or very near arround that date...
Now is a year of Rooster...
That can't be real
Our editing of his images originally pissed him off, but when he came here to call us out for it he instead got a mouthfull of red pills
It wasn't Sup Forums that came up with 4d chess. I think it was that dilbert guy, whatshisface.
>5d mahjong
>Tfw Ben garrison comics dont require edits anymore
I am surprised that he did not label the figures
No edits needed anymore. Dude's woke. Probably an extremely painful experience.
I love how Ben Garrison went from hating us altering his drawings to be alt right, to being alt right himself. At some time during the primaries his drawings no longer needed to be edited to be Sup Forums approved.
>Not including Whales in Brexit
More proof he reads Sup Forums when that's the biggest complaint these days.
capablanca would have been proud
He literally posted on 8/pol/ like a year or two ago
kissinger looks like he could not give less of a shit
>goldman sachs in the hotel
Why does Trump look like an anime character?
>only two visible labels
Can't be a Garrison cartoon.
He's old and tired. He finished his tour of duty destroying the world decades ago.
Already a little dated, but Pedosta is spot-on.
>Dude's woke. Probably an extremely painful experience.
>There is no coming to consciousness without pain. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.
He's a poster on 8 pol
Still salty about moot being a dick and a cuck
Are you denying that he is?
Yeeowww by damn; dem digits.
Also, we're all fucking salty about Moot's utter faggotry.
And this is why we Trump, who in all honesty is neither.
Where is the real one?
You're obviously a Chink
Most westerners have no clue it's the year of the Ching Chong Siur Chicken
A cup of coffee made whit red bull and sweetened whit cocaine.
Yes, Trump still seems as an exception... Still after first 10 days... Let's see...
>this jealous
he has already done enough in a week to be worth the vote. stfu faggot.
holy shit this confirms
Ben "Stockholm Syndrome" Garrison.
Bogdanof will be next.
He's been lurking for at least a couple years now. He used to hate us, but no one can resist the red pill
I thought Sup Forums hated Star Trek.
>newfags don't know Based B is the resident painter of pol
Is this the same Ben Garrison who said we can never "betray Israel?"
Fighting the red pill is becoming one.
I learned that the hard way.
woke my guests laughing.
quality shitposting
This is great.
BG keeps hitting 'em out of the park.
>that mexican piece with the sombrero
>I thought Sup Forums hated Star Trek.
No, Sup Forums loves star trek, because it is a post scarcity meritocracy.
Not a chink... About year of rooster I've learned from Google banner, but just today surprised by mention in TV news, that previous year was a year of Ape... What a wonderful correspondence...
Some time ago in November, CNN posted some rooster (see image) saying it looks like Trump. Someone noted, that if they depicted a similitude with Obama, they would be called racist...
So this is, when I've first seen a combination of rooster and monkey with these two, and was very probably unintentional, but very suitable...
Can we see the unedited version?
Technocracy, really.
It's absolutely real. Ben has overdosed on redpills.
what did he mean by this?
>the two elephant pieces where the neocon cucks are
Ben took too many redpills, he's become out of control
And this was noted beside, with a note, that if balanced with another animal similitude, it would not be very "correct" ...
(pitty I've not got the twitter page)
> Ben Garrison
>Goldman Sachs
Isn't there someone big from Goldman involved with Trump? They must be ok now, I guess.
I'm curious what that faggot has to say now after the year we just had
Ben "Make Genocide Great Again" Garrison
Is swallowing the red pill the most painful thing a person can do? The view you have of the world literally shattered for real hard facts.
newfag detected
At least their temples are getting closed down.
Goldman-Sachs was a good target during the primaries because Kasich had ties to them.
Mnuchin does still seem like a piece of shit, I remember seeing an article the other day about him being against Trump's Fed auditing stance
Bannon, I don't know about. Still haven't seen a single article on what his goal is going to be during the Presidency
Your call for edited """unedited""" version is ridiculous...
(Originals are often better than the Sup Forums deceptions...)
>Technocracy, really.
No, it's a meritocracy.... it's not ruled by the technological elite...
We all know what Bannon's job will be once the FEMA camps are open for business.
Trump: These linear, three-dimensional geopolitics bore me. Let's play non-linear, four-dimensional geopolitics.
Nieto: I don't even know where to put the pieces.
Trump: Don't you mean WHEN?
Mexico is in league with the incubators. That's what.
>Stockholm Syndrome
Ironic coming from the country that's literally been held hostage by cartels for half a century.
A lot of the time Ben names a specific group or person who happens to be jewish, without making the connection to jews. Thats all the "Unedited" versions do.
Some are whinning about "secure borders" with #MuslimBan...
But The People knew this in advance and elected precisely for that..
It seems, like:
The "Democrats" accept The Democracy, only if they win...
Because "Democrats" is one of anti-Labels, meaning very opposite of what it seems... Same as "liberals" are first, who CONSTRAIN freedom of speech, if it hurts their feelings... Again "liberals" is anti-Label and actual content is just opposite of the label...
Same "planned parenthood" is about "unplanned" and "destroying parenthood" so """anti-parenthood""" ...
Same "diversity" is about "destroying diversity" by mixing all together... (Diversity is difference and is best preserved by isolation or abhoring)
Same ... ... many others...
What does the shoe represent?
This one was specially appealing
in before China-Mexico alliance
ALL the redpills. People are taking them rectally.
Considering that America is allied to the entire world, beggars can't be choosers.
$hillary's shoe fell off on 9/11
The time her shoe fell off at the 9/11 memorial.
And this one is about that (((Diversity))), which actually is anti-Diversity...
I didn't think about the shoe before, didn't even notice it... You're a good observer...
Don't know, but the shoe is woman and may be somehow related to the crocodile ... ? Or some woman was really in hurry on that path...
Right here
>Mexico is the brown pieces.
The destruction of language.
Orwell predictions come to fruition.
>Ficke Ficke!
Does Ben keep Sup Forums open while he is drawing the cartoons?
>diversity shooting themselves in the hull
I exhaled harder than usual.
Clinton basically passed out at a """rally""" on 9/11, and as SS dragged her body into a van, she ended up losing one of her shoes
I like it, but it's not a real Garrison.
And this one...
Many are really good...
top kek
WW3 in our backyard thanks Trump