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Canada should intervene and take California
Nah dude, it's the left rioting, if anything we on the right have more armed to the teeth, violent crazies than those rioting fucks, don't worry about it my guy
If California secedes we may see a civil war.
>civil unrests in every fucking state
>all lefters united as one
where are the fucking right wingers? are they all afraid? just changed their mind like "i had mistake..trump was a mistake" ?
man...it's frustrating
>"where are the fucking right wingers?"
at work, most likely. Living in the country or the suburbs, and not in an urban, liberal shithole where all these protests happen
Are you dumb? If they keep this up more battle ground states will flip red.
Not a full on conventional war, but there will definitely be a shadow war between extremist groups on both sides à la The Troubles in Northern Ireland
Who cares if they protest? If they start damaging your property, shoot them. They are unarmed.
Yes, Trump will be ousted by congress but refuse to leave. He will have to be removed by force while he calls for factions of the military and his rural and suburban supporters for backup . This is when a minor "civil war" will happen.
Trust me I'm a seer. This vision was one of the clearest I've had lately
Calm down pussy
trump has LEO & Military support.
plus, Lib fags cower at the sight of guns.
>mfw most protesters are in big, liberal cities anyways... fucking suicidally altruistic spoiled bratz
All these protesters are just using this as a excuse so they don`t have to work.
Meh they'll give up in a week. Trump will fulfill the rest of his promises in the next week. He could even resign after that since his job would be done.
Maybe if Trump stops acting like a King and issuing decrees and starts being bipartisan we won't see massive revolt to his regime.
> Trust me i'm a faggot.
>so they don`t have to work.
I thought Trump ended unemployment user?
It's not grassroots or spontaneous, it's Soros-funded. Soros won't live four years, I doubt he will be active in four months
>see Kent state
>all lefters united as one
They can't even get their chants right without yelling over each other and hoping hivemind takes over. All these protests are just different groups trying to further their own agendas with no overall goal to the protest
>Military support
Marine here, would side with the liberals
we have jobs.
They'll run out of stamina before Trump and his supporters do.
they'll smoke weed until they forget about it in a few months, dont worry
Soros will be out of money in four years of this shit.
They have work but they won`t go since they have a duty to protest.
Anarchist teenagers, tumblrinas, women, and minorities
what a fucking opponent
its like a puppy trying to attack a dormant, cucked rottweiler
and now that the rottweiler has a new master, police is going to beat the ever living fuck out of those scum, and they'll be pepper sprayed in the eyes and jailed before they can even get to post an official decleration of war on Tumblr.
im ready to get drafted and to fuck up some californians
>where are the fucking right wingers?
not giving a shit
They aren't going anywhere.
Ayy checked
>bear arms
Hi . I too see into the future,
Iv seen you been gang raped by a bunch of niggas . Sorry to bring you the bad news
On the other hand , you cheer a group of black man up , so it's swings and roundabouts
Stolen valor isn't a crime, but you're pretty disgusting nonetheless
>marine here
will you see if can have a cute 5'9-5'11 girlfriend who loves me, who is funny, and not a promiscous slut like the rest of the girls in my city are.
Golly this post concerns me. I'm #withher now.
>we have jobs.
Working on the weekend? Better not let your boss see you posing here...
I hate my fucking country
I hate my fucking country
I hate my damn country
If only $8,000 was enough money to leave America i'd move somewhere else. Trapped here for three more fucking years...
If they protest like this for four years, they'll be in the same spot they were before. Jobless and in debt.
Eventually the Bernbots of Shllary mob will do a terrible false flag, or a radical Dem supporter will go postal. People will probably die. It is inevitable.
What a time to be alive.
We can't take any more cucks. We're 97.62% cucks already.
All it is going to take is one attack to launch either side over the edge.
Be ready because once it happens it will spread over social media and the kike yiddish (((media))) like wildfire.
Keep your battle rifle and combat loadout at the ready and brace for all out warfare.
Please pay attention who funds the Calexit.
See who are buying the properties all over the California.
See old military base in Long Beach. Foreigners are using the old military base.
This is serious
This is not a joke
Yeah you eventually find her, but she's really kind of plain looking. a Solid 6/10 but you'll be happy.
I hope so.
There is nothing better in life than to kill your enemies, to take them off-guard and without warning, to listen to them pray to their god and beg for their mother, and to be there at your dying enemy's side when neither one comes.
You could just kill yourself, faggot.
California has a bigger population and economy than Canada, get fucked.
>working for CTR after it has packed up and gone home
>working for free
He's undoing President "I Won" decrees. Maybe Obama should have thought about that.
Please don't come to Europe. You're exactly the kind of immigrant no ones wants.
And btw, you'll never get to live in a developed Asian country.
lel. libs have been just itching to get back on the protesting train. They absolutely love to protest, but since they had obama for 8 years they really didn't have a reason. Now that the president has an R after is name there will be protests daily for the next 4-8 years. hopefully we get some more memes out of these pussies
They lose interest when they run out of monthly gibmedats. In fact, Trump should cancel all gibmedats while hes at it, then you could just watch the left starve to death. Problem solved, under budget and ahead of schedule
You can hang yourself if you hate living here so much.
Protesting against Trump is protesting against democracy.
civil war with a bunch of shitbacks, cucks and faggots.
If the Calexit goes through then yes, most likely we'll see some sort of military intervention. I wouldn't classify it as a war, but I could see it going like this:
>lefties vote in 2018 for Calexit
>win by 60%
>conservatives flee
>military is either withdrawn entirely or put on high alert
>police would more than likely leave too
>US decides it's too risky geopolitically to have a huge portion of the west coast unstable
>could make opening for Chinese or UN intervention in Cali due to water issues or social unrest
>US sweeps in before that could happen, mopping the floor with Cali crybabies
>forced back into the union, leftists across the entire country triggered that US would 'fight and slaughter its own people' in Cali
>entire country becomes powder-keg
Honestly there are a ton of scenarios, but I doubt California could become sovereign without foreign aid. They'd be willing to cozy up to random commie countries to do it. China probably couldn't resist.
They'll protest so hard, by the end of it they will be so low energy. Stay calm, all is according to plan.
Im prepared to dodge pink crochet hats and half filled starbucks cups for our cause. Bring it on.
I dont work on the weekend, but in my spare time, I dont go write on a 2x5 piece of paper, stand outside somewhere chanting shit that will do literally nothing.
Someone needs to take out Soros and his son.
95% of these 'protests' will disappear.
Why don't you illegally immigrate into Mexico or Canada?
If Trump doesn't crack down hard on the left, then yes the situation will escalate into a civil war.
>California separatist militia armed with bullet button ar's and low cap mags
thanks. I really am appreciative of you, but I have to ask will she have a good heart. That's the biggest thing I am looking for in a girl.
Roach, all the right wingers are smiling at work. All the protests are happening because lefties dont have fucking jobs to be at
Can we expel all the califags first ?
People have moved with less money faggot. Apply yourself
I really hope so. Pls Drumpf, please Antifa, wait until next Friday, I gotta buy more ammo
It's people yelling on the street, how is that a civil war?
Digits of truth. When will libs learn.
Don't worry we won't miss your pog ass when we're out smashing retarded libs
They just have enough energy and ressources from soros right now. After draining the swamp there will be no ressources, no immigrants, no idiots left and the rest have to actually work again or go back to their own country.
in the white house? working within the system? being civilized adults instead of emotional kneejerking to propagandized bullshit?
>. All these protests are just different groups trying to further their own agendas with no overall goal to the protest
I wish I was near the HWDNU camera. I'd go along and start a Black Lives Matter chant and railroad them
If they kept doing HWNDU I'd call them racists until they submitted or took the red pill
Right. All the left has to fight with are bongs and dildos.
>Cali seceeds from the union
>navy leaves port and forms blockade
>army forms a perimeter around the border.
>Republic farmers and shit in cali don't cooperate
>no more water piped in from out of state
>Cali in perpetual lock down
>no water, no food, nogs begin rioting.
>Based Roof Koreans hold their ground.
>After everything settles down the army strolls in and hangs the traitors
10/10 good end
>implying militia types don't have high cap mags stashed
>implying bullet buttons are permanent or hard to deal with
Let's put some limits on the student visas coming in from China. I'm tired of my college campus looking like Beijing. They don't integrate socially, they cheat off each other, and they plagiarize American's research.
Any serious Trump supporters need to get the ball rolling on this, cause China is stealing our future from the inside. They even fly over here to give birth so their kids have citizenship and in-state tuition!
Something big is about to happening.i feel a shitstorm approaching
Good.I will come to fight for my ameribros and annihilate the libetards
The Emperor Protects
That's pretty much how it will go, but keep in mind there are still a ton of libs around the country. Let's just hope there is an unsustainable mass immigration of libs from around the US so they are all in one place at one time, otherwise the social unrest will pour over into the other states.
of course
الكافر البن شرموطة
Do you think a civil war starts with both sides lining up all their tanks and artillery opposite each other in a big open field?
Kek knows what he's doing
Underrated kek