So this is it.
I can't fucking believe American society is about to be nuked out of existance because of some fucking idiot tv star who was voted into office by some neckbearded faggots posting on an anime image board.
Is this what you wanted Sup Forums?
China 'deploys long-range nuclear-capable missiles' in response to Trump
would shitpost him into the white house again
Every missile is "nuclear-capable". A ballpoint pen is "nuclear-capable".
The day China nukes us is the day China ceases to exist because we have better Intel and nuclear capabilities and nuke them first.
China won't destroy their best customers
usa should not mess with technologically superior china
Honestly can say it was not nice knowing you cunts, hope you burn in hell faggots
Next time don't elect a guy who is friends with your enemies.
Can we meme China and all its people out of existence?
The jews must have cut a deal with the chinks.
Trump needs to start rounding up ashkenazi jews and killing them.
yeah because thats exaclty whats going to happen.
youre more likely to be raped by mohammed that the chinks launching nukes
this is absolute gold and should be posted whenever anybody starts talking about nukes
Yup , I wanted the end and chaos , it's almost here , CAN YOU SMELL IT , FEEL IT , TASTE IT IN THE AIR user
Chinese are in a dick size competition. They know they can't beat the American luscious and majestic like a wild mustang dick so they are trying to compensate their tiny dicks that reek of plastic so they have put forward their nuclear weapons.
I don't know getting nuked is bad... But getting nuked by a ICBM that has 'made in China' stamped on is worse if of course it doesn't disintegrate in orbit.
Pretty sure Russia is their best customers.
>Lets start a nuclear holocaust after a week of Trump being the president
Only liberals would be scared by this. Grow some balls or defect tou faggots
Don't worry, Trump has Israel on his side!
Let's fuck up some poo poo ping pings boys!
>Is this what you wanted Sup Forums?
Yes. I've been waiting for this moment for a long time.
Shut it down.
If most of their ICBMs are Russian copies then yes, they're likely to hit us. Trump doing away the TPP gave them more power too and since most of "US manufacturing" occurs in China anyways they can outpace us in production.
Yes, I fucking hate the Chinese. Let's go at it finally. It's what they want right?
USSR/Russia never gave them any blueprints their missiles are fully domestically made. Second TPP sucked ass and you burgers certainly didn't need it good job of getting rid of it. Third Chinks are reaching a critical point with their runaway economy so expect a huge financial crisis in the coming years when they crash it, that will hurt the world severely but will bring some of your manufacturing back.
>have Trump waging war against China
>elect him to office
>he starts to troll chinks
>they are calling his bluff
>we're getting close to WWIII, although Hillary is not in Oral Office
>it was jews
How many Russian Typhoons have you stolen this week, Marko?
>Oral Office
What did Igor mean by this?
China men are truly assholes. Why would they just nuke a bunch of fish because of some tweets?
Our military is the strongest in the world if we were to be attacked by a third world country! We don't need submarines they are for the weak! Our glorious speedboat sinks frigates!
>A ballpoint pen is "nuclear-capable".
WRONG! See en.wikipedia.org
Please keep quiet if you don't know what you're talking about.
Yes and oh fuck the hell yes.
Estonia and Latvia are coming to get you. They have the power of the Finnish Navy behind them.
Found the chinamin. Hotpot slurping motherfucker
>not knowing about Oral Office
who the hell is Igor?
By the way, you guys would like to take credit, but Assange could easily take the most credit. After the emails no one trusted Hillary. Also 90% of his voters are people that vote repub no matter what. What flipped is the rust belt thinking he would help them more than Hillary. Sup Forums just happened to latch onto the right candidate from the beginning.
Have fun with your muzzies you limey fuck
Nice try Chubatovsky Vaisman but not good enough you need a PhD in shit memes.
Sup Forums's greatest prank was not getting Trump elected, it was ending the world.
why is China pissed with Trump anyway?
Big fucking thing. Even France has more nukes than China. So what they would destroy 1 or two cities before the Anglo-Franco-American-Russian alliance throws china back to the Stone Age.
KEK (pbuh) is an avatar of chaos, he is never really on your side.
If you're an American and unironically scared of any other country's military power, you need to revoke your citizenship.
Recognized that country that must not be named
the chinese economy will not crash but gtp growth rate will slowly decrease, and manufacturing will never return.
>Chink robs burger
>Chink manipulates currency
>Chink steals jobs
>Chink makes bad quality goods
>Chink want's more land
And etc.
Trump just called out the chinks for being what they actually are tiny dick jews. So they are pissed at him.
If you weren't from the Donald, you'd know that was the plan all along
Why do you think kek is a CHAOS god? Why do you think winter chan was literally dark magic?
Why do you think we love happenings
All this seems like everyone getting mad at the kid who doesn't want to be pushed around anymore because they can't abuse him anymore.
ooooh no not China I'm reary scared
Fake news. China has always targeted the USA and our allies, the Russians
China would last 7 days of war with the USA or Russia. The famine that would follow would be grevious. China is a paper tiger if they can't use their 200 million man army. Cut their supply lines and they are finished. If they are stupid enough to launch their old dilapidated misses at us most would be hit before they cleared their silo.
China just needs to do what the White man tells them and they will be OK.
Russia would blitzkrieg Europe the moment China tried something against the US
Here is a leak of a experimental Chinese super weapon. Looks deadly.
Oh no not Chinese missles that would wipe out California at the most. Dear god the horror.
>China would last 7 days of war with the USA or Russia
i just would like to not try it IRL, k?
Burn in economic hell, you former empire turned future beggar.
Also Winston Churchill's finest achievement is that he looks like Alfred Hitchcock.
>China now resorting to North Korea tier tantrums and flexing because they know their time is up
Rest in shit chinks.
>Is this what you wanted Sup Forums?
World War III? Not worth it? Where do you think you are?
Learn what an ohio class SSBN is retard
>there will be a us and russia vs china war in your lifetime
>yfw china is completely destroyed and the only missiles that gut through to the us hit major west coast cities that are liberal strongholds
fuck off you slant eyed chink.
this is how these savage soulless bug people operate
Burgers have some plasma weapons that they have stolen from ayy lmao's crash site stashed somewhere.
>China is desperate
>Start launching all of their nukes
>Asia is destroyed
>Their last few nukes are aimed at Los Angeles
Trump just saved the world
>The belly of the dragon will drop water
>The bear will leave its cave forever
Fallout is looking more and more like a reality.
Im starting to built my shelter
*Plank plank* yes gotta put this asbestos roof in here,I will be the least likely target *plank plank*
Someone needs to get Bogdanoff to make the call.
Day of the rake when?
usa would defeat china like they defeated vietnam
>Also Winston Churchill's finest achievement is that he looks like Alfred Hitchcock.
Top fucking kek burger bro.
I love how they try to play up this huge threat of China when they currently only field single type of mobile missile that can strike the continental US. They have less than 100 DF-31A's in service currently and they are a very large road mobile MRBM. Otherwise China can field a whole buttload of SRBM's and menace folks within a couple hundred miles of them but no further.
Hell their main nuclear deterrent is launched using a launcher that is about as sophisticated at the Titan-I of the 1960's and has a response time of nearly an hour from order to launch and it has to be fired out in the open.
Are you legit this retarded?
Thats fake news, as explained in this handy CIA propaganda release.
Confirmed! also China will be sprayed with agent orange.
kek. what a reactionary faggot. go gargle some jizz cuck
kekekekekek if China nuked the West Coast I would never stop cheering
Pretty good move from China.
And our government can't do anything about it.
China would be so utterly fucked in every way if they attacked America. Would never happen. Their manufacturing economy is too dependent on US consumption and we would stop buying anything Chinese overnight. Mexico would probably get rich if that happened
If previous analysis is true then nearly all Chinese ICBM's are actually aimed at West Coast population centers in a hypothetical second strike scenario. They know they can't possibly hope to eliminate US command and control structures or launch facilities with their low warhead count so they intend to shit in our shoes so to speak.
I'm okay with that, now fuck off
We may need to unironically because the chinks are investing in leaf real estate before their economy collapses
Don't worry, our new bro Putin has our back. Get ready for Rape of Nanjing 2: Electric Boogaloo.
every second of it, my American friend
somebody call the bogdanoff brothers , they have to put a stop to this madness.
>been enemies for almost a century
You cucks would lose internet access and would have to rely on already downloaded hentai porn. You aint about that life.
Dude ruskies know that chinks will betray them instantly when the moment arises. They will gladly team up with USA. Burger and Bortsch combination might not be tasty but at least it is powerful.
>30 nuclear weapons
>most can be shot down
>retaliation would leave china a smoldering radioactive crater
we know this, they know this, the russians know this
its saber rattling and thats it
>inb4 muh prototypes
they are untested prototypes
No, we were enemies with the commies. But before that we were allies. We teamed up to take down the axis. Well now well team up to take down the chinks.
We will never be nuked unless we nuke ourselves somehow. Our country is fifty steps ahead of any country ever launching a nuke. IF they managed to launch a nuclear missile, we'd literally turn the missile around and detonate it on the country that launched it.
fairytale fantasy.
russia will never be friends with the US.
Let's see.
Praise Kek
Oh no! Now all the poorly made disposable trinkets I buy will be more expensive!
Says the Country that got BTFO not once but twice by US and Russia in two world wars they started.
America did it to themselves
Come to Canada, friend. You'll be safe here
Ahmed you need to write country name with a capital letter. Didn't your English teacher teach you that? Or did you rape her?