That's right Drumfies, the muslim ban is nothing more than to hide the fact that Drumpf has delivered NONE of his promises.
That's right Drumfies...
Literally his only promises were the wall, muslim ban and jobs, all of which he has started to bring back.
Didn't think the lying could get worse, but on the other hand, who would have thought the winning would be so big?
Oh well if AlJazeera is telling us this then it must be true. I normally get all of my facts from the Jewish media but the Muslim media should be much more trustworthy I guess. Especially in regards to anti-Muslim policies.
Good thread OP thanks for sharing this vital, accurate information.
>Trump his keeping his promises to distract from the promises he's not keeping.
You wot.
Good to get my news from Al Qaeda
>wall being built
>mudslimes being kicked out
>illegals being kicked out
>stopping abortion
>getting out of the TPP
>getting out of the UN
wew yeah he hasnt delivered anything so far, silly me
You know I'd actually give Aljeezera credit for not following suit and not immediately jumping on the hype train. Unfortunately they said the one thing that actually an immediate lie. Hell the Immigration ban, The wall, The lobbyist vote. Trumps done more to fulfill his campaign promises then probably any other president in recent memory.
Either Aljeezera is so riled by the ban they can't make a coherent news article or trump is such a polynomial water-polo world champion and isn't actually doing what he says hes doing while he does them.
>He's distracting you from his campaign promises by delivering his campaign promise!!
This media is cancerous
But this was literally one of his promises.
> promises that he won't be keeping
You mean like the ones he made to ban Muslim immigration, and the one about building the wall?
>An unbiased source on this shit
Fuckin' lol.
>1 post by this id
Abandon thread, op won't even try and defend his post. No point arguing with yourself
so how is that wall coming?
> do a thing he promised so that he doesn't have to do other stuff he promised
So I if he started off with something else like lifting sanctions on Russia would ((((they)))) be saying that he did so to distract supporters that he won't implement the Muslim ban
They're furious that they'll have to find more creative ways of planting sleeper cells in America. Their "refugee" plan isn't working as well as they thought in America.
Unfortunately it means we (Canada) will be getting even more terrorists, who will then try to cross into America from Canada. It's going to fuck our border, which is pretty chill right now.
To be honest family member, I find RT is the most reliable source these days. BBC and Reuters used to be fairly reliable, but they're now so fucking cucked and Jewish it's almost unbelievable.
1. There's still no wall
2. ISIS still exists
3. Obamacare still stands
4. Hillary is not locked up
5. Swamp NOT drained
What now Pmurtkins?
all they have to do now is set up a good cover story about being persecuted christians, we've announced they're getting priority.
>the phone call that saved Western Civilization
WASHINGTON, Jan 29 (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia's King Salman, in a phone call on Sunday with U.S. President Donald Trump, agreed to support safe zones in Syria and Yemen, a White House statement said.
Trump, during his presidential campaign last year, had called for Gulf states to pay for establishing safe zones to protect Syrian refugees.
A statement after their phone call said the two leaders agreed on the importance of strengthening joint efforts to fight the spread of Islamic State militants.
"The president requested and the King agreed to support safe zones in Syria and Yemen, as well as supporting other ideas to help the many refugees who are displaced by the ongoing conflicts," the statement said.
They also agreed on the need to address "Iran's destabilizing regional activities," the statement said.
It said the two also discussed what it called an invitation from the king for Trump "to lead a Middle East effort to defeat terrorism and to help build a new future, economically and socially," for Saudi Arabia and the region.
Like the muslim ban?
>saved 1000 American jobs at Carrier A/C within a week of being elected
>in December, convinced Ford Motor Co. to build auto plant in US instead of Mexico, creating 700 new American jobs
>First week in office, signs orders to BUILD WALL, repeal Obamacare, ban foreign hostiles, create 3000 new Border Patrol jobs, triple size of ICE, bans elected officials from becoming lobbyists, establishes SAFE ZONES for REFUGEES
Fuck OP, what campaign promise HASN'T he fulfilled yet? The man is a powerhouse.
>Delivered none of his promises
>Ford isn't moving factories to Mexico, which means American jobs won't be lost
>Carrier isn't moving factories to Mexico, Jobs won't be lost
>TPP dead forever now, with no sign of any similar alphabet bill coming up
>Islamic terror will actually be dealt with
>Wall will be built
>Liberals salty
He did more in barely a week than Obama could have ever hoped in 8 years
Damn, I actually liked Al Jazeera too.
Oh well, guess I'll be watching Breitbart from now on.
Is he actually putting through the papers to repeal Obamacare? Will he actually be able to get rid of it? That would be fucking AMAZING to be honest famalam. I have some American friends who were royally fucked by it, their premiums jumped like 250% because of it.
He needs to get on that shit ASAP, and do something that would make re-instituting it impossible/unfeasible for any future cuck president that might try to reverse his actions.
Eight Years
>affordable care
>premiums jumped up
Uh no they didn't bigot shitlord, it's called the *AFFORDABLE* care act? Everyone now has AFFORDABLE healthcare thanks to Obama and the only people complaining are racist nazi republicans!!!111
>implying the ban wasn't one of his core promises
Why are there so many libtards on pol now making cancerous threads like these?
You know a term is 4 years, right? If the Jewish media works really hard, they could burn his chances at a re-election. Now is the most crucial time for him, he can't ride on built-in advantages like Obama did (being a nigger, not being Mitt Romney, etc.)
The sooner he implements some of his policies, the sooner they can begin to measure the results. Having clear, measured results are the best way to maintain voters AND get new voters.
Hilldog will probably be dead by 2020, so it's anyone's guess who the Dems will throw up as their next poster child. Bernie won't be given a second chance, but I feel that their next candidate will DEFINITELY be a woman, and POSSIBLY a minority too.
>we will witness the first ever ~latina presidential candidate~
It's how we will defeat Drumpf.
You're all taking your eyes off the ball: It's about subversion. The long con.
Fuck user, he has Been in the power just one week. Rome was not built in one day.
This is the cheapest bait I have seen on Sup Forums in over seven years. It wasn't even this cheap during the primaries. Go back to Kikebook, faggot.
The "!!!111" gave it away as a troll post.
Hes literally following his promises even leftists are beginning to realize it
I'm a rank amateur desu
Good luck. People by the day are growing more aware of your bullshit. Trump and Brexit alone are the signs of that.
I'm not american but I you have to keep on him like a hawkto make sure he delivers on everything
dat as*
Not shure what to do with this yet but I had to....
bretty funny tweet desu
>drain the swamp
>appoint bankers to cabinet
>lock her up
>not a peep
>mexico pays
>taxpayers pay
Too bad Trevor is an insufferably irritating nigger. He's like Piers Morgan - self-righteous shitlord from some unknown corner of the media, and something which no one even asked for.
>accent: check
>textbook leftist views: check
>smug sense of superiority: check
>complete lack of skill: check
>total cuck faggot windbag: check
Not sure how long ComedyCentral can keep him going, I've heard from lefties that even they don't find him entertaining - it's basically just like watching a really light version of the nightly news.
>fulfills 3 promises a day for entire 1st week
>not fulfilling any promises