Why do Americans hate Mexico so much?
Why do Americans hate Mexico so much?
That's the flag of the Kingdom of Italy
Aren't illegal immigrants breaking the law, therefore makings them criminals, so the liberals are defending criminals.
Have them as your neighbor and you would understand as well
That's the flag of the Kingdom of Italy
They shit up streets, crime, drugs, gangs illegals of course those who immigrated legally did nothing wrong, what I'm slightly worried about is black % of population increasing.
Im mexican and I hate other mexicans. They are rude loud short brown and ugly and speak a stupid language. I get shit from my family for speaking proper english. I married a white chick and have half white kid now whos white passing, lets hope he gets a white wife as well and successfully breeds out the shit genes
We need to bring in more of eastern Europe as a buffer, I would rather have east europe next to me rather than Africa.
You really don't understand just how bad the average eastern european immigrant is. It isn't the middle class that's leaving.
actually 16% black population is not that big of an issue rather than 12%
I don't care, we will take them all.
not an argument
No you dont understand. Its the ghetto black trash thats having 4+ kids who they themelves have 4+ kids when they grow up. There trashy, they rob and kill and contribute nothing, then my taxes raise so I can feed those little chimps
Whites will integrate within a generation and be fine. Plus it would be funny watching Yuris beating the shit out of Tyrone. Most niggers in big cities know not to fuck with guys with Russian accents.
The heir(s) to the throne. Where are they now?
Mexico speaks a shit-tier language
>blacks increasing in number by 30% won't affect anyone
But you have demonstrated that you are a retard and therefore an argument is not needed.
I love Ireland. Thanks for this rare irish flag