What is your opinion on Stormfront? Do you have an account there?
What is your opinion on Stormfront? Do you have an account there?
It's a site for old people
What makes you think that?
Just made one yesterday, its ok
How much is it, 5 dollars per month?
Stormfront is pretty easy to summarize in three short letters: DNA.
i have 10 accts and make threads to talk to myself
I thought it would be free.
not a honeypot at all come join us over at stormfront.cia
If you don't say anything stupid, you have nothing to worry about I'm sure
>the slightest hint of being unironic
Those letters aren't very short.
They look pretty average to me
I'm pretty confident that SF is data mined more than Sup Forums
It's just one letter you can't get much shorter than that.
It's been around forever. Probably honey pot as fuck. There have been numerous (((articles))) on it.
Never been there. Not a fan of having to register
Because white nationalists today go to the daily stormer
Any modern nazi community is likely to be honeypot tier. Not to say that there aren't any non honey-pot nazi communities left.
I think a lot of people who would have been nazis in 1930s germany prefer to go by different labels nowadays.
Its free.
The Daily Stormer looks really juvenile and shitty. It doesn't even seem to take WN seriously, it's just for Sup Forums edgelords.
Bunch of insecure white trash with small dicks
Goes to show how doomed the west is.
>muh dick
What makes you say that?
I didn't even know that this whole time
Eh, it's good, stalked there afew times, don't have an account, tho is abit of a NatSoc echo-chamber.
It isn't strictly NatSoc, though. The founder of SF is a big fan of Ron Paul.
I like it. Its better than here. Less memes and no Sup Forums btfo.
I know my Aussie Cousins friend comes on here and makes Sup Forums btfo threads. He's a complete autist and probably one of the ugliest kids I have seen.
>muh dick
went to stormfront to troll, got banned for saying nigger. Sup Forums is less censored than stormfront.
The Klan costs $20 bucks to join
Goddamn white robed Jews
It seems to take White Nationalism seriously, while Sup Forums and the Daily Stormer are filled with degenerates who probably fuck Asian and Latina hookers.
What does the National Dyslexic Association have to do with Stormfront?
I'm aware. But I think it's good that you can't use racial slurs, it looks more serious and professional.
Ironic coming from a Frenchmen, but he's right.
They're Stormfaggots and every civilized person makes fun of them. Jewish pawns at the most.
>went to stormfront to troll, got banned
Sounds like the moderation worked.
Yeah. That's the only problem. There are some skin heads on there. Im not a white supremacist, seems like everyone there is though. I just think a lot of religions are lower than others and base my likings on people over there religion.
I really hate skin heads/neo-nazis and I'm sure they browse storm front the most
Yes, it is a white supremacist website.
Guess being an autistic Sup Forumslack NotSoc I gravitated to those pages, never really looked much tho, like I said, it seemed pretty decent to me.
Is a Sup Forums without memes, better discussion, anti-Jewish (Sup Forums is very pro-Jews compare to Stormfront) and they don't do "divide and conquer" like they do here.
And yellow fever autism isn't tolerated there.
Plus it's less neckbeardy.
An Argentinian Nazi, how does that work?
That place is an FBI honeypot. They most likely have infiltrated that site like they did with the Bundy's.
Many Argentinians are white.
mostly democrats LARPing trying to create Dylan Roofs to give the democrats political ammo
Too autistic for me. Some guy posted that his soul was impure because he sleep with some mestizas in the Argentinian forum
Its a fucking hivemind site at least here shitposting is fun
The Daily Stormer gives me that vibe more so
Also I don't know how anyone here takes him seriously. There's a video of him walking around a mall with his possibly underage Filipina girlfriend, he claims it's 10 years old but it looks much more recent than that.
>An Argentinian Nazi, how does that work?
That's exactly the kind of "divide and conquer" meme that is not tolerated in Stormfront.
Wich prove wich website really care about the White Proud and who is just memeing
Yeah that's stupid. I don't think the average poster thinks like that, though.
Also, the Daily Stormer looks so dumb with Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump as a banner.
At first glance I thought it was a site for old Republicans.