Frau Merkel wants to destroy this
what an ugly language
the state shoud buy eggs of good looking women and clone them
Is she perfection?
Aryan princess to say at least.
It would be a shame if she didn't breed with alpha aryan male.
Let's hope for the best.
>It would be a shame if she didn't breed with alpha aryan male.
I volunteer myself
reminder she got BLACKED once
look it up
i'd love to see her father's face when he learns of all the african semen that was dispensed deep into her womb
She has fucked and sucked black cock
We need a pic, user.
Mfw even Norway isn't safe from nigus.
We'll need a source, preferably in video format.
She has an alien looking boyfriend, but he has a good jawline
I want to destroy that if y'namsayin?
>an alien looking
Could it be?
oooohh.. i'd love to have some flettemette with this princess... look at those fingers
Can I get a quick rundown on these guys?
Say no more, familia.
She has been blacked already
I can feel my chin growing.
Sweden =/= Norway.
She's from Norway, though.
How much migrant cock do you think she has taken?
I'm guessing at least 1 every weekend
"Frau" is such a sexy word
Like I want to be whipped while being forced to say it
(By a woman)
Hang yourself and quit trolling. One of you faggots posts shit like this no matter what, every time there's a blonde white women posted on here.
Fuck off.
Can anyone give me a quick rundown on Merkel?
>No kids
To the trash she goes.
Worship her.
It's basically Swedish spoken as if by children, it's qt.
why are you lying?
I'd destroy it with my ugly micropenis if you catch my drift
>/sci/ meme
The same board that calls engineers faggots? I don't think so, nigger.
engineeringfag detected
Electrical engineer fyi.
Kill yourself.
> Speaking Vikamål when you're from Ringerike
in germany it used to be custome to get whipped by a frau with a wet sellery
Germanistan is already dead son
>tfw no German Frau to harshly scold me in German.
Not blacked but certainly Alberto Barberossed
Do you think she'd ever marry a 5'9 6" penis who can only speak English?
Asking for a friend
You gave quite a nostalgia trip.
Michelle and her celery, though.
what does this mean?
>the state
typical commie spanish nigger
I understood she has a lot "problyeem", but being ugly isn't one of them.
exactly ^^
I guess normie Norwegians try and speak the dialect of the capital city even though they don't live there.
Just like Swedish normies do in Sweden.
But maybe now Sup Forums will have a new goddess to fap to, other than some blacked whore, or dyke sjws
She speaking like she lives around the Oslo Fjord (Vikamål) when she is from Honefoss in Ringerike so she should be speaking Ringeriksmål. Subconsciously trying to be fancy instead most likely.
better than not getting those eggs at all
You're forgetting about mommy.
>Aryan Princess
But I understod literally 100% of every word she said, this isn't always true when Norwegians speak.
Vikamål is obviously the superior dialect
>implying she's not
Merkel is sick and Erdogan enjoys her german fat ass
How to into norsk?
Is Bokmal good or am I wasting my time?
What is the difference?
She got a task to find a problem. She could not find one except not being able to leave her boyfriend alone while watching football.
No outside of oslo most people look at the dialect with disdain. It is concidered childish to talk like that of you are not from oslo.
merkel doesnt want to she has no choice. you see the powers that be want to make a example of white power groups. they will have no place to hide. it doesnt matter who wins any election
there was a international review of every 1st world nation and even a few developing nations. it turns out that to many big companies are or were run by white supremicist. like microsoft or valve ect ect ect
so various countries have to do specific things or shit will get real. i know what your saying innocent girls being molested is pretty fucking real. no. irish men in america turned into trannies and sold on the black markjet to argentina which has a number of actual nazis and their off spring living there buying white women/girls on the black market and then telling them years later they have been buying and fucking men in their little rape dungeons is really fucking real
they dont want a repeat some one high up in the global white supremicist groups committed suicide over that
Bokmål is fine it is the written language. Only spoken directly by somalians.
>Vikamål is obviously the superior dialect
You would understand everything even if she spoke her own dialect. Both are close to Bokmål.
You're wasting your time unnless you move here. Plz dont, the swedes has already taken all the jobs
So you write one way and talk another? wtf is up w that?
>the swedes has already taken all the jobs
You'd like me, I'm white.
Anyways atm it's just for fun. Is norwegian a good representative of the scandi languages or would I get more out of Danish/Somali?
too much boys from brazil?
source would be nice
seen this kind of talk on darkweb, but never something backed up with any good sauce.
That french and russian meme needs to die.
German is the sexiest language in the world.
Well there are two languages nynorsk (new norwegian) which is closer to the average norwegians language.
The problem is that since norway is split bu mountains we have lots of different grammar from place to place.
Nynorsk tries to balance them and make a soup. While bokmål is a danish half breed which only represents people in and around Oslo.
Norwegian is very diverse.
Trondsk: æ så eijn mannj me hanj honj i banj
Bokmål: jeg så en mann med ei bikkje i bånd
Outside of oslo it is more like singing.
"Fraulein" is sexier to me, but I hear that its use in Germany is under attack. Thanks (((feminism))).
Most people from oslo won't understand this.
Wait so sounding like singing is also a dialectal trait?
Are you guys even a country?
literally would not pull out. or would poke holes in the condom
Shit it's actually just like in Spain
Except ours are officially taught in school and they be less mutually intelligible
People outside of the light green area have no problem undrerstandig each other.
The light green is either cucked by danes or swedes.