We're being over-stimulated, which is in turn reducing our attention span and focus...

We're being over-stimulated, which is in turn reducing our attention span and focus. I believe it'll get worse as years go on.

If you were to be transported to even the 90s - pre web 2.0 and broadband internet with smart phones - life would seem more slower, and in turn you could focus on more goals and accomplish more in a day.

Productivity at a regulated workplace might be fine, but the average Westerner seems to be getting more scatterbrained outside of the workplace.

>You Now Have a Shorter Attention Span Than a Goldfish:


here's a video that brilliantly describes what I'm talking about:



How are we supposed to have successful careers, relationships, ambitions, etc. if we are having trouble focusing? It used to be just about having discipline to succeed, now a days the major hurdle before that is just paying attention and keeping focus!

Should there be a movement across the globe to re-focus ourselves with technology? Have it be taught in schools to use the internet in controlled amounts, to not being simultaneously active in too many tabs/apps at the same time, or talk to too many people at the same time. Maybe not going to to many websites under a certain time could be taught as well?

But yeah, of all these wack-ass 'movements' that are sprouting up, I think above all us we need to have a movement that brings back our level of focus to pre-1980s levels.

Other urls found in this thread:


You could argue that you're "shutting yourself out to potential knowledge" by limiting your internet activity but let's get real: How much random knowledge bullshit do you actually retain from opening your 50 tabs? The best you can hope for on average is to Bookmark it and read it later..in which you'll likely get distracted by something the next time you're trying to read it.

My grandma reads her book that she's working on every day, checks her email along with facebook, followed by some news on the TV and and some entertainment show.

That's about where we should be at, rather than reading a million different things a day. I'm not saying that you need to have facebook or get your news from the TV - you can use whatever you want that'll inspire you - but definitely regulate your information to the dosage of what an average grandma/grandpa does.

So you know, I'd shitpost on Sup Forums, check the news, watch a youtube video, read an article or so, message some people, whatever. Sounds like an average day, but I'll astronomically focus on just a few points of interest per activity, which will allow me to focus on my other goals in the day, not get distracted, and also focus more in those activities by not being too scatterbrained by them

Days when I spend on the computer go by in the blink of an eye and memories blur together, days where I actually have to do shit and run errands feel much longer and at the end you feel good

I basically have no memories of being a NEET because every day was the same thing basically

Do you ever wonder if people were happier than they are today?

Based on depression/anxiety rates and realted drug consumption, they probably were

Can't help but agree, if it wasn't for internet, social media and game addiction then I probably would've had a much better place in life then I do today.

>No vidya
>No sosha
>Better place

TFW you realize that even though life sucks now, it would be pointless to go back and 'make it worse' because you can't erase your memories of how sucky life is without the things that make it suck now. Life is pointless, nothing happens after it--we will die and be forgotten, the universe will die of heat death matter will decay and everything sucks.

Yup, same here.

The only thing is that if I did a bunch of shit in my early 20s..Knowing how fucking stupid I am in a certain way, I'd most likely have a kid or two kek

>youtube.com/watch?v=cKaWJ72x1rI [Remove]
its true

but its also partly old people being angry that they can't keep up

I can remember my life before the internet.
Not many people will ever know this feel.

Thing is, we should model ourselves on old people, like here:

does everyone's thoughts being connected through the internet lead to a more uniform global consciousness, i.e. everyone has the same pathetic thoughts i do?

> tfw you were an 80's baby and enjoyed the beauty of life pre and post invention of the web

sorry but i couldn't read the whole thing it was too long

Exactly...Companies were still able to have successful employees, you were still able to have a life and get laid and smoke weed, etc.

Pretty much, we should definitely restructure our internet to mainly use it as a tool for information.

We should structure our usage into like:

Social media (Sup Forums would go in here)

knowledge based shit

random bullshit browsing

useful tool shit

gaming shit

You know, and you can just dedicate parts of your day to do those things...Fuck, that's actually brilliant.

Yeah, so you can shitpost on Sup Forums on your lunch break, then view people's snapchats after dinner, and read your bookmarked articles and what have you before you go to bed.

Something like that, you know?

Also is anyone else fucking addicted to music on youtube?

Its just incredible, I do not own anything but a computer but I still have a more diverse music-store than the biggest actual music-store that existed on the planet had

all just with one click

I may sound like an assburger but it could go on and on and on like this
10 years ago I actually had to "search and find" my Black Sabbath bootlegs on all kinds of websites, and now its just here immediatly, with one click

I don't even wanna know what the world looks like once we actually have sex-robots

does hhuman-life would even have a point then ?

And that's the thing nigga.

I'm in the same boat as you, and have been browsing Sup Forums since 2009

But here's the thing:

When my dad was my age, he was in a band playing around Portland and getting laid while high on coke.

Like, that's the difference. This over-stimulated lifestyle is definitely decreasing the % of motivated people - and I'm a victim

People who make this shitty music are more motivated than us, and that's a problem:


Though I kinda like that song

>If you were to be transported to even the 90s - pre web 2.0 and broadband internet with smart phones - life would seem more slower, and in turn you could focus on more goals and accomplish more in a day.

The future is going to be home to a deluge of underachievers and procrastinators. It sounds doom and gloom, but look at things now. People can barely pay attention to their own entertainment without feeling under-stimulated. So unless something drastic occurs, say goodbye to thoughtful music, art, sculpture, film-making, and other things that require solitude and dedication.

Attention span so depleted I can't even sit through a movie any more.

Another point is how the "internet" world is completely free of hierarchy

You're actually able to see all these picture of the higher class people and their lives on the instagram and realise that its pretty boring just like yours
takes away your ambitions tobehonestladdies

me too man

but I can listen to some 30 minute jam session from some eccentric 60's musician all day long

I would be pretty bored and annoyed if I had to visit some concert with other people, of a musician that I don't like

Alex Jones had this rant about how you are not supposed to have fun all day, how if you look at successful people they learn skills and use all of their time constructively.
(Alex Jones' emotional rants are under-appreciated but they are actually consistently good, I would rather have his unsourced daddy play than Styx explaining logically how eating poison just makes sense and the loud objections come from fear.)

And by the way, self-discipline is going to be SOOOOOOOOOOOOO fucking important in this movement that DESPERATELY needs to be started.

Like, a minute ago I just casually texted a picture of me and my buddy's girlfriend together..To my buddy that her boyfriend.

So, right there ..When my buddy opens the pic and sees me with his ex-gf, he's going to have all these memories about her and he's going to think this, and think that...That'll totally distract him from whatever he's doing.

AND WE HAVE TO STOP THAT SHIT. We have to have the self-discipline to not let ourselves get distracted and fall down the rabbit hole (this phenomenon needs to be named).

Us getting distracted from incoming shit on the internet and on phones is a HUUUUUGE cause of low attention span.

Alex Jones actually did a rant on the low attention span report. I thought about linking it but it was over 7 min. long

hmmmm LOL that's exactly what I'm talking about though, holy shit! That's like a Seinfeld moment that just happened now

Short attention span is the long-term offect of continuous propaganda exposure,not technology itself.

I'm convinced that being addicted to MMOs as a kid permanently fried my dopamine receptors

not true, I was playing nintendo like a fucking madman in the 90's and on dial up boards.

maybe I'm an autist but if I like something I have no problem giving it all of my attention.

Perhaps we really do need a war or impending disaster to help us escape this ominous limbo?

Another thing I really wonder is what roasties and (sand)negers are doing on their phones all day long

they weren't on the computer before like we here
I think I know pretty much what a 20-40 year old 4chin guy does on his pc all day long, but I really wonder what roasties and negers are doing on their devices all day long

It's the efficiency, indulgence, and entitlement that came with technology.

Yeah..But that's the thing. You were playing games like a fucking madman.

You didn't have all this incoming shit from your smartphone

you didn't have access to a shit load of content on the internet

you still weren't nearly as distracted as you are now.

When I game now, It won't be rare that I'll be next to a computer doing shit, or next to my phone doing shit too

Social media for roasties, as for the sandies... no idea, possibly the same though.

I was actually thinking about that.

Again, look at this video dude:


Like, do you actually think these guys are as distracted as say me? With all my tabs open, with all my curiosity that's driving me this direction and that direction all the time.

In other words, they're less distracted. Now imagine how much more successful white people would be if they weren't distracted

How about the Peripheral Effect?
You can't focus on what's in front of you because your always looking at the sides?

Simple solution
>stop watching tv
>stop playing vidya
>browse Sup Forums for no more than an hour a day
>stop diddling with your phone
>stop rushing your meals and your conversations
>stop streaming music, be a hipster and use tapes or a turntable. Force yourself to slow down your consumption.

oh yes

Its unbelievable how much money goes into the stupidest shit

recently I found out that there atleast thousands of the kind of german /francophone "rap videos"

all such "high quality" but at the same time being the biggest non-sense ever

but you'll have a hard time finding a good filmed version of a good new rock-band or even a good filmed classical concert that isn't André Rieu

I get what you are saying.
They really knew how to jam back then.
Haven't really heard a good jam session on a modern album. Have you?


If anything, I bet you an easy way to stay with it and sharp will be to just split up your internet usage, really:

Certain periods of the day you can access certain websites/apps. So for me, it could be youtube in the morning, afternoon, and night. It could be shitposting on Sup Forums during a certain period of the day, fucking with general social media at other parts of the day, etc.

Think of it like before Netflix, Youtube, Hulu, etc. We had different shows on different parts of the day, not all at once. So, we'd get shit done in between our shows, you know?

I mean fuck bro, I think it's starting to make more sense the more I talk about this.

We need to get Varg, Alex Jones, etc. talking about this way of living

my short term memory is completely shot. i sometimes can't remember things that happened 5 seconds ago

Easier said than done in this day and age. If it were gradual, then yes, but who knows how long that would take.


What a dick

not necessarily better off, but happier.

Real relationships
real friends
real family interaction

They were almost more human.

>tfw your meme war training robbed you of your childhood and permanently damaged your brain


People just drank into black outs back in the day

Try this then:
I don't think you necessarily have to give up on your shit, but re-arrange your shit to a good schedule-ish thing, and maybe something as simple as that will let us retain our focus.

I don't think it's our hobbies that's fucking us up, it's doing everything all at once all of the time that's completely destroying us.

Broadband internet+smartphones completely ruined it.

Perhaps planners really were the answer to all of this... or just a schedule in general.

It was also the 24 hour culture that society has adopted as well. With convenience at a finger tip and always within arm's reach, there was no reason for temperance or patience.

I feel all of this and I want it to stop, but what else do you do besides unplug? and be completely misinformed?

its a lose lose situation

Focus your efforts towards one thing like a project or something to distract you. You may not have the world at your finger tips, but at least you making something that could get you to that point.

like stated above:

>You could argue that you're "shutting yourself out to potential knowledge" by limiting your internet activity but let's get real: How much random knowledge bullshit do you actually retain from opening your 50 tabs? The best you can hope for on average is to Bookmark it and read it later..in which you'll likely get distracted by something the next time you're trying to read it.

Just re-structure your usage bro. I think that might be literally all it fucking takes.

"Okay not going to fall into a Wikpedia pitfall again, I'll bookmark that shit for my lunch break at work tomorrow"

Like that'd be it

RoLo posting should be more of a thing imo

The robbing of our childhood is what trained us for the men's war, not the other way around.

They do.
It's what the whole anarcho primitivism thing is about.
Ted Kaczinsky also talks about oversocialisation.