someone please debunk this shit.
someone please debunk this shit.
Other urls found in this thread:
God dammit.
*turn lights on*
Well thata scary
>debunk this shit
>no proof it ever happened
Fuck off.
Well i wish i didnt click
100 eyewitnesses?
I wish it was this easy to get my school closed when I was a little kid.
Is it a scary video?
Multiple ppl reported being payalyzed including the teacher
Slender Man is just on vacation
seriously? this is just stupid.
If I saw a black I'd be spooked too.
a black guy?
>may 2016
always a barely visible photo in these scenarios, saged.
What is it a nigger?
Fake. Niggers don't go to school.
Probably mike the autist shilling his patreon irl
its a nigger
swamp gas
And we floated the idea of developed nation/ regional power by 2020 in the 90s
What's your fucking point?
Debunk it
Thats just obama
It's the second coming of Christ and brainwashed Islam sees him as evil rather than a savior
Someone post the webm
>doesn't believe in sandy hook
>believes in this
thanks for the warning
fuck off back to /x/
My favourite incident of mass hysteria will always be the monkey man of New Delhi and this black guy will have to do a hell of a lot more than scare some schoolkids to impress me.
witnesses are not proof
>textbook case of mass hysteria - a situation in which various people, often in a small, tight-knit group, suffer from collective delusions. This can lead to incidents of mass fainting and vomiting...
Okay then.
>Malays are susceptible because of their belief in an array of spirits," Mr Bartholomew told the BBC, adding such outbreaks usually occur in all-female boarding schools because they are the strictest....
Sounds reasonable. How come this never happens in my country?
Well he is a spook after all.
We were wrong, Islam is the One True Religion
>being the first black student in school
>mfw it is Malaysia Mike trying to sell his shitty comic to a bunch of kids
It's not news-worthy in America. It only becomes news to Americans if it happens in an exotic faraway land most Americans can't find on a map, so they can say "those wacky foreigners."
>Robert Bartholomew, a sociologist, said it was a textbook case of mass hysteria - a situation in which various people, often in a small, tight-knit group, suffer from collective delusions. This can lead to incidents of mass fainting and vomiting.
>"Malays are susceptible because of their belief in an array of spirits," Mr Bartholomew told the BBC, adding such outbreaks usually occur in all-female boarding schools because they are the strictest.
There, it was in the article
>There are a lot of witness of the holocaust, that must mean it's true
What happened in the 90s?
happens all the time, but you vote for trump instead.
Going to try this tomorrow at college.
Will post results.
>mfw it's just a nigger
Shit like this happens all the time.
In the end, it turns out the shadow was a broom or something.. or simply just a hoax.
hysteria induced by mass delusion is a real thing.
c.f., the crybaby faction of u.s. democrats.
no video?
A HA HA HA bunch of fucking retards. Wear a bed sheet, pretend to be a djinn and you could rob the whole country blind. "oooo OOoooo I'm a spooky ghost"
fucking malaysian racis.
Why do they imply this is a black figure?
Oh wow its a guy in a black hoodie everyone gtfo
Fuck sake cunt. I'm sitting here laughing at your comment and thinking about how it's like the intro to every horror movie i've ever seen, i'm about to go downstairs now for a cup of tea and it's pitch black. So if i die, i hope you're fucking happy that you got your little laugh.
nice bleached hair faggot
>be me 5 years ago
>frequently wake up with sleep paralysis
>hear footsteps in the hallway
>getting closer
>at the door now
>door opens
>black silhouette, not human but human size enters
>wake up next morning
Holy fuck it's back
They just want peace
>all female school
>mass hysteria
case closed.
I don't see why they are getting hysterical i mean..did that thing attack them or what ?
Shit like this is going to become more common now that the timeline has been altered and they're now openly manufacturing time crystals. There will be people out of phase all over the shop.
Yeah but fucking 100 of them?
I blame CERN.
asians are fucking stupid
Oh no what have we done
have you seen this?
very spoopy
It's just a black guy
No they don't, nuke them artyom!
No video fuck off
What's a 'black'?
Did a black african just like appear there and they were like "WHAAAT?"
your soul has been compromised.
when you die the shadow man will get you.
Had a similar thing happen to me and my class on a school trip back in middle school.
We went somewhere, I forgot where, and spent the nights at a hostel for schools. The building was pretty damn old since they refurbished a really old building for it.
One evening some guy just freaked out and said he saw a ghost, shortly thereafter other people reported similar things. Flickering lights, chairs moving on their own, silhuettes in doorways. My whole class pretty much freaked out over this and one by one started believing, we told our teachers but they shrugged and ignored us.
Later on it just turned out that the first guy saw some flickering lightbulb and made that connection, him freaking out made everyone else freak out aswell.
This happened a while ago. There was video, but it was only of the girls flipping out, screaming, crying and fainting. Fucking freak show.
What does that even mean?
fucking niggers
>Malaysian school literally closes because the children thought they saw a black
Could it be that Malaysia is /ourclay/?
Cyka blyat!
We /x/ now.
Nord version of shit posting.
Watched the trailer just now. That shit with the voices happens to me too. Think I'll watch the whole thing sometime when I can afford not sleeping a night.
that trump's campaign was mass hysteria on a national scale. most insane thing i've ever seen.
>The only evidence is a low res pixaleted black figure barely poking out from a pillar
That's not at all what you said, but okay.
Ayy lmaos are here. Shit is about to get real faggots
Is there anything that screams roastie more than blonde highlights?
why are they so racist?
Debunk what?
It's like a dark variant of meme magic or a magic show. You get everyone concentrating on something and it's only a matter of time before they see what they want.
This right here
We are living interesting times
It's probably just a nigger.
Fuck off queer
Much more dangerous than a ghost or demon.
Just some black dude what's so scary about this?
I get asians are scared of them, but to make it to the headlines? lol
Yeah it really makes you not want to go to sleep afterwards. Better watch it in the afternoon or something.