>Be AirBnB
>Provide Free Hosing to muslims but not to American Homeless nor veterans.
>Be AirBnB
>Provide Free Hosing to muslims but not to American Homeless nor veterans.
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't even know what the fuck AirBnB is
>AirBnB landlords are forced to rent to refugees
>refugees destroy the homes
>landlords are redpilled as a result
Seems like a solid plan.
It's Uber for bedrooms.
Is he jewish?
>anyone not allowed in the US
So he's saying that his company is knowingly harboring illegal aliens?
Rev up those ICE tip lines, this guy's about to get fucked.
AirBnB isn't providing housing. AirBnB pays their member the cost of the refugee's stay. Members can still refuse that probably. I hope they will be some raping of female hosts. That would really help the cause.
Fun fact: Swingers and faggots use AirBnB for orgies.
AirBnB is a awful service similar to Uber, and you can look up videos about how awful they are.
Essentially, they have a shit ton of complaints against them because they get suckers to house lazy fucks who destroy their apartments and houses or refuse to leave. Some actually have ended in straight up murder, and some have their homes turn into a drug smuggling ring.
In other words, a garbage service is going to take people who rent out their homes "space" for free.
Uber Hotel.
It lets city poors rent out their homes to pay their crushing bills, along with subsidizing (((realty speculators))) mortgage payments. But since it's run by SJWs they deliberately structure it to prevent you from screening feral blacks, junkies, criminals and now federally banned refugees from barricading themselves in your property. Only someone who's kikery is bigger then their common sense would use it.
(p. related)
reminder that new Air BnB policy was drafted by Eric Holder
Airbnb pays people to aid and abet criminals. This hole only gets worse for them
why isn't trump providing free housing to american homeless or veterans? sounds like a better use of that wall money to me.
Because the money runs out. Jobs first.
they've capitalized on communal services. it's like kibbutzims for goyim
this is commune's with a price tag. it's a commie ideal wrapped in a libertarian wetdream package. it's easy to see where both extremes meeting in the middle can have problems. I was an uber driver, and our flat rate went from $5 to $4.25 in about a month with no prior warning. those surge prices were also dropped--2.5x surge prices out of nowhere dropped to 1.5x as the max in places like DTLA where I was consistently getting the same amount of business, but less and less money taken home.
now that uber is going for automation, let's see airbnb shift gears in trying to jew their customers and clients, as well
thats funny user
o ya so it's okay for airbnb to throw their money at this but when the government does it it's a waste of money gotcha
This. Lets meme this into happening.
It's a waste of money either way.
> Eric H. Holder, Jr.(Ashkenazi Jew/Negro)
WOW! What a surprise!
I got an AirBnB in San Bernardino, and it was an illegal Arab woman and her African girlfriend. The African could only speak french. The utilities to the house had been cut, and they used a generator to provide electricity. I'm not sure if they were squatting, or what.
AirBnB is all right if you are poor and travelling alone. For all other purposes I don't see it as a good deal.
>try out airbnb on business in ontario
>3 bathroom 6 bedroom home for 2 nights same price as a fucking residence in
>don't know what to do first night
>rub my bare ass over all of their pillows
>Muzzie goes to home
>rapes wife and kids
>feels good man
Why boy cott this?
On one hand, I've been looking for a service like AirBnB so I'd be able to travel someplace on my $130-a-week part-time salary. On the other hand, I found out about them in the context of how cucked they are. Pretty sad.
One (allegedly) has accountability to the taxpayer, the other is a business that's free to run itself into the ground
>that nose
>that company
>that tweet
Why the FUCK is Sup Forums always right?
Or their kids are raped, lol.
Will they also be housing the "displaced refugees" their service has created by being a direct contributor to the housing crisis in cities like Portland, OR?
>let literal savages into your home
enjoy your raped kids and wife and/or stolen goods
Tell me you reported them, tell me you did?
No it's for those stranded abroad after Trumps EO
I thought AirBnB was blasted and shamed as a racist company because people who used it could see the pictures and names of people wanting to rent a room and they routinely denied niggers and arabs and shit? Now the left loves AirBnB? It must get tiring constantly flip flopping on every last one of your convictions every few days.
Now it feels way more right to call tax agents on my neighbour.
sauce on vids?
It's true. I stayed at an airbnb place once. It was very nice, much better than a similarly priced hotel would have been.
the nose looks strong in chesky
Yeah, that's a great idea.
How many homeowners are going to let their houses be rented by refugees that don't have to pay shit?
Obviously. Look at that face.
Thanks for the confirm, Satan.
Leftists really hate airbnb because jews and foreigners are just buying up every available property in libshit cities without even intending to live in them - just recoup all their cash with airbnb without having to agree to either landlord or hotel regulation. As a result, buying or even renting property is soaring even higher.
So airbnb did really well with this virtue signalling bit, the libs don't even care that they're continuing to atomize and destroy their communties.
>be liberal
>care more about foreigners than americans
who got
this letting those people into their actual home is the quickest way to change their opinion on them
I put my place up on air bnb once, they wouldnt let me specify a gender or race. Some betamale cuck sends me a string of PMs asking "hey why no guys allowed at your air bnb?"
GEE I WONDER WHY YOU FUCKING RETARD. I had to pay a cancellation fee and everything. Do they have a competitor app?
My employer doesn't withhold for AirBnB.
t. ancap
Racist and sexist. Lol
it's not a service where a female pays you to come stay at your house and you get to have sex with her
It's not a service any NEETs or antisocial Sup Forums users should even consider letting strangers into their homes
the best part of air bnb is if someone squats on your property they company wont help you with the eviction proceedings, so you could end up with refugees in your house rent free for over a year while you go through the legal eviction process
>virtue signal on a relatively grand scale because you think it will help business
>signal the virtues of a small but vocal minority which was recently confirmed to be completely obsolete
>literally paying money to be on the wrong side of history
Why do people do this? I would completely understand doing this kind of idiocy in 2014, 2015, or maybe even early 2016, when you could easily have thought that society was run by SJWs. Brexit won. Trump won. Even France might uncuck itself. Why do this sort of thing now?
Once businesses catch up with the times it is going to be hilarious to see the opposite-side virtue signalling in full force. FedEx is already on the ball, but I can't wait to see iPhone commercials with nothing but blondes.
Bump. Fuck airbnb
If I was stupid enough to offer space on an unregulated rental site to begin with, I would pull it if they offered my room for free to sand niglets.
Wait, fuck, are they just using company profits to set up refugees with housing or are they tricking their user base into housing refugees for them and taking the credit?