Sup Forums why aren't Saudi Arabians put on the ban list
Sup Forums why aren't Saudi Arabians put on the ban list
Reliance on their oil you stupid prick
How about next time, you should post the true amount of Americans killed by those countries now.
Because you're fake news
The guy explained all of this in the campaign.
He's going to tell Saudi Arabia to create safe zones for refugees.
You can't get someone to do something if you don't have a good relationship with them.
>Libs start complaining about this
>Trump adds them to the list
>Implodes their tiny minds
>Shuts them up for the remaining 8 years of his presidency
>He's going to tell Saudi Arabia to create safe zones for refugees.
Prove it.
Ummmm.....Ambassador Stevens and the three others in Benghazi?
Trump will bully shitholes like Sudan and Somalia but he will never go against his Saudi overlords
He said it throughout the campaign you fuckwit.
He said that there are rich countries in the middle east that don't take refugees and he will force them to create safe zones.
Notice that those 4 countries are coincidentally the richest countries in the middle east.
>not going against Saudi Arabi
Might aswell call back Obama because Trump is fucking failling to see the problem about """"Islamic Terrorism"""""
Those numbers are WAAAAY off. Over 5,000 Americans died from Iraqi terrorism. And that's not counting contractors or civilians.
I'm pretty sure that that list is bullshit. Iraqis have definitely killed Americans in the last 40 years.
Desu. More obamas=more drone kills. Long live black emperor!
Prove it then.
OP here the infographic is flying around on twitter by pro-muslim cucks
Saudi Arabia Afghanistan and Pakistan are not on ist because they will be "extremely vetted"
>Not including military casualties of Iraq war
>Not including casualties from Somalian pirates and from battle of Mogadishu
because saudi arabia isn't a failed state or enemy of the United States.
Reposting the same image ofer and over
>Iraqi terrorism
guess if china invades your ass and you defend your country you will be a terrorist as well.
Exxon head of state
Fuck off with this bullshit
>0 Americans killed by Iraqis
>we literally fought a fucking war against terror in Iraq
>0 somalians
>black hawk down just never happened
el em ayy o
What about all the Americans killed by Syrians, Jordanians, Somalians, and Iranians while overseas?
Yes, that is how the Chinese would portray us. Your point?
>war against terror in Iraq
>being this brainwashed
bluepilled would be an understatement.
Also, tell me what leftist candidate would have banned them.
they should be added
and they'd be just as wrong as you.
Not going to happen.
I can't believe in the age of social media, we still have to sit here and debunk shit thats been proven false for days now.
Saudi Arabia will also be paying their own money to house the these refugees in SAFE ZONES.
Something Obama was too fucking ignorant or stupid to have done from the start.
FUCK off already OP.
You scummy slime sucking bag of shit, retarded backwater spineless bitch living under a rock.
>Notice that those 4 countries are coincidentally the richest countries in the middle east.
Sorry what? Are you retarded?
the funny thing is they think they're super edgy redpilled
all the while shilling for free for a billionaire
>heh, I see you have beliefs and stand for things as well... you're really no better than them..heh check mate.
WRONG thats are lies....
Because Obama didn't put them on the list. Trump didn't pick the countries. Obama did. It's Obama's immigration ban.
Blatantly fake. Let's just start with U.S. soldiers killed over there for one...
hopefully drumpf will do something about your education system too, to help little guys like yourself
>no Americans killed by Iraqi, Iranian, Somalian citizens from 1975-2015
This is complete horseshit.
probably, but even assuming its true, the additional info BTFO's the OP
then add the number of Iraqis killed by the US military, i believe its around 1 million.
retard. and then add another million of lybians and afghanis.
>safe zone
i thought they were told to stop the slave labor camps by the UN?
No they wouldn't. Americans resisting an occupation would, by definition, be terrorists.
>deaths caused by islam 0
It's 4D chess. It's truly mindblowingly amazing. Just go to reddit and read any article related to the visa ban. 70% of comments is "why isn't Saudi Arabia banned", 9/11, etc. He's normalizing "hatred", he's changing the topic of the conversation and getting people to not only accept the ban but to discuss it's expansion.
The guy talks like a goddamn retard but way deep inside he's a genius.
>only American lives matter
>no source for original image, just a twitter post with no source
>2 posts
Thanks for correcting the record.
Yeah I noticed that too, it's weird hearing liberals say "why not ban Saudi Arabia?!"
No. Terrorist are people that attack civilian targets in order to gain political goals.
People defending their country from foreign troops DO NOT fit that criteria at all. Words matter you should use them properly retard.
go felate dick cheney retard
Because Obama didn't put them on there.
What is your point. The list is Americans killed by those people. The number of people Americans killed is irrelevant to the topic. Fuck head.
great now add in the numbers for Europe
this is list comprehends americans killed by terrorist idiot, not all nationals of those countries.
Then by your definition AQI and other groups classified as terrorists orgs by the US are in fact terrorists because the majority of their attacks were against the Iraqi population.
This is the worst argument to make.
>Obama did it this way, so Trump must do it the same way
What is stopping Trump from adding more to the list?
You're literally retarded.
Why they stopping it at 1975? what happened before that?
It's actually well over 5,000 for Iraq and a couple dozen for Somalia.
i didnt say al qaeda werent terrorist what are you on about
They don't have a civil war, refugee crisis or ISIS rebels running amok.
Unfortunately this
But the keystone pipeline will fix that
>Hurr Durr I wasn't talking about AQI.
>We're talking about Iraqi freedom fighters
Who the fuck do you think AQI was composed of? Coalition forces were always fighting a majority of native born insurgents. Those insurgents spent most of their time and money killing other Iraqis. So by your own stated definition of a terrorist, the Iraqi "totally not terrorists" were in fact terrorists.
Why do I need to spell this out for you? Are you a Huehue living abroad?
>number of American killed by Iraqi's
did they forget about the iraq war or something?
who's this sperm worm?