Australia will support Donald Trump on strong border protection policies: Julie Bishop
Julie Bishop is our Foreign Minister - equivalent to Secretary of State. Be prepared for the lefty screeching to intensify, Ausbros
Australia will support Donald Trump on strong border protection policies: Julie Bishop
Julie Bishop is our Foreign Minister - equivalent to Secretary of State. Be prepared for the lefty screeching to intensify, Ausbros
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But isn't your actual problem legal immigrants?
Our problem is dual-nationals and every UN convention we ever signed up to. You are correct that we have a huge problem with people arriving legally (with a valid visa), that then either overstay or claim asylum.
Australia should immediately:
1. Withdraw from the UN conventions influencing immigration policies
2. Ban dual-citizenship
3. Raise the bar for attaining citizenship to 10 years in good stead
4. Eliminate any access to welfare by non-citizens or permanent residents
5. Establish a market based immigration system - start the price for PR at $1,000,000 to see how that works, and adjust the price accordingly to meet our immigration targets
I would support this
"boat people" is a meme that has been used to sway politics since I was a child listening to howard talk
literally every single election in this braindead fucking country
boat people
boat people
boat people
This triggers the Paki.
There are loads of you cunts filling up the hostels in Canada on your "working holiday" (read: binge drinking) visa bullshit. Then inevitably, you fall in love with a hapa trap who fucks you in the bum oh so sweetly and you start the process of permanent residency and citizenship because you can't bear to part with your dear Miyuki. You can all fuck right off, do you not have enough alcohol in your own god forsaken country that you have to come here to drink up all of ours?
I've always had respect for you Aussies
please tell me this is not a shitpost?
who else can we expect
>no way you will not make australia home
So I am guaranteed to make australia my home? That's a weird double negative.
Honestly, you can and will keep them
Anyone going to canada for a holiday is fucking retarded
Its like going to melbourne : the country, you can keep the tards that make that voyage
Wow, Australian government ads are based
Amen bro - lock 'em up and deport them. You'll need all the space you can muster for the coming islamapocalypse Trudeau is about to unleash.
>leafs in charge of grammar
add biafran seccessionists in Nigeria
Fuck yeah ausbros
At least the ones concerning our borders.
In the video form of this ad, our chief of defence I think, just straight up says that it doesn't matter if you're a kid, woman, elderly, or a man, no matter what you will not be entering Australia vi illegal means.
Pity we couldn't find a General that wasn't cross-eyed for media purposes, but this guy is in charge of our Border Force - ex SAS officer.
I don't understand that shit. Who the fuck would like to live in Australia ? How would poor people go there ?
Yeah, keep away bro. It's horrible down here.
Poor people pay a lot of money to Indonesian smugglers.
So we decided fuck em, and our ships like to police our laws close to Indonesian waters, in fact I believe we had a deal that said we could go into their waters.
Also one has to remember we are on the doorstep of Asia, ofc there will be people trying to get in.
Howard was a great pm.
Kids who grew up under Obama think he was Australian Bush, but history shows he was very reasonable and great for the middle . It was mostly bogans who hated him, because their union bosses told them to.
Always knew you Aussies were bro tier. If only you were our neighbors...
There's a poor muslim majority country with 240 million people nearby. If you give them a chance...
maybe we can win this after all Barbies
Yeah except he banned the guns m8
We can't protect ourselves and Jabe to rely on the government for it now.
based aussie cunts
fuck yes.
time to kick Chinese out and Indonesian
Do it faggot
This is good.
Let's do this.
I noticed that most countries are waiting for USA to make a decision then follow their decision.
curse you not!argentina
australia is based
i wish i could move there
Gun ban turned me off the cunt completely
There was never the gun culture here that there is in the US - i.e. the demographic realities behind their gun crime (niggers being niggers)
Either way, every single election - boat people
Australia has had this border policy for a while, it only makes sense we advocate for your new one.
Besides right now we are at a strategic crossroads, do we continue our alliance with the US with whom we have historical ties with dating back to WW2, or do we ally with the People's Republic of China, who are important to our economy
Not!Argentina is """black"""
you don't.
USA is better
So should I move to America or Australia? I'm white btw.
i fucking love aussies. I have to go to australia one day
Germany should be red.
You are a fucking tard if you think this is even up for debate.
During my basic training in the Navy, we had to study Defence Policy. There were about 10 objectives listed. Defending the country was number 2 or 3. The number 1 priority of our Defence Policy is to maintain the alliance with the United States.
So she should.
I listen to ABC radio every morning on my way to work for my daily serving of delicious lefty tears.
It has gotten so much more salty since Trump got in.
This morning they spent ages talking about how Trump is agreeing to take some of our people from Manus island still despite his changes. The lefties were complaining because the US has said it will favour families and not single males.
They're never happy.
There is literally zero chance of Trump being reelected now. This muslim ban is the turning point. You have to understand that in the eyes of a lot of people, many of whom are moderates, this muslim ban mess validates a lot of the worst fear mongering about Trump. Even if he does some good stuff for the economy, his image is too tainted now, there's no way that the average American can ever view him as a good president much less someone worthy of reelection.
I hate fucking leftist cunts that want to ally with China.
Fix your own hole first. Leaving just leaves people like trudeau in power.
That's the problem with the "Laberal" party. This fucked two party system we have delivers shills that have been indoctrinated into globalism, increased immigration and political correctness, no matter which major party they are affiliated with.
We need a direction with non-establishment leadership to shake the ship up and turn this thing around. Sound familiar to anywhere else?
It is red you blind leaf.
we kinda are, the only thing between us is a big ocean, and hawaii
how can other countries even compete?
Our remaining problem is now legal immigrants because we've sorted out the illegal immigrants problem.
One thing at a time.
Kind reminds me of pic related.
>making the statue of liberty look like a green nigger
How long until some cuck politicians decide to change that objective?
Too soon for that. The state of the economy is going to be the main factor.
get out shill, ive seen you post this exact same nonsense in eleven threads
>no one in western countries likes muslims
>except for a 5% liberal zombie movement
>and about 40 percentile of women cause muh emotions
I am a domestic centrist and voted for trump and ban is something a lot of people wanted that they just never said outloud. Religious liberty is good in theory, until it starts getting used against you.
You could make the action under a different way such as a blanket travel ban until they figure out how to find easy information like pakistani's posting to facebook about being bombers and then blowing up shit in california as if they couldn't be predicted to such an action.
They had 2 years to find information on facebook about the girl that did san bernidino. if you cannot find easy to find information, why would you trust their vetting process?
Too bad we're stuck with Pauline Hanson as an "alternative" - too much baggage and opportunity for ridicule despite the current climate, though there is an entire generation that missed out on her getting raped by the media these days so who knows...
>The New Guard was formed in Sydney, Australia in February 1931 as a paramilitary offshoot from a conservative tradition defending loyalty to King and Empire, sound government, law and order, individual liberty and property rights.
>The New Guard declined rapidly following Lang's dismissal in May 1932, with its remaining members becoming increasingly inclined towards fascism.
The left and media are triggered fucking hard on normiebook, there's a shitstorm of comments on every news page I've looked at
We are BEST SHITPOSTING ALLY, of course our government is going to support. Unless they were complete morons and haven't learnt anything and cave to the autistic screeching of the loud, perpetually offended crowd
>leaf education
good luck straya
Cronulla 2.0 WHEN
Next step is to clear the chinks out of footscray, fuckers can actual start learning english if they want to stay
Every other person's like or comment is anti trump. It's too much already. I gotta get off facebook for a while.
Pauline can't be the face of a viable 3rd party. As you've pointed out, there's just too much baggage. Corey Bernardi or David Leyonhjelm would be much better, though there's probably some ideologies they each have that are miles apart.
Working in Melbourne it's fucking nuts hearing nu-male hipsters in cafes complaining about trump all the fucking time rather than talking about their own fucking country, the fuck do they inject into those avacados
It's too soon to judge. If Trump's policies are successful, he'll not only get reelected but future GOP candidates will pledge to continue his legacy. If they turn out to be a disaster, he'll probably not even get a chance for round 2, alt right policies will be discredited forever, and will only be remembered in political studies about what NOT to do when involving in politics.
No one has the personality we need, for now.
The fuck are we Trumps foes?
>fuckin austria
Electing Greens you dipshit
Think of the Pacific like a really big pool in your backyard. Aussies are our neighbor on that back fence.
The president has no power here, moron. He is not even chief diplomat. He can´t do shit.
What happened to you, Austria?
Feels good, man.
Nothing much, our president is a dipshit leftie ex green here. The office has no power though. Much more relevant is that our government coalition is imploding and the right wing party FPÖ is leading all the polls. The green party does not get over 12% and that is the MAX even in our leftie capital.
>Establish a market based immigration system - start the price for PR at $1,000,000 to see how that works
Canada, NZ & Australia have effectively already done this
That's why so many corrupt Chinese with stolen government money manage to get into the country
Stand by the seppo cunts
top kek
>non Americans trying to posture how their country is best country
Only america is truly best country and lady liberty is best girl. But I find it funny when lesser Anglo countries squabble. It's quite adorable desu
Ya cunt.
Fuck off. Howard loosened property ownership laws so Chang can continue house inflation while not being a citizen, and doubled unskilled immigration visas.
He is quite literally the worst PM we've ever had on those 2 things alone.
Fuck this Howard dindu nuffin wrong meme.
Worse than Gillard?
lol fuck off, you're either black, spic, or of German or Italian descent.
Only your founding fathers were Anglo
>Sold assets left right and centre even though we were in a 100 year boom and didn't really need the cash
>Lowered taxes during a 100 year boom because "we have so much money", thus leading to our current budget problems
>Massively increased welfare spending, thus leading to our current budget problems
>Massively increased immigration from India, China and the Middle East
>Took guns
>Is partially the reason housing costs are fucked
Howard was fucking awful. I absolutely abhor the fact that history will remember him well,because he was not. People just remember the good times of the boom and associate that with meaning that Howard must have been a good PM. Fuck the cunt. The reason neither party can fix out budget and the deficits are always larger than projected is because of that four eyed cunt. His economic conditions were so good he ran structural deficits while still achieving cyclical surpluses. No surprise that as soon as the boom ended we're now 500 billion in debt and have a structural deficit.
On top of that he constantly appealed to the anti-immigration crowd by being anti-refugee, despite the fact that the Liberal party support mass immigration from developing countries because at the end of the day as long as you hammer on about a couple of thousand refugees, everyone will look the other way as you bring 400,000 Indians over to help your corporate donors by pushing wages lower. Abbott did this too. It's a Liberal party thing.They advertise them self as anti-immigration, but actually support immigration more than Labor in their actual policies.
Work choices was also a bit harsh but whatever, it meant that people no longer liked him and that's the reason he lost so good riddance and thank you work choices.
look m8 I know you're feeling full of yourself because you didn't fuck up and elect the lizard queen but you might want to take a look at respective demographics before waving that particular dick around
may said that britain dissaproves of the ban
there needs to be a bunch more red on here, quite a few countries beyond what you have here have expressed dissaproval
El bumpo
This user gets it. Everything Howard did was to benefit the boomers while throwing anyone under 40 in 2017 under the bus, but only now are people waking up to that fact. Property is fucked, can't buy any because it's sold out from under us. Actually it's worse, our taxes go to subsidize the boomers and the Chinese who can only buy this property because of negative gearing.
Howard made uni more expensive, meaning that out of uni most people have to rent for longer periods of time because HECS debt is eating up too much of their income. He also opened up full fees for International students so every uni in the country is actively trying to get the foreign market so they can gauge every cent out of them, driving up ATAR requirements and locking more and more Australian's out of a university degree. As someone who went through it, you don't have to be in the top >10% of the country to get an undergraduate degree. It's harder than highschool, but more achievable than the amount they sell it for. The Uni of Sydney is claiming that you need a fucking 98 to do a B. Commerce (Liberal Studies) and I 100% guarantee that's to fill the halls with Lings and Abduls who don't get an ATAR so it's pretty much open to whoever has the cash.
He also sold of almost all of Australia's gold for less than 1/5th of it's current value like it was an XXXXL polo shirt AT LOWES or some shit.
He made a point of not investing anything into the country so now we're stuck with failing rail architecture, piss poor roads, a manufacturing sector in fast decline (Holden's fucked off for good), terrible Internet and a lagging behind school system, which is going to cost us more now than it would have done in the late 90s and early 2000s. But Boomers don't care because when they would have been earning the most they ever made in their lives taxes were low, and now that they've retired and not paying any income tax, taxes are getting higher.