Brit/pol/ - Rand BTFO Brit/pol/ Edition

>"B-Boris, HEEEELP!" Hapless May tells her Foreign and Home Secretaries to call their US counterparts to complain about evil Drumpf's Muslim ban

>EU's chief Brexit negotiator says Theresa May's promised trade deal by 2019 is 'impossible'

>Hospitals 'dangerously full' during winter crisis, says thinktank

>May agrees to deal to build fighter jets for Turkey

>Backbenchers put forward a motion to throw out A50

>From pig to man and man to pig - Ex-Copeland MP turned down offer from the Tories to defect to them

>Former Governor of Hong Kong Chris Patten: May's Global© Modern Britain™ risks 'selling its honour' for trade deals with China

>"Replacing the EU at any cost" - Reflections on May's visit to Turkey

>"You can come back!" - Britain would be given a speedy return to the EU if it chose to rejoin, says an increasingly grinning Guy Verhofstadt

Other urls found in this thread:


just sharted ama

>PreuBe irrelevant as ever

How? Hugely constipated right now


Were you alone or with company?

brit/pol/ on suicide watch

Lily Allen can suck cock while doing the household chores.
She can raise kids whilst doing lots of drugs.

But why is Rightly So le smug liberal woman?

>elected Police and Crime Commissioners
One of many Toryboy thinktank meme policies

Look at the cucked European response to Trump's immigration ban:

Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni said "open society, plural identity, no discrimination" were the "pillars of Europe", while the Danish, Swedish and Norwegian governments also registered their opposition.

Danish foreign minister Anders Samuelsen tweeted: "The U.S. decision not to allow entry of people from certain countries is NOT fair."

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said his country welcomed those fleeing war and persecution, even as Canadian airlines said they would turn back U.S.-bound passengers to comply with an immigration ban on people from seven Muslim-majority countries.

"To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada," he tweeted.

In Germany - which has taken in large numbers of people fleeing the Syrian civil war - Chancellor Angela Merkel said the global fight against terrorism was no excuse for the measures and "does not justify putting people of a specific background or faith under general suspicion", her spokesman said.

Merkel's sentiments were echoed in Paris and London; "Terrorism knows no nationality. Discrimination is no response," said French Foreign minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, while his British counterpart Boris Johnson tweeted: "Divisive and wrong to stigmatise because of nationality."

Does anyone actually turn up for the elections?

Couldn't think of an image but I know he paints, has a cat and is a vegetarian(?), just a laugh
I tried to find a good picture of a paperboy because he posts the midnightish releases but there were bugger all about

I would much rather my picture be replaced with Morrissey.

England needs a Sam Hyde.


First stand up show is next week.

Wish me luck boys. Not sure how a South London crowd will react to my commentary on Rotherham and Lutfur Rahman but there ya go. Hopefully I don't get arrested for hate speech.

They say this because they have no alternative to their refugee program at this point. Any deference is admission of failure.

So far we've had Blair, Karen, Milkman, and the Randposter win Hunger Games.


The turnout is around 27%

I enjoyed that. First time I invested any attention in them to be honest, but it was worth it.

Honestly surprised it's not lower. Isn't 27% just council byelection tier?

Come to Manchester

YMCA play a game man, Mosley can go the full way this time, I know it

Post paintings. Did you do pic related?

>People of Wages (PoW)

>he's a monarchist

They say it because they are open borders cuck who think it is utterly unthinkable to have an immigration policy that discriminates in that way.
These are politicians who are horrified at the thought of Western countries not taking in immigrants from certain countries.

Yeah that's mine, was the first landscape I tried so it's a bit inconsistent/not very good.

>he let his head of state be non-white

I always liked that one, reminds me a bit of Van Gogh

All those different pill comics were brilliant

Will go again tomorrow night or maybe the day after, the last thing I want is it getting stale

>0.8% swing

Somebody needs to collect an audio of various leaders saying this and intersplice it with footage of terrorism.

>he let his monarchy be reptilian

objectivism is the cotton test of abstract thougt

either you can or cannot get it

What did he mean by this?


Does anyone have that "You are in one of 18 seats that can stop an SNP-Labour Coalition" bastard cunt shithouse image?

Freedom of movement between those countries and the US didn't exist before the executive order, though. He is logically consistent tbqhwy

>snp chose their party colour to be the same colour associated with liver failure

What did they mean by this?

The SNP murdered Charles Kennedy

Hello? Hello!? Is this Sup Forums?

I'm checking in on the Trump timeline - I need to report back to my transdimensional masters.

Things worked out fucking brilliantly when Hillary was elected president. We thought we were all finished after she assumed her position as POTUS and suicided Donald Trump but much to our relief there was a grand nationalist insurrection across America - before spreading to Europe as well. Hillary, as well as the corrupt and misleading Republican and Democrat parties were hung and a great peace settled across the United States.

England has been saved too, when martial law was declared due to a vast nationalist uprising - the Army declared a coup and deposed of Sharia May and began the mass deportation of foreigners. The Empire is back lads! Our country has never been better - we're finally united at last and the new statue of our hero who started it all - Mosley in Trafalgar Square really hits deep.

The leaders of the rebellion instituted an actual Fascist state and there was mass deportations of all people of Non-European descent from American, often by force. Total War was declared by the new National American Front against Mexico and Canada, and now all of North and Central America is literally white.

Good news from Europe too! The European Union was completely dissolved at its perpetrators executed - the Muslim problem has been dealt with in a vast Pan-European War that saw us expel the invaders and retake Constantinople!

Kekism spread rapidly throughout the ranks of the rebels, it is now the official Religion of a majority of Western states - I am off to go pray to KEK now in the local Temple of the Ogdoad, praise his name!

I really hope things are working out for you in the Trump timeline - We're busy building our second colony on Mars.
Did he ban all of the Muslims like he said he will? Our future is the brightest it has ever been, in fact - I'm glad Hillary was elected - the wars and fighting was worth it.

Terrorism or simply footage of streets in Western cities with no white people in.

Slightly cringeworthy desu


Alcoholic leftist drank himself to death after being buttfucked in the election by the SNP

>died of a broken heart and gin

This is the THINGS timeline speaking
KKKrumpf was assassinated after two months and Princess Tony (PBUH) forged a US birth certificate to ascend to the Presidency

There are now ten colleges for each student

I look forward to the day when we can justify shutting our borders with the simple reason: "We aren't letting them in because they aren't British/European/Christian/Western and it's as simple as that."
It's like.. "Yeah, we don't want loads of Nigerians here because basically they're Nigerians."

Wtf, I am now a #TransdimensionalShillForHill


We need justify nothing other than our right to exist.

Haven't watched this show in ages, but for anyone here who wants to browse through a tonne of old episode, going right back to series one I think, here is a great archive

Night night lads

850k signatures on the trump ban petition

if it hits 1m you just know this going to be used as evidence of mass rejection of trump in future academic papers/documentaries even though the majority of people honestly don't care

>tfw this was once government policy


If you saw Atlas, the giant who holds the world on his shoulders, if you saw that he stood, blood running down his chest, his knees buckling, his arms trembling but still trying to hold the world aloft with the last of his strength, and the greater his effort the heavier the world bore down upon his shoulders - What would you tell him?

Tfw I watched 37 Vargs last night. Not all of them all the way through, because his Christianity videos are full retard and some of the other ones too. But the other ones are addictive af. Especially the paganism and survivalist ones are 10/10.

I think Anton was referring to suicide as self-sacrifice so not in the same context.

I do think Trump is pretty unpopular here as far as foreign leaders go

>Hey Rabbi... Watcha doin'?!

Got me up the fucking wall now. 99% certain I'd saved that and I can't find it.
All the better to usurp lib-dem offices with.

Kennedy was based, if a little too complacent about the orange-booker threat.

It wasn't supposed to go like this


RIP sweet princess.
She lived long enough to see Trump ascend to the Western throne.

Our glorious leader returns

night lad

This man is a treasure

what the fuck are you talking about


We have millions of Muslims + far-Leftists in our country, so it'll pass.

Getting pretty sick of it.

>Hannah's Bowel Cancer Journey

We condemned Victorians for putting cretins in cages

Haha you play Roblox!

>have cancer
>get told it's cured
>time passes
>oh woops nope btw you're terminal now
This happens all the FUCKING time
How hard is it to do follow-up checks on cancer patients for God sake



I'm going to sign it lads. I don't care about Trump in the US, but I don't want him here.

(NHS intensifies)

Shrug it off.

when and where was this
Even a game knows im best

Are you NEET?

>>get told it's cured
They only tell you that because they can't bring themselves to tell you that you only have 10 years to live at most

Not mine

You're not criticising Our NHS are you?


1.Overtime for agency staff
3.Gender reassignment drugs
4.Good diagnoses

Spending priorities

All it takes is for one cancer cell to remain, and that final cell may be resistant to the treatments. If you can cut out the entire thing, great, but that is only possible with certain cancers. Not only that, but the area thus far treated may have been damaged so much that it can no longer take any more treatment.

Cancer is a really shitty disease.


What do you think of Le Pen's chances chaps?

An Australian shitposter wrote a bot to blow up the petition for a second referendum on there. It's utterly worthless. You don't even need to be in the UK to sign it.

It all depends on whether the French electorate are as stupid as ours and fall for the Tory to keep out the Socialist

Blairis worse than Corbyn?

>get told it's cured
They never said that in this case. They said it was shrinking.

"THINGS can only get better" and "THINGS are better" diverge strongly, as you know.

Timeline sounds g8 tbqh

The BBC says the NHS needs about 50trillion extra funds by next week and about 80million indian doctors

But they have said this every year for the last decade

Fuck off Rand

Fucked, but by god I'll pray for her anyway.
If Macron gets it I'll consider it a draw. Thatcherites must not get into France.

>he doesn't understand that you don't get "cured" of your cancer, it just gets put in remission

Also the usual case of these things is that they find a tumour in one part of you, put it into remission, and then at your next checkup they find small amounts of cancerous cells elsewhere where they can't be operated on or where performing chemo/radiotherapy would harm more than help.

I never realised how bad the life expectancy was for organ transplant patients until recently

Not good.
I find it humorous though, that I sometimes read that Le Pen's best chance is against Fillon (as in your infographic) whilst elsewhere I read that her best chance is against Macron.
It'd be interesting of course to know what % of ethnic French are voting Le Pen, but it's quite likely that the French state doesn't permit such data to be harvested.

By that polling, yes.

I suppose it's not too surprising. The idea he genuinely cut through to middle-england is a bit memetic. The real story being that Tories just stayed home, not that they defected to Labour.

>How hard is it to do follow-up checks on cancer patients for God sake

Waiting lists too long

Immigrants did it