My child, why do you deny refugees?
My child, why do you deny refugees?
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Cause they're violent stupid and they smell bad.
shut it, u impostor.
because you said so
It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs.
- Matthew 15:26
Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
- 1 Timothy 5:8
why do lefties LARP as religious figures? arnt they atheist?
They worship the devil
I don't care if we take CHRISTIAN refugees
You're a good example on how you can bend bible passages to fit whatever you want them to fit.
Good job.
Because soon enough they will force me to convert or die, to a religion that denies you, O Iesus.
Why do you speak English?
Because they deny you.
>My child, why do you deny refugees?
>Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's
Trump is Caesar and he is enforcing the laws of this land. We are rendering what is his.
Because you aren't real and your ideas embody weakness.
>Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
>Matthew 10:34
Because they want to behead me and rape my children. Unfortunately Trudeau wants this to happen.
To be fair the Jews are really good at turning any argument in their favor.
if our goal is relieving suffering (now ain't them white guys just so altruistic? they've taken the role of healing the world of its ills) then the leftist way of doing things is highly innefficient. I don't want people to suffer or to abandon them, but taking refugees or going the way merkel does is not the most efficient way of doing, and if anything, only spreads the cancer to the other parts which have the capacity to heal it
Fuck off kike or we'll kill you again
Because they're dirty fucking arab idolators who worship a pedophile warlord.
>If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off.
Christ would surely deny criminals from committing crimes.
I don't understand how Trudeau has so much power in Canada to continually just make terrible decision after terrible decision. I was talking to my Canadian friend the other day and we got into an argument about Trump being a fascist because of the ban on Muslim countries. His main point was that it was wrong to ban an entire country because there had to be at least one good person. Whereas mine was that the bad far outweighs the good and that the American government should serve its own citizens interests over others. Its like he simply couldn't see past the emotion of the argument to get at the logic. Does that exemplify most Canadians? Obviously not you, just trying to understand.
My lord, they lie to our face, disobey both the rules of yours and those of the land, and endanger our families and loved ones!
fuck off dirty kike
You don't seem to understand yet
Sup Forums aren't your average cuckservatives
Jesus said the next prophet would be a deceiver and it was momo so no
You're not yesous obviously
Typical Redditor - Post and Run Wonder
How did you escape from your boiling vat of shit in hell?
he's just quoting directly, ppl should read the context of those passages, it's actually applicable.
>It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs.
You do realize that the "dogs" in that passage are gentiles, right?
I don't think Jesus would get mad that someone who willingly let people in his home and they fucked his shit up, would no longer let them in. The only way you;d fix it is if the caregiver was given support and security so that trust can be gained again.
KYS my man.
>mfw he did
Because, My Lord, they want to kill your followers.
Matthew 15:24
“I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
Which would make his point even more applicable.
Jesus, you're a cool guy and all, but look where it got you. You got roasted by the entire town, shanked on the cross and finally died like a dog. Not gonna happen to me.
We can go to them. They do not have to come to us.
Fukken checked.
Kek has spoken
^ the correct answer!
Christ wants us to think of the greater good, not open the gates to our own destruction so that we can feel good about ourselves. We're to be wise as serpents
I don't have a problem with refugees, not even brown ones.
I have a problem with an effort that uses proxy wars, geopolitical shit-stirring, and propaganda to engineer a problem which prompts a response effort that uses subsidies to engineer an ethnic and political demographic shift designed to undermine the unity of a nation.
I myself would take a refugee into my home. But that treats a symptom. To truly help them, we have to treat the cause.
If he died nobody would know him now.
Why did Jesus not become a refugee instead of suffering his flogging and crucifiction?
Not at all. Jesus didn't care about what gentiles do and don't do. He came for the Jews.
There are only one group of people that the Bible says it's okay to kill and those are the Edomites who are literally the Arabs
14 Thus says the Lord God: eWhile the whole earth rejoices, I will make you desolate. 15 As you frejoiced over the inheritance of the house of Israel, because it was desolate, so I will deal with you; you shall be desolate, gMount Seir, and all Edom, all of it. Then hthey will know that I am the Lord.
Ezekiel 35:1–15
"Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever."
Because they have their own people to go to. Plus filthy muslims are at war with Christians. They worship a moon god for fucks sake. MUSLIMS ARE CHILDREN OF LUCIFER
The resurrection bit was fanfiction.
>christcucks btfo again
The meaning is self evident. Take care of your own first, because that is the responsibility God has given you.
Refugees are our relatives too, inbred imbecile.
Because they want to kill all of us and burn the west to the ground
Why wont the rich arab states who all drive around with golden lambos take one refugee in
because jesus, they're not refugess. it's a wolf among sheep and the sheep are injected with rabies
i'm all for this
Read the context. St. Paul is speaking about people in close proximity, not about a spiritual concept of "who is my neighbor"?
Blasphemy is a sin you know.
The German hierarchy, to a person, are heretics.
Just as Trump talking about God while he's an atheist and only worships himself
>You're a good example on how you can bend bible passages to fit whatever you want them to fit.
Just like leftists do.
another reminder that Edom( Arabs) are the most evil people in the bible
Edom was prideful (vs. 3). The wise man said, "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before stumbling. It is better to be of a humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud." (Proverbs 16:18,19). Pride was the source of Edom's weakness.
Edom was violent (vs 10). Edom's children grew up in an environment of violence and a "might makes right" attitude. Certainly such attitudes were displayed toward one another as well as outsiders.
Edom gloated over their brother's disaster (vs. 12). They rejoiced over the disaster of others. Instead of compassion there was rejoicing. Edom was a cruel and callused people.
Edom joined in looting Israel (vs 13). Self interest brought about treachery. It was a nation without ethics or principles.
Edom oppressed the fugitives (vs. 14). Edomites would set up ambushes to attack fleeing refugees to rob, kill or enslave.
>Vatican lets muslims in
>small group of Muslims fuck shit up
>more Muslims show up
>Crusade happens after
>He came for the Jews.
He came first for the Jews and after them for the Gentiles.
Why? Because God made a covenant with Abraham.
Romans 1:16 " For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile."
They are murderers, Jesus.
You would have killed them yourself if you came for a third time.
You taught that people would suffer eternally for doing bad stuff so fuck off
He came for the Jews, but they rejected Him, so He sent the Apostles to the Gentiles.
Your beloved Americans are worse murderers and plot with Jews against Christianity.
Christianity is a sect of Judaism which had many various sects.
"Love thy neighbor, but do not enter into a death pact with thy neighbor."
Sure. It's not because they're not white.
Because I don't listen to Jews.
>Sucks Trump's dick 24/7
>All his national heroes and his national identity is 100% crypto Jewish
>I don't listen to Jews
Says the person whose cartels flay people alive in the modern day. Don't lecture us about humanity, boy
Fuck Syrians, Build a Wall!
Written by Paul AKA Saul who never met Jesus and was not a disciple. He professed to have a miracluous conversion more than thirty years after Jesus' death. The men who walked with Jesus never sought to convert gentiles, rather focusing on Jews as Jesus was the Jewish Messiah and never said to convert gentiles. Efforts to convert gentiles occured only after this uncorroborated encounter on the road to Damascus some thirty years after Jesus' ascended.
Your shitty Protestant Judaic excuse of a country, which has spreaded liberalism, atheism, heresies and pornography across the globe funds our drug cartels and give them American weapons.
Edom may say, “Though we have been crushed, we will rebuild the ruins.”
But this is what the Lord Almighty says: “They may build, but I will demolish. They will be called the Wicked Land, a people always under the wrath of the Lord. 5 You will see it with your own eyes and say, ‘Great is the Lord—even beyond the borders of Israel!’
Malachi 1:4
Because Jews and leftists are trying to destroy us, and I don't want to live in a shithole nation like Mexico, or any given Arican nation.
>The Roman Catholic archdiocese of Cologne in Germany has disclosed it is worth 3.35 billion euros ($3.82 billion), making it richer than the Vatican.
>Publication of the first full report of its wealth reflects greater financial transparency within the German Church since Pope Francis removed a bishop in Limburg, near Frankfurt, last year for spending 31 million euros from secret funds on a new luxury residence.
>Also pressed by the pope to reform its finances, the Vatican has consolidated the various - and sometimes hidden - accounts of its many departments and found it has assets of about $3 billion (2.64 billion euros), Cardinal George Pell, the Holy See's secretary for the economy, said last week.
>Announcing their report on Ash Wednesday, the start of the Lenten period of self-denial and reflection, Cologne church officials stressed the extensive holdings helped care for 2 million Catholics, 60,000 staff and 1,200 churches and chapels.
>"The archdiocese doesn't sell products or earn profits from its services, so it has to finance itself mostly from its assets," said financial director Hermann Schon.
>Germany's Catholic and Protestant churches benefit from a church tax imposed on all their members. The report said Cologne reaped 573 million euros from the tax in 2013 and spent over half of that on pastoral and charity work.
>German dioceses had traditionally published their annual operating budgets, but not a full balance sheet.
>Cologne, the country's largest diocese, had a 2012 operating budget of 939 million euros. Its 2013 balance sheet, drawn up under guidelines for large German companies and approved by an independent auditor, showed its assets at 3.35 billion.
>Its landmark Gothic cathedral along the Rhine is listed as being worth only 27 euros - one euro for each of the 26 land parcels beneath it and one euro for the priceless building.
suck my ass pal
>look where it got you.
His spirit lives in at least 2.3 billion people but arguably almost all 7 billion. He was the most successful human and His will is eternal. Your will on the other hand is weak and submits to others easily. The spirit in you that denies Christ is not even your own, submit to Christ and take part in eternity instead of the intellectually dishonest and dying antichrist/atheist movement.
Jesus healed a Roman centurion’s servant (Luke 7:1–10). He traveled through the Gentile region of the Gerasenes (Mark 5:1). He ministered in a Samaritan city (John 4).
Mark 16:15-18New International Version (NIV)
15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”
Nice try tho, rabbi.
You have to go back paco.
Wolves do love to play as sheep.
Our hyperborean spirits are still hot with pagan soul.
The logic, morality, empathy and rationality afforded to me by your grace, Christ, is what leads me to this decision. I feel as though pulling a small percentage from a large mass that is unsustainable is societal suicide. I also feel as though pulling those from the third world that can afford it or educate themselves to achieve moving to the west is also not very Christian, its essentially stealing the elements of the third world that could begin to fix their problems.
I have no issue with giving foreign aid. The idea that we should give foreign aid as well as opening borders to overwhelm the societies that can actually make a difference in helping the third world seems counter productive if the objective is global peace, love of Christ even.
that is why OP
>1 post by this ID
you may think you are trolling here and wasting time, but the really funny thing is every single one of these slide threads offers opportunity for newfags to adopt dominant logic, to basically be absorbed into the community
No me acordaba de esas palabras.
Gracias amigo, que Dios te bendiga.
A few acts performed for/on gentiles doesn't prove that he came for the gentiles or showed any particular interst in them. Passing through a region doesn't means he was spreading the word to them. Samaritans are half Jews.
Jews hate Jesus and christianity with a passion greater than probably anyone else. They literally spit on nuns in Israel.
What's a religion which allows one to actually be proud and strive for greatness without bending over on all fucking fours (like Christianity does), but without being barbaric and completely retarded (like Islam), and without being autistic LARP cringe shit (like so-called neo-paganism)?
>its essentially stealing the elements of the third world that could begin to fix their problems.
I like how you think. Here is a (you).
It's a pitty that those refugees leave their countries when they should try to improve them.
Could you please give me some quotes in this sense from upanishads or vedas?
It's called "brain drain".
you earn the right to live in a certain place.
bill gates earned his right to live in a mansion. americans earned the right through civil war,indians earned the right for land by cultivating food and domesticating animals.
you can't go somewhere and claim its your's or you have a right to be there. people that studied computer science for 4 years and now work in america earned their right for visa.
>Mark 16:15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
Did you read this part or you just want to be blind?
mary and joseph and baby jesus when he was born .. had to come back , into his place of origin and be accounted for. The godman obeyed the law ..why cant mexicans obey the law?
Those don't mean anything desu
>you earn the right to live in a certain place.
*checks flag
I am familiar with that. It doesn't change any of what I said. The fact is that essentially no attention was paid to gentiles by Jesus (he even referred to them as dogs), his disciples never made any real effort convert gentiles, and nearly all focus on gentiles outreach came after Paul had an uncorroborated miraculous encounter on the road to Damascus decades after Jesus died.
The basis of gentile Christianity is shaky.