Is Richard Spencer the only thing pol can agree to support?
He's pol personified literally.
Is Richard Spencer the only thing pol can agree to support?
He's pol personified literally.
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he's kind of a faggot but he supports the movement i guess
no white nationalists are faggots
>dated asian women
I could never support anyone with that gay haircut.
In that he's a punching bag and cries about it like an overly sensitive beta faggot? Yes.
Whether you like him or not you must know that he fights for pol on a daily basis
he's a plant
You can tell just by looking at him. Who the fuck cuts their hair like that?
>agree to support
no, he's a whiny gaylord.
He represents pol well.
Give him a chance, don't fall for the shill slander.
Is that what you call it?
No he's a dumb faggot and you're being taken for a ride like a good boy
Your friend Rich is a plant.
I respect taking some of our positions into the mainstream but I can't condone him being such a fag enabler fedora.
He's too square and is
"raised by my grandparents" autistic, not "fun" autistic.
Master Chim >Spencer
staged as fuck
they're attempting to use meme magic to promote him as some sort of leader of the "alt-right", but failing because they don't really understand what they're dealing with
Don't really care about Richard but that was a sucker punch. This isn't anime, hes not gonna sense the punch coming block it and counter.
just no
leaf you will be spared on the day of the rake
Asians are honorary white. I'll stand with my Asian brothers and sisters till the end of time.
Is the author that tranny that posts embarrassing comics about a bug that torments it with reality?
He's a massive degenerate
and he's into racemixing
I listen to the Gavin Micinnes show too.
He ran away and didn't fight back. Fag looked like he was holding back tears.
ur a faggot
>pol is one person
go die in a car crash
I like Richard, he's pretty candid on the JQ.
What are you, a faggot ? Every Sup Forums poster would've seen it coming, he's obviously controlled opposition memed in by the jooos.
fbi pls go
Pol can and will never support anything unanimously, and often lash out at those who have a chance to help their plight. But ironically as it may be their greatest weakness, it's also the one thing that makes their movement so resilient. The constant paranoia and skepticism often keeps controlled opposition out of the movement, as well as appeals to multiple ideologies of people, since everyone from ancaps to nat-socs can converse and review all aspects of the movement.
He could have chased the puncher instead of walking away like a sissy. He will literally NEVER recover from this.
The guy who punched him ran away
Fuck off Richard
Go back to Stormfront
>bad haircut
>weak IRL
Sure sounds like he's /pol's /guy/
holy fuck no, he's controlled opposition
Watch the video. Spencer immediately booked it, then turned around with a crybaby face on.
I don't even like the guy but this meme is retarded. Someone sucker punches you from the side like a feral nigger and you are supposed to instantly recover from that? Yeah Im sure you're made of steel senpai
This faggot is probably controlled opposition and the only ones who want to suck his dick are all the faggots that came here from plebbit
He's a plant. It's blatantly obvious and most of you are probably shills
>uses Pepe for his own need$$$
>gets punched in the face
I guess he is okay, so long as he is always punched in the face for using Pepe
>pol personified literally
>kind of a faggot
>punching bag who cries like beta
>a plant
>fag enabler
>"not "fun" autistic"
sounds like /pol to me
Oh good. An obviously insane person making political commentary.
On /fa/ that particular haircut is referred to as the "hitler youth"...
I did, I didn't see much of Spencer after he got his, just he was walking away with some guys around him
The dude booked it though
there's definitely something going on. he runs NPI which is a nonprofit funded by federal government grants.
the feds don't give out free money without wanting something in return.
>I don't even like the X but Y
That sure is being used a lot.
Someone sucker punches you from the side? You kick their ass. End of story.
It happens. What is his opinion on how propaganda effected his past now I wonder. I wonder.
He's controlled opp. The media threw him, all trump supporters, this site and civic nationalists all under the umbrella of "alt-right" in order to discredit Trumps movement. He's a cancer to any cause he joins.
you are an idiot and taking the "we are all nazi approach", which means you don't belong here because we take the nazi label gladly, kike.
Have you heard him talk? He sounds like a typical college kid who gets a hardon when someone calls him whiteboi. I wouldn't be suprised at all if he secrety gets off to cuck porn. Both of the times he got punched he was just standing around talking in his whiny voice looking anxious, and both times he ran away like a scared little girl. Fucking faggot man he sucks. HE SUCKS
There's no physical being or thing Sup Forums unanimously supports, but a lot of things are unanimously (or at least widely) reviled or rejected.
There's no guilt by association for anyone to smear with, the only thing anyone can say is, "I don't like Sup Forums it's *buzzword* *buzzword* and *buzzword*" which basically just outs that person for opposing freedom of expression/free speech.
You're the fucking idiot dumbass. Before a few months ago, Spencer was so irrelevant, you were lucky to see a post with his name once every thousand threads, but now you see three to four threads about this faggot a day. He's clearly controlled opposition that's trying to take advantage of morons like you for his own personal gain
>Is Richard Spencer the only thing pol can agree to support?
no he's a shit debater
Are you retarded, the guy ran away before he even recovered from the punch.
How can you kick someone's ass when you're sucker punched.
he's 100% right
>on race mixing
Race mixing is usually 5-7% at MOST, even in states like California. It's not as big of a threat as lack of white babies or mass immigration. It should be addressed post-ethnostate or securing of borders. For now, all it does is deter normies away by making you all look like nazi eugenicist larpers.
>on gay marriage, libertarianism, and reactionaries
He is 100% right, reacting will not win. A new idea and strategy must be put forward, we cannot simply react to every outrageous tumblrite SJW and what they did this week. This is slave morality. We must be heroic and trailblaze our own ideology and ideas.
>on Faggots
hes 100% right again, faggotry started with the greeks, and surprise surprise there are a bunch of white faggots in the US. Again, this doesn't matter when your birth rates are in the shitter and mass immigration is at your doorstep, you can decide moral policies post ethnostate.
>ties to zionism
Yes, he has been quoting Herzl since atleast 2010, I fail to see any issue with a white Zionism. Aside from the fact that kikes are kikes.
>Barbra bush
A picture with her is nothing. How is he attempting to 'crush' the alt-right? by planning more conferences? by publishing more translated texts? by teaming up with right on?
Tucker, Milo, and all of the Alt-Lite ROUTINELY reacts to low-hanging SJW fruit. This is their whole entire business model. They REACT.
>wah he said something mean about Trump
Jesus fucking christ, Trump needs to be criticized, he is too soft on immigration. He couldn't even go full bore on the muzzies like he said he would, he literally brought about an Obama era visa ban.
I can tell this graphic was made by someone incredibly autistic who doesn't have any idea of how to achieve our goals in the real world.
>How can you kick someone's ass when you're sucker punched.
it helps not to just stand around and cry for 2 mins
>Not an argument
>Not even a complete thought
The sucker punch didn't make much of an impact. The guy whiffed it. Spencer could have immediately retaliated, but he ran away like a pussy and you can't stop giving him cunnilingus for one second to see that.
Wait, is it just me, or does that person draw themselves a bit less insane now?
>this bait
I want to sucker punch you and watch you try and fight back as I run away. While all my buddies are standing around watching you trying to come and fight me back. With cameras on you.
Would be a fun experiment, and fun to watch all my friends beat the shit out of you on camera.
Hi Spencer! How's the jaw?
>on Faggots hes 100% right again.
yeah okay just tell them to stop being gay that will work
He's a self absorbed closeted faggot
>watch you try and fight back as I run away.
I have seen Jr high nerds react faster from being sucker punch than spencer did.
This is basically all I'm trying to say.
I'm just tired of all these 4chin alpha men talking about kicking that guy's ass and how Spencer is a little bitch.
It's you faggots that sound like shills
If you sucker punched me with the force of a kitty cat, I wouldn't need time to recover. My reflexes would kick in.
Yeah did they land the punch the same exact way your shit eating cuck hero did too?
and were all their buddies there ready to beat said jr. high nerds ass if they came after said attacker?
You are being incredibly obtuse and autistic.
he's a faggot
Terrible speaker with pure autism.
But Spencer had a burst eardrum, mild concussion, and a black eye. He obviously incurred some damage, not enough to knock him over our out, but probably enough to disorient him as his attacker ran away.
Poor Spencer couldn't muster enough adrenaline to fight back. He's a pussy. I know.
Spencer's a faggot and you're a shill. His wife's a Russian spy.
Lol no he is a faglord
yup it was pretty good punch but the guy came back at him and his friends with a autistic scream. granted he couldn't do anything about but at least he tried.
>You are being incredibly obtuse and autistic.
you're trying way to hard to defend a man who clearly has never taken a punch in his life. it's okay if he's a pussy though, he's known for saying shitting arguments for white nationalism not fighting.
handwringing kike that gets repeatedly BTFO
>I am twelve
K den
lmao, white people deserve to die
>has never taken a punch in his life
I have personally witnessed Spencer in a bar fight.
Also, what are these 'shitty' arguments?
>Pepe has become kinda a symbol
Sup Forums hates richard spencer. he is controlled opposition and his reaction to the punch proved it without a doubt.
What a fake.
Shitskin? Argument invalid.
any proof of him being controlled oppo? or is it just anyone who takes my stance IRL is a government agent?
Just look at his videos you fucking faggots.
Spencer is definitely our guy.
>I have personally witnessed Spencer in a bar fight.
sure you did. it makes it even worse that he has been in fights and can't take a punch.
>Also, what are these 'shitty' arguments?
everything. Whites have no right to this land anymore than blacks do when they claim they are owed something for slavery.
>his reaction to the punch proved it without a doubt
He isn't anything like pol. Trump is closer to pol than anyone I've seen. Spencer is like pretty boy faggot who wants attention from being a nazi.
half, gives me a nice advantage of an outsiders perspective
you people really can't have anyone say what needs to be said in public, you just jump to "kike shill" immediately
If Dr.Pierce were still alive I'm sure half of Sup Forums would call him a kike shill too.
>yfw Jeb surge never stopped
Why do you keep making threads saying he represents Sup Forums? This board isn't one person.
I for one welcome and embrace our chad overlord
All seriousness though, people talk shit on him but at least he's fighting for white people instead of jenkins off to 2d women
Reminder that this board has been infiltrated by antifa so ignore people trying to meme Spencer into a coward.
we need a way to make sure that /ourguys/ are really /ourguys/ and not (((ourguys))).
heres what we do:
if you get quads You start a YT channel shilling our half baked shitty idealogies and we crowd-source your episodes and meme you into the mainstream
no,you faggots need to suck the advanced nigger cock get a load of these niggers neet weeboo faggots