Is it just me...

Is it just me, or have MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of normies suddenly had massive personality/belief changes in the last decade?

Go back 10 years ago

>...NOBODY liked MUSLIMS and it was OKAY

>...NOBODY liked FAT PEOPLE and it was OKAY

>...NOBODY liked Antifa and it was OKAY

Now suddenly Muslims are loved, Antifa are seen as heroes, and people are getting fatter and fatter and you can't even shame them anymore.

What the FUCK has happened to society in the last decade?

Other urls found in this thread:

Remember when nobody cared about Muslims until a couple certain steel structures were ABSOLUTELY ANALLY ANNIHILATED?

The millenial generation grew up. As a millenial myself, you wouldnt believe how liberal the school I went to was, and now that im 19, people I went to school with are borderline communists

They reject Christ and they teach their children to do the same

Hillary Clinton is a Satanist and most of her voters don't care or believe it because "muh Russia"

Americans do not yet understand the threat of islam.

school trips to paris should be mandatory for all americans.


Only retards think setting yourself up for diabetes and cancer is something to be proud of. Also anyone who isn't tumblr acknowledges that muslims are bloodthirsty animals.

Oy go- kid why wouldn't you like any of those dege- minorities

Culture started stagnating in the 90's but really significantly post 9/11. People are more atomized than ever, there is no community per se, only those created when people decide to rally against a common enemy. It shows, people are fat, depressed, unhealthy. It's sad. There are so many people suffering, but only the strong will survive. Consider it a massive selection event.

Over 3,000 people were ruthlessly killed in those towers by filthy mooslimes, Justin.



>Anti-Muslim sentiment strong and widespread in Australian army, study shows

>Defence force research finds 80% of participants believe Islam promotes violence – climbing to 91% if they have had sensitivity training

KEK, at least our armed forces haven't been afflicted by this.

Media brainwash

>climbing to 91% if they have had sensitivity training

lmao, you kangacunts are based




>Defence force research finds 80% of participants believe Islam promotes violence – climbing to 91% if they have had sensitivity training
>climbing to 91% if they have had sensitivity training
NICE! Aussie servicemen showing that they have brains enough to resist the programming. Shame American schoolchildren aren't as strong of mind, because that's where the brainwashing starts


Education system absolutely corrupted by cultural Marxism

I think you guys are overestimating this. It looks like a large # of people don't support this initiative or they like Muslims but that most likely isn't the case. I have seen multiple polls related to this, and most, if not all, found that Americans support it. Furthermore, you aren't going to have people come out supporting this because their is no upside. If you say you support this, people are going to call you racist/islamphobe/buzzwords and SJWs are goingt haress you and dox you ruining your personal life.

>social media
Good point. People have to virtue signal in social media to keep their position, eventually they just accept the beliefs they parrot. It's taken one of the ugly aspects of IRL and applied it to the internet. This also applies to forums with vote-based comment hiding

Pretty sure you aren't a millennial if you're 19, I think that's Gen Z

Why nobody should think muslims are people.

The internet.

The internet allowed for the mass spreading of opinions, ideas and propaganda.

Social media, as said, was the ultimate way to portray a message.

Kids spend all day on it. Not always directly, but they will have a phone and will have an account.

All accounts get access to news stories they post.
All accounts get access to shit like buzzfeed and all that which is spammed.

Ideas are hammered into kids heads, and then an idea becomes popular with kids.
Then kids and teens will adopt this idea and say anyone who doesn't agree with them is outdated and bigoted.

People who don't feel that way will pretend to feel that way to avoid the label, and then older people will pretend to feel that way to pander to the younger people.

Soon, people who pretend to feel that way have their adopted opinions reinforced fiercely in the hyper-intense hugbox that is liberal propaganda, and suddenly you have a generation of people who believe they are the ones who know the truth.
They believe their truth is formed based on logic, fairness and intelligence. They think they have formed their own opinions, when really they merely all formed an opinion which adheres to what is required to not be an outcast.

"I don't mind black people, I just hate those damn ghetto ones!"
"I have no problem with gay people, not sure about trans people though!"
"I'd love a gay best friend! Ew, a lesbian?"
All of these opinions are eventually consumed and morphed into the idea that everything is okay and acceptable, except being white, straight and male.

They will all want to be smart. They all want to "prove" how smart and aware of the world they are, even it means attacking someone for being something that they are, whether it's straight, male, white, american, british, whatever.

If you disagree, you are a bigot.
If you half agree, you're an enabler and therefore a bigot.

It's one big, disgusting rolling stone that has gathered degenerate moss for years now.

I know a police officer personally and he tells me the vast majority of the police aren't happy about the Muslim/immigration problem.

It's funny because our police and armed forces are completely opposite to the overwhelming general publics current view on Muslims and immigration.

This can't be good right? What happens when the police and military have completely opposing views on such a touchy subject?

they also now don't want to be isolationists, and continue with the policy of stirring every soup with americas dick. They also apparently support our crusade through the middle east, and killing millions upon millions of Christians and muslims, so we can let china have our oil, and we can sell our sovereignty to the world bank.
This is the total opposite of what they were 10 years ago.
Its crazy a fuck. these people are so fucking stupid.

It`s just you. Most of us live perfectly healthy normal lives.

Jidf, what are you doing here?

Seriously, why do none of you throw tarantulas at these animals on-site?

Yeah that's because liberals don't a actually care what they are defending. They just want to rebel against Western Civilization just for the sake of doing so. They hate themselves and hate the people around them so they want to destroy it on either a conscious or subconscious level.

The Jewish domination of entertainment, culture, business, etc. by that point had been completed so it allowed them to accelerate the process of cultural degredation and Leftist drift.

Basically we're viewing something akin to the Weimar Republic Era, only the country it's happening in is the worldwide source of "culture" being pumped out and is not only not homogeneous like 1930s Germany but also doesn't have a rich and inspiring culture or history to get behind and revolt against its decay, so no revolt against it will happen.

Heres a little insight

>Nothing in life is as important as while you're thinking about it

Just because everyones exposed to said topics and cliques more, doesn't mean more people care, or that people care more.
Just that more people hear of and see it is enough for public perception to change

i would have punched her in the face

It only seems that way since the media machine spins it hard. If you live outside of a liberal city, chances are most of the people you know will have common sense views.

I live in Victoria, the most liberal state in Australia but in reality it's only the inner suburbs of Melbourne that are super liberal. Chinks are conservative but vote for liberal policies so they can get more Chinks in, the Muslims in the west are ultra conservative but vote for gibs and more Muslims.

Eastern suburbs (where I live) are majority working class white families, and I've met quite a few people who hate the new wave of migrants.


FTFY shlomo

>people who deal with muslims on a daily basis
>people who see muslims crying on the news sometimes

pretty simple. anyone with prolonged contact with muslim communities grows to hate them. its fucking universal throughout the world. islam is a disease, it does not seek co-existence.

No gen z is after 2000s

The police and military aren't Jews and their opinions at least aren't generally controlled by them either, they experience a lot of the bullshit normies don't have to deal with so they aren't as brainwashed. I guarantee you very few cops are racial egalitarians. You'll start to see the divide more and more too in the future.

screeching pig should be put down

They don't like it because they are/were exposed to the cancer on a daily basis. Your average John Citizen is tucked up in his white community don't see them for what they really are.

It seems more like a drastic split between race, age and urban/rural people.

Most notably that all brown people and millennial are leftists as a response to their boomer parents and (((white people))) from fucking over the American dream. Every action has a reaction and we're seeing another shift to a very, very conservative Gen Z rebelling against the left.

It's interesting.

I'm pretty sure Millennials extend from the 80s into the mid-90s generally speaking.


> Conservative Gen Z rebelling against the Left
Yeah bullshit they may be socially conservative since they're hugely brown and nonwhite, but they're going to be low-IQ easily brainwashed pawns for the Left to use. They aren't actually going to be conservative in any meaningful American sense. America is essentially done for as a cultural or national entity and is basically a complete Jewish triumph over the goy, having turned the country into nothing but a cultureless economic zone.

>3 years old when 9/11 happened

I know there's a lot of kids on here, but god damn you weren't even capable of conscious thought yet. That day really did change everything. Maybe I'm just being cynical or maybe I'm just getting old, but these are the type of kids driving the narrative nowadays on this sjw bullshit. Not saying (You) specifically but your generation. We really do need a drastic change.

Also you're not a millennial.

Someone should make an infographic comparing muslims with nazis. Like "not all nazis" and "those are just extremists that follow a wrong interpretation of mein kampf"; "people that follow mein kampf literally are not real nazis" and like compare how muslims treat women and gays with how nazis treated, them and deathcounts in history and comparing the number of instances the koran and mein kamf calls for violence.


Libs are crabs in the basket trying to pull everyone down to their level.

Majority of the police force voted Trump according to some yank I heard on the radio recently.

I think most SJWs are just attention seekers keeping up with the Joneses with increasingly liberal outbursts. Really they don't give a fuck they just want to be seen pretending to give a fuck. They have already become a parody of themselves that's why the backlash is starting.

Majority of the public doesnt like them either. Its just the media only gives a soapbox to whiney PC cunts amd commie uni students.

my 2 cents

socialists/liberals/communists had a big surge in the recent years worldwide.
they slowly started to creep in to the court system and political system and changed everything under the radar
television had alot to do with it, racemixing and feminism got pushed over not only in television but in books as well. degeneracy and nihilism is everywhere you look.
there is also no reason to be patriotic anymore, there is no you me and this. there is only "us" and what defines "us"

>inb4 jew
iv taken the redpill

This. Only 1% of nazis even worked or knew about jews being killed and whatnot

Millennials were born from 1980-1995, retard.


You're a millennial deal with it bitch baby.


t. millennial trying to stretch his shit generation onto others.

Go back to sucking nigger cock, autistic beta. 1980-1995, retard.

Double dub confirms. TV and Academia are overun by pinko shit.


Fucking kek, It's the bluest of bluepills.

I have a few cop buddies and they're some of the most rascist/ bigoted people I know. Not because of backwards hatred of minorities but because they see this shit day in, day out. They are all hard working men who love their families but they are all extremely red pilled from having to clean up the refuse of society.

I believe the correct term for nihilism is black pilled

blackpilled are redpills for basement dwelling atheists.

>What the FUCK has happened to society in the last decade?
Let me tell you about the jew..

This. I agree with you on this, faggot.

>too butthurt at the fact he's a millennial

You aren't Generation Zyklon you're Generation Marxist faggot.

Social media and going with the popular crowd so they aren't forgotten and can stand up and say "I was there to."

You have liberals and feminists beating down the door and people just accept it to avoid being called racist, sexist, bigot. We have welcomed the refugee while calling for white genocide... With white people calling for it. With men apologizing for their sex because he wants to be the nice guy and hopefully get his finger down a troll's underpants who needs no man until she hits "the Wall," has no smv and becomes hardcore feminist who wants men dead.

Men have given up on women, women think they can run the world better with liberal policies and we invite those who own religion has a history of terrorism.

It's wrong to shame a person for over eating or some how allowed them to share they are beautiful and healthy even though children now have a lower life expectancy than their parents.

So many more examples of society destruction because idiots were able to organise online and some how gave it validation to become worth fighting for because they all want to live comfortable lies.

All thanks to social media.

based cyprus tells it like it is

thing is, isolation is bad...the isolated will die.

Internet should have forced anonymity.

t. Millennial faggot still trying to push his shit generation onto others.

Dumb cunt, it's 1980-1995. Get triggered all you want, retard, that's all your retarded dipshit generation is good for. Old lazy entitled degenerate dipshit faggot.


Libcucks don't even care that they'll be the first against the wall in the event of a slime takeover. They've been so successfully broken and indoctrinated by the 'white privilege' narrative they honestly believe they deserve it.

The isolated just value the granting of their familiarity very highly

its because of all the "you're special, make everything about YOU' attitude.
and the internet gave every retard and egotistical shit a puffed up selfish way to become opinionated assholes

Brave New World has it's consequences.

The only youth protesting are the weird outcasts you avoided in college, the ones with the blue hair, the hipster nu male faggots and crazy schizo girls who have some weird fetish or clothing style.
No it's us fucked up millenials who are protesting with their retarded ancestors not knowing their time has been long overdue.

>you fool! All the pills were red!

Seeing a hundred or so liberal faggots on TV screaming dumb shit like refugees welcome don't make muslims liked, average everyday americans despise the evil fucks.

Muslims killed liked 200 americans in the Lockerbie bombings

Every single person I know is a socialist for open immigration. Even the "conservatives" that just hate abortion and trannies. They want more government programs and free tuition.

I think this culture war is over and communism won. People love that sweet government money for nothing. They want to be taken care of by the state. Maybe it's not so bad.

no its just your flawed perception. 10 years ago muslims had a fair amount of good will internationally especially in 1st world nations.its why the democrats swept the house the year before and picked up the executive branch the later

antifa didnt exist 10 years ago. it was created by sorros in the wake of the polish and greek elections i which neo nazis won

as far as fat people well thats kinda a funny thing. as comedians they tend to do well. from a little over weight like chevy chase to fat like chris farley they can do very well for themselves and be liked

They took the bluepills... Out of laziness...

You sound like you're full of shit.
There is no difference between muslims an antifa, they are both the same terrorist group, they are not loved, and their violence and division was rejected by the people of this country.

Congratulations, you are awake. This is a dystopian oligarchy, and it has spread its control on a global scale. The infotainment infrastructure conditions obedient emulation of patterns and themes. Identity is sold to individuals, who accept predetermined attitudes and behaviors, and thereby cease to be individuals.

Without violent revolution, in three generations, there will be no free thought, no creativity, no independence, and no free will.

>antifa didnt exist 10 years ago


what the fuck are you talking about buddy

>What the FUCK has happened to society in the last decade?
>it's anyone's first redpill episode
here have yuri - and try not to kys

muslims have been doing terrorist shit for way longer than 10 years and nobody has ever liked them

This. Even black cops hate niggers and don't like dealing with them. Constant exposure leads to putting 2 and 2 together that certain races and creeds are more likely to be trouble than others. Humans evolved to recognize patterns and profile people, otherwise we would have been "#notalltigers" and died off.

Originally people with similar values represented in physical characteristics united in leadership and formed communities, since they had similar physical characteristics and values based on them, their communities self-propagated.

Over time, with common literacy and easy access to the international community, THE POWERS, stopped wanting to develop communities like this based on physical characteristics, and wanted people to be ranked based on their past allegiances in the community.

This is the new era, the cosmopolitan era, where a brown asian with poverty parents can be King David, a wealthy woman descended from the political elite can become snail tier. etcettera.

Although realistically as much as the powers would want to turn all reward and punishment into a bureaucracy , they can never fully bypass the effect that physical circumstances have.


ftfy. Everyday is pretty stressful once you take the redpill. You can say you're a liberal and not give a shit so long as you have your weed and porn.

If by nobody you mean the 3 people you ever saw in a week who all died of heart disease then sure, why not.

i wonder how many blacks become cops because they hate niggers

Look at children's shows. A perfect rainbow of shit colored races. We need pure white education and to take the indoctrination back from the Marxists.


you know you're spending too much time on pol when you think this is true.

I see more muslim hate now than ever before. It's turned from just a general dislike that you can laugh about in public to actual hatred that you can't talk about in polite conversation because every time you see that a mosque has been set on fire you feel good.

Fat hatred has leveled out, I think people stopped caring so much and just decided to ignore them.

Antifa is the only one gaining ground because of trump. We've gotta be careful there.


>Prior research offers competing predictions regarding whether an initial token display of support for a cause (such as wearing a ribbon, signing a petition, or joining a Facebook group) subsequently leads to increased and otherwise more meaningful contributions to the cause. The present research proposes a conceptual framework elucidating two primary motivations that underlie subsequent helping behavior: a desire to present a positive image to others and a desire to be consistent with one’s own values. Importantly, the socially observable nature (public vs. private) of initial token support is identified as a key moderator that influences when and why token support does or does not lead to meaningful support for the cause. Consumers exhibit greater helping on a subsequent, more meaningful task after providing an initial private (vs. public) display of token support for a cause. Finally, the authors demonstrate how value alignment and connection to the cause moderate the observed effects.

Guess we really are just sheep with deep thoughts.

>gaining ground in a country filled with guns

Maybe in Europe, But In america they would get shot.

Plus Arizona is planning on banning social justice courses so GenZ is saved if other states follow.

This will also be the undoing of the liberal control of education. When the Jew media can promote any narrative and that's your only source, you are indoctrinated. Young people are getting their information directly and gen z is red pilled as fuck because of it. It'll only get more powerful since the left's programming apparatus is still partially functioning.

Is that why our lives feel so empty?

I've been thinking about this a lot recently. Trying to figure out what the hell happened to the world, and I truly believe that 9/11 was the day that changed everything. I was 18 when that happened. The world felt good, it was the start of a new millennium, then on 9/11 we were pulled in to this fucking neverending nightmare.

There are a lot of younger people in here that don't even remember the pre-9/11 world. It was such a different place. The world felt tangibly different and better.

That's what we get when cover up operations are disguised as investigations.