Let's talk about who is really running the country

Let's talk about who is really running the country.

>Writes all speeches and executive orders
>Supplanting Joint Chiefs of Staff and Director of Intelligence on national security council
>Trump literally just wants to watch TV and read newspaper clippings about himself.
>Shapes every policy

Face it pol, Trump is a rubber stamp and Bannon is the President.

Other urls found in this thread:


If this is true, it isn't really a bad thing.

>Bannon is the President.


Still better than Hillary.

Yeah, he is a civic nationalist who actually thinks he can get larger numbers of blacks and hispanics to vote republican.

>Let's talk about who is really running the country.

Great why don't you post them OP?

This is utterly fucking terrible, cthulu will haunt him in his dreams for his lies to Merica.

Bannon is fucking brilliant though.

>Yeah, he is a civic nationalist who actually thinks he can get larger numbers of blacks and hispanics to vote republican.

He's also a ZIONIST who thinks we should have a giant war.

So? If he stays on course, this will be the greatest presidency in the last 30 years.

You mean Jared Kushner?

Trump got larger percentages of hispanics and blacks than any other Republican.

That's not true. I don't know where you heard that, but it's wrong. Trump got 8% of blacks, Reagan got double digits.

>Trump got larger percentages of hispanics and blacks than any other Republican.

That's actual a lie, but whatever, alternative facts right?

Jew lover cuckboy banon.

Is this pol fanfic? I want to hear more.

fuck off neo ctr

Koch can give money but he isn't on the National Security Council.

Also, you are posting David and not Charles. Charles is the senior brother.


he more of a nationalist than Trump is probably.

Trump would have gone more Cuckservative if it wasn't for Bannon.


All that money that you guys get and this is the best new meme you guys managed to come up with? No wonder everyone hates Brock.


>but he isn't on the National Security Council.

Oh yes they are, via their puppet.

Meant in the last 20 years obviously, fucking retards.

Cool fanfic bro.

I remember the last time a Civilian asserted his authority over the general staff.

It usually means a change in status quo


>Meant in the last 20 years obviously, fucking retards.

Not true either

Is this a meta-thread?

totally not rigged florida lel

>neo ctr
So just people that disapprove of Trump? She lost. Get over it.

I hope this is true. Donald gets to take all the credit and gets all the backlash from the left. Bannon works behind the scenes as a mastermind puppet master to MAGA.

This way while the left thinks they are chasing after Trump he is just providing a diversion so Bannon can do the real stuff.

The problem is that he's a fucking Zionist.

>>Trump literally just wants to watch TV and read newspaper clippings about himself.

Somehow this amuses me to no end.

Wait but I thought civic nationalist was code for white nationalist?


Got any proof, CTR?

>it's another reddit LARPs as NatSoc episode

Asians are weird.

Natural communists

>he he goyim, Israel is the real problem and not your demographic collapse
>admit millions of based brown Muslims and they'll fix it for you :^)

>Got any proof, CTR?

Straight from brietbart itself.


>Natural communists

That and he attacked Japanese and CHANA the whole campaign.

Is he going to be Himmler or Goebels?????

God I fucking wish. I love Trump but Bannon is the fucking spirit and mindset of BORDERS, LANGUAGE, CULTURE, NATIONALISM.

Bannon is definitely the man to watch. Anyone got any stuff about him other than the Vatican speech?

Asians have been pretty hard blue since the 90s. It's not a uniquely Trump thing.

>Hehe goyim, don't worry about your sovereignty, just worry about your demographics, you can't think about 2 things at once!
Gas yourself.

And he's not even pragmatically conservative to be decent. For all the fools out there who wish he was a Bismarck, unfortunately they got a Rasputin.

>he he goyim, just forget about that whole limiting immigration thing because Drumpf likes Israel
>vote Democrat or wait for Hitler... or not because even Hitler supported Israel via the Havaara agreement... just vote Democrat
>oh look now whites are a minority, tough luck I guess :^)

The liberal elites that have a high proportion of Jews are the problem, not Israel.

America pays 3 Billion a year to have an eternal fuck you to the Muslims. That's itself is fucking worth it. Also, they mainly buy American weapons and are a good base for operations in the region.

jared is just a little jew who is doing exactly what Ben shapiro is preaching


if you look at shapiros 2012 coverage it's literally what trump did 2015-16

Originally I thought Goebbels but now it's looking more like Himmler. Little column a, little column b.

They wag the dog, though.

>not Israel.

Spot the kike lover.

>did a hip hop rewrite of Coriolanus
>produced documentaries praising Sarah Palin/teaparty
>worked on Wall Street
>wants to be like Lenin and take down the gov't
>new world order

>who is really running the country

This is who Bannon and Trump report to

I dislike Jews and I also dislike Israel, but I get why an American president would support them.

Get back to Plebbit you cancerous retard.

Bannon was close friend of Breitbart who "had a heart attack" roughly a few months after he exposed Podesta as a pedophile child trafficker.

He literally does then newspaper clipping thing. businessinsider.com/how-donald-trump-starts-every-day-2015-9

It's from a book about Trump called Never Enough by Michael D'Antonio.

>he he goyim, fuck nationalism because Israel amirite? #RefugeesWelcome #ResistTrump

I'm sorry, but I'm gonna need a quick rundown on this.

We know where you live, CTR shill, remember that.

Take the bog pill

>implying we didn't secretly regime change to a Military Junta to dispel of traitors.
go home, casual

What's with the fucking with of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Director of National Intelligence?

you fucking retards still dont know the world you live in

>Face it pol, Trump is a rubber stamp and Bannon is the President.


care to explain or are you just going to be a massive ruinous cunt

He already has three generals there. And he doesn't like the Obama appointees. They probably fucked with him.

>wants to be like Lenin

>Be embalmed and displayed on the red square

He has weired aspirations

Initially I was scared of Jared Kushner, but I think Stephen Bannon is much scarier

Hope Trump doesn't let him have Dick Cheney levels of shadow influence and puppetry.

News flash, republicans are Zionists

Does Bannon know?

>>Trump literally just wants to watch TV and read newspaper clippings about himself.

Proof? Trump seems like a workaholic who gets bored if he's not accomplishing anything

Bannon is amazing. Probably the biggest reason I believed Trump was the real deal during the campaign.

Bad decision. I understand Trump is a corporate streamliner, and probably doesn't see the need for the JCOS and DNI when he has the SecDef and National Sec. Advisor, but still.

What part of writes all executive orders are you missing? Karl Rove

This, but it isn't even true. Either way I'd be fine with it.

David Brock already spit out a new spam group called ShareBlue


See this post:

Google Trump mornings ritual

Makes the most sense. I'd want to get rid of Obama's political appointees too.

My fear is that if Bannon has too much influence he'll be able to play out his retarded LARPer fantasies.

He literally writes Trump's executive orders.

why does he look so fucking healthy? he is radiating like a pregnant woman. this man is blessed
