I wanted to read the Bible to see what it's all about, but this thing is super long...

I wanted to read the Bible to see what it's all about, but this thing is super long. What are some of the most important sections so I can just read those (at least to start)?

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Matt, Mark, Luke, and John

The best thing to read is the gospel, the first four books of the new testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

You will see a few things repeated as its their testimony.

read revelation the rest is shit

read the skeptics annotated bible

Skip to the All-American sequel for the best theological redpill

Tip fedora.

Job is the only good part. It's all Jewish lies and Paulian cuckoldry.

Don't listen to this demon.


The first part is the history of God's people and how they fall from grace and need a savior, some of the early books are hard to read because it's law after law after law of things that typically don't apply to Christians today as they're not under the mosaic law

The old testament is where you find the prophesy for Jesus' coming

The new testament will teach you how to be a proper Christian and human

>dont pay attention to the contradictions guys

christianity is a religion for cuckolded redditors who are kike puppets

if you are a white man, worship the gods that made your ancestors strong


>want everlasting life
>but it's soooo long.
>It's like over 1000 pages.

Fucking millennials.

God created everything with magic in 7 days. Adam and Eve angered him by eating a fruit from God's special tree. He kicked them out of paradise. After awhile, human population grew, and it became evil, so God wiped them out with a flood, except for some guy who built a boat for his family and took along two of every animal (male and female). Humans flourished again, Jews had lots of wars, won some, then lost, and became slaves. God knocked up some hoe, and she popped out Jesus. He said he was God, and to prove it, he let the Romans kill him. His friends then stole his body from the tomb, and claimed that he rose from the dead, that is why his body was missing. At the end of days, a demon will wage war against believers, then Jesus will return at the head of a zombie army and turn the earth into a paradise for the faithful. The end.

stop following semitic religions

They were smart to leave behind their pagan ways

They became kings n shiiiieetttt

new law....

Song of Solomon

Do these if you want to learn about Jesus' teachings

The Epistle to James should be read as well.

Matthew, Acts, Romans, Hebrews, Corinthians, Genesis and Exodus.

Read Genesis, at least the creation.
Continue on if you want the life and times of the ancient jews.
Beginning of new testament is good if you need straight Jesus.
Also seconding revelations as entertainment.


You then consolidate everything with Mark, Luke, Leviticus, Deuteronomy and the Epistles. And once you grow out of the Roman meme and realize the Bible must be read with the Jewish mind, you finish off with the Psalms and the Prophets.

Though, you should aim to read it all. But my list is a good start and should fill you in on the basics.

Read and study everything

Better to read the Bible than listen to the religious nutjobs out there.

I don't see how Joshua, Ruth, Judges or Kings would be all that relevant as far as being a good introduction to the bible. Or revelations for that matter since it's so surreal and confusing for newbies.

Since Joshua, Judges, and Kings are just historical narratives about the Israelites and their struggles.

And Ruth is just a love story, if I remember correctly.

>muh contradictions based on purposely ignoring the text

*tip tip*

Which version?

Imo OP you should just focus on reading 1 or 2 gospels tops if you want a basic intro, since they overlap so much and don't cover other important stuff.


Revelations if you want to understand meme magic and the future

Don't waste your time cuck

It's no big deal if you fuck children. Millions have kids have been raped by Christian Priests all over the world.

KEK...what is a goddam mormon doing on /pol hahahha the idea of this is objectively funny.

Read the gospel (first couple books of new testament)
Old testament is basically a history book that occasionally has some awesome shit but mostly describes naming things and heirs/family trees/prophecies.

Oy Vey, how can we destroy Christianity.

Compilation of replies when? We need a list of all the chapters people have said are important.

For theological study read the four gospels and then epistles. For entertainment, read song of songs and judges.

Now that I think about it, you should probably read John too.

Joshua and Kings are extremely important pieces of the history of Israel.

Judges illustrates how retardedly sinful people can become.

Ruth shows that anyone can join the Chosen people, not just those of Jewish descent (contrary to what some Jewish denoms claim).

The details of Revelations are tricky but you can get the general idea without any problem (tribulation, rapture, millennium, Satan BTFO'd).

Read Matthew, the first book of the new testament and learn about Jesus. You should know who he is, what he did, how he can save you, and why you don't have to go to hell unless you choose to.

book of Matthew for moral philosophy
psalms for poetic beauty
revelations for special effects
book of Samuel for why the hell would anyone believe this

It's the biggest Jewish trick of all time.

There is literally nothing more bluepilled on the planet than Christianity.

Find the Bible in original format so you can read the old and new testaments in their original format because translations are all degenerate and twisted to fit narratives.

Seriously, there's a shit ton of different translations of the Bible, stick to the original cause it isn't anti-science unlike the contemporary translations. That's called biblical inerrancy when the original version doesn't contradict reality.


Just pick random parts to read and ignore the rest, like how Christians decide which parts to believe while ignoring other parts. Just do whatever is convenient and easy.

This probably the best list. I would skip the genealogies in Genesis, and I would add Song of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, and Job, with skipping the more tedious sections of Job.

Looks amazing! Does it involve linguistic, cultural and historical notes too?

Literally only read revelations the rest is utter garbage

Reading alone and without theology surrounding it, the Bible may spit you out.

Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John

>Total autonomy
Christ it is, then.

You may as well read humpty dumpty, at least some of that Is true. There's a wall, for example, they're real.

The page shows a table of contents at the bottom that's included with the copy that goes into detail about all that. The site has it at unavailable (it's free from there so no surprise) but here's another link. I posted that one cause of the sample given.


The new testament. It's pretty short compared to the rest.

Quickguide to the bible;

Genesis- to see hundreds of years go by really fast
Exodus- The ten commandments and let my people go stuff
Leviticus- Rules of law from God thru Moses
Numbers- Tribes of Israel and travels of the peeps
Deuteronomy- Moses refused to talk to rocks
Joshua- Trumpets felling Jericho and Israel starts taking over stuff (also the sun stood still, so that's cool)
Judges- People do messed up stuff and the Judges travel the land and yell at the people (also Sampson & Delilah story)
Ruth- Non Jews can be good people too
1&2 Samuel- Some serious shit happens (David/ Solomon reigns)
1&2 Kings How great the Kings thought they were doing and who really fukked it up
1&2 Chronicles- Each tribe and their babies (Israel divided & Babyloninan raids)
Ezra- During Cyrus' King of Persia's time, peeps captured
Nehemiah- People pissed because the Jews built a wall (lol)
Esther- King is a manwhore, Esther risks her life to talk to the King. Haman dies on the gallows setup for Esther's uncle
Job- Everyone kicks you when you're down, also Leviathans and Dragons mentioned
Psalms- Don't Worry Be Happy
Proverbs- Don't be too happy then you're an idiot. Also whores are bad
Song of Solomon- Lots of euphemisms and poetry sexy time
Isaiah- Judgement on the Nations (a book of visions)
Jeremiah- Israel is a whore for worshiping molech etc like the 'gentiles' do. Nebuchadnezzar is awesome and I would vote for him
Ezekiel- More Prophesies and warnings from God
Daniel- Serves three Kings, proves God exists by interpreting dreams, fall of Babylon, Writing on the Wall, etc
Hosea- God tells Israel he remembers their wickedness & they should repent
Joel- Trumpets and more calls to repent, promise of 'outpouring of God's spirit' on all flesh in end days (now)
Amos- Warnings of Israel's captivity & promise to return its fortunes from God
Obadiah- Only one vision
Jonah- Whiny prophet who runs form God, is famously swallowed by a whale until he relents. (PART 1)

The Bible is the most influential book ever written and one of the most difficult to understand. I've gotten through 80% of it. For the "background", start with Genesis. Exodus is good and easy. Deuteronomy is a speach that Moses gave near the end of his life and sort of summarizes a lot.

For the main course, Matthew is the book to start with. Mark and Luke are very similar so you can skip them. John is a significantly different perspective and worth reading, but of course it's the same story. At this point you'll have a good idea of what Judeo-Christianity is all about.

Great recommendations itt, but Job needs more more love.

agreed..listen to them

Honestly the first testament is a waste of time to read, its mostly just background story. New Testament is where the real philosophical stuff is.

This. The rest of the Bible is putrid filth.

Catholics not protestants... sorry nice try

your filth user.. but god can clean u up. good luck

Just read the whole New Testament.

Just buy a book of tales for kids. Same experience for you.

(con't) Loved a gourd more than a city full of people
Micah- Trust that God will save man in the end
Nahum- Words against Ninevah (didn't Jonah just work to save them?)
Habakkuk- Woe to people, who aren't as great as the land and rivers which is better than man by literally doing nothing all day.
Zephaniah- Promise to return Israel from captivity
Haggai- Promise of peace
Zechariah- Moar visions- Chariots with red, black, white, grisled horses (four chariots, rep spirits from heaven) (ch6)
Malachi- The priests have been fukkin up again, don't forget Moses' law
- End of Old Testament (2/?)-

--I'm not as familiar with the New Testament but I can put that up too if anyone's interested.



Read the entire thing, faggot.

Agreed. These four books are the same happening through different eyes. If you on;y read one you won't get the whole picture.

Also it's kind of crazy to read Kings & Chronicles side by side as it was the same time period, but one through the eyes of the prophets and the other through the lives of Kings.

Especially David and Solomon (also sidenote that Jesus' entire lineage is in the Bible so lots of side stories make more sense (like Ruth & Boaz, who were something like great great grandparents to Jesus (last verse of Ruth). Jesus comes from the line of Jesse, and King David came from which also fulfills the promise God made to David that his line would always remain on the throne.