Organizing a counter peaceful protest to protest the protesters protesting Trump's action on illegal immigration?
How about
I have a job
Thats like sucking dick to combat fagotry
Goddammit.... weekend protests?
I work everyday. Someone has to pay for your wellfare.
The "counterprotest" starts soon.
what do we need to get started?
Let the anger turn to boredom. Once winter weather gets intolerable most of that shit will dry up.
Leftists would eventually react with violence. If captured on film, profit?
great plan. piratepad when?
hwndu is the first and last time Sup Forums will organize irl.
> counter peaceful protest to protest
> peaceful protest to protest
> peaceful
Good idea to keep the counter protest equally peaceful, that's a pretty civil war you're starting, pal.
There's like two and half months left of winter on the east coast.
They are convincing more people to join our side daily.
Let em reeee out.
You're fired challenge
Let drumpf know how you feel by recording yourself burning a copy of 'the art of the deal' and sharing it all over social media using the primary hashtag #yourefired and associated activist hashtags #noban #notmypresident #openborders
Then challenge 2 people you know to do the same. If they dont accept the challenge within 48hours we know who stands with drumpf and against freedom and we won't be afraid to out those who stand with Nazis.
Again, show your solidarity with #yourefired #noban #opendoors #notmypresident, etc
If yoire at abprotest or rally hold a group challenges I they see our resolve. Show the world that we stand against racist Nazis wherever they may be.
>I work everyday
wal-mart spotted
who is this semen demon?
Damnn look at those beautiful puffy nipples just dying to break free.
>hey guys we should stoop to their level!
protesting is for faggots. we'll mock them until we can't any longer. then we'll form death squads.
This, and fpbp.
Plus, it will basically be:
>Organise peaceful counter protest
>Be attacked by buttmad leftist shills and antifags, courtesy of Soros' money
>Defend yourself, whether successfully or not
>"Breaking news: massive orgy of violence at racist and sexist nazi rally"
Bella is actually a tranny
Nope, encourage them, they protest different shit everyday. It is getting people annoyed at them.
Now if Trump gets cockblocked to hard we should protest. However it would be violent as the left will already be there
>courtesy of Soros' money
This, either Trump does something about Soros, or he's dead.
Why does your job consume your life?
Why do you waste time posting here and not working
she get friggin naked yet or what
It's Sunday, genius.
Is this your excuse to everything? You better be making six figures.
Then you could protest on a Saturday or Sunday?
Even most wagecucks get weekends
I think the bikini butt pics are the closest
we hold every branch of the government. These protests are them realizing they're powerless and losing the culture war.
Don't interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake. If you can tell me what the Women's March (which drew much bigger crowds) accomplished, then maybe you have a point.
We are in total control for at least two years. Let them exhaust themselves by protesting every single thing Trump does. The people will run out of sympathy and attention
Call me when you want to make that a nonpeaceful protest I already have some plans to disperse the crowds. Peaceful protest will not stop liberals we need to spank them like the spoiled children they are. They must be broken utterly.
What do I have to protest about? Everything's going pretty fucking awesome.
No. Because being shouted at by jobless welfare collecting liberals that suck money out of my paycheck will drive me to murder... and murder isn't legal.
I'd rather watch tv.
what a waste of time.
protests are just media tools.
bloody hell
no just no.
Well not a protest per say by a hang out. I doubt OP means obnoxious shouting and "REEEEEEE" but a couple of "THANKS TRUMP" or whatever signs, some idiot recording for Sup Forums to have lols and drink some beer. You don't have to act like animals to make a point.
I have school, work, and have too do a driving course.
Bella Thorne
How about we subpoena their bank accounts and then charge soros, and everyone in between, with 10,000 counts of inciting riots.
I'm not a Jew! I'm actually Trump loving Hispanic in a blue state. Just wondering.
I wouldn't be opposed, but with them shutting down Airports, you have to realize that anyone who is impacted by it will grow to resent them
>Thats like sucking dick to combat faggotry
There's a video somewhere of her nipslip for like a second when she's changing her shirt inside a department store.
True. This is essentially what put BLM in the coffin. Protesting on busy freeways is a great way to turn people that are uninterested in either side against you.
Find a way to set off smoke bombs and stink bombs in the crowd. Deploy 3in caltrops behind the crowd before it flees. Catipult Metsubushi from rooftops into fleeing liberals. Then disappear unto the crowd. Watch the drama on the bews later.
/pol could do this pretty easily with less than 10 men.
If you google a recent picture of her you're gonna be really disappointed
>source: I recently googled a picture of her and I was really disappointed
>nose ring
>blue hair
>even more lip injections
What the literal fuck
>leftists going apeshit
>screaming obscenities at people and destroying property
>straight white males show up in MAGA hats
>hand out free food, peace signs, give out hugs, hold signs that say "you're misguided but we still love you"
This would be the greatest propaganda coup of all time.