Here is an email to Bannon from his ex-wife asking why he's fixated on Jews.
Steve Bannon 'fixated on Jews'
nice digits
What a waste of numbers... Also, GTFO CTR!!
>Fake News
Big deal. Jews are also concerned about the amount of Christians at a school when they're considering taking their own kids there. It's normal. If Bannon was really "fixated" on Jews and prejudiced towards them, then why is he so pro-Israel and why does he have a lot of Jewish colleagues and friends that he gets along with?
Everyone at Breitbart, Jews and Muslims, loves him.
Nice flags.
We need to kill this children's game where we agree to walk a tightrope, and the guy who judges the tightrope walking is also holding one end of it. In the Seventies there was this whole thing where even people with Jewish friends were branded as Nazis, and there was this forcememe, "some of my best friends."
>80% not Muslims
Nice outdated picture
If you are going to speak about my wife at least get the name correct.
>printer and scanner artifacts all over the place
Fake and Gay.
>he said, she said divorce proceeding
God damnit I hope this is real.
Speaking as a Jew, I wouldn't even care if this were true. I'm safe in the US. I have no doubt about that. There's nothing to be done about this.
Nice digits you got there
Fake news but it would make me like him more
do your reading
Molymeme did a pretty good video on bannon.
His untruth videos are his bets desu.