We need a Senate investigation now.
Their blood is on his hands.
Agree, why are conservatives so silent?
Care to elaborate or source?
he knew the risks when he signed up...
>Obama plans SEAL strike extensively
>Military dudes tell Trump the strike is tactically sound
>Trump says OK
Sounds like he did exactly what he should have homie.
>he thinks war is some clinical thing where you knock on the bad guys house and tell him you're the good guy and he says oh i see and agrees to let you kill him so you'll be safe
nytimes is fake news bud.
>people die in war
dailybeast says the same thing, but they're also fake news
>guys who sign up for a job that they know every mission can get them killed
>but they're also fake news
you got that right.
A soldier died for his country.
Don't use his sacrifice to push your diseased agenda.
i feel bad for that guy
he won't be able to see how a trump presidency pans out
till Valhalla
Go back shill
>muh benghazi
cry more trumpkin faggot
F, shame we lost one guy. I hope we remove millions of kebab in retaliation.
They crashed their helicopter again. Seriously, Navy Seals have reached pure meme level.
>civilian diplomats
Wew lad
>a singular SEAL dies in an operation
Nigga who cares, that's probably an operator level fuck up anyway. Soldiers die.
>implying this is similar to benghazi in anyway
Dumbass that's not how it works at all.
The good guy knocks on the bad guy's door, shows him the good guy badge and the bad guy turns into a neutral guy. If the good guy stays there for 30 minutes, the neutral guy turns into a good guy.
If you think it’s natural for people to sacrifice their own lives to save others, surely you understand that sometimes a single death can save many lives.
I dont get your point, if a fireman dies doing his job he is honored. Do you think special forces personel are immortal? If they cant die whats the point having them at all?
Trump will not last 6 months
how many more lives will Sebastian Gorka take?
These SEALs had Apache support.
This. There aren't enough whites left to vote for Trump. No way he'll ever get elected.
The shooter is confirmed to be Samir Al-Hyda, notorious Al-Qaeda soldier, responsible for the death of thousand of innocents
he can't keep getting away this..
While it's nice to see the media pretending like they suddenly give a damn about human life, it would have been nice if they started eight years ago.
wonder how trump feels. probably the first time anyone under him has died on his orders.
I can't wait for a late Jeb! surge.
Redditor spotted. You have to go back.
Yea that's why he won in a landslide huh you dumb nigger
Screencap this.
>The military’s Joint Special Operations Command had been planning the mission for months, according to three senior American officials. Obama administration aides had deliberated extensively over the proposed operation, weighing the value of any information that might be recovered against the risk to the Special Operations forces plunging into hostile territory. But administration officials ultimately opted to hand the decision on the mission to their successors.
So the Obama admin saw this was a necessary Op but that it was hairy and soldiers would likely be wounded/die so they decided to wait until Obummer left, leaving the hard but necessary choice to Trump (which he made correctly).
How detached do you think presidents feel from these deaths?
>Soldier dies in combat
>Massive freak out ensues
I really don't understand why this happens
Jews love labeling people and things.
Beware of the Sacred Cows.
Beware of the Jew using sacred cows to sow dissent, D&C.
>Lead a successful counter-terrorism operation
>Press just report about the one guy who died
It might be time to stop drinking the media koolaid.
Mission was planned under obongo, he just let them go. Also every navy seal is biting at the bit to get some combat action. He knew what he signed on for. Garantee the seals dont blame trump and accept the dangers of what they do.
This though. It's part of military life. You accept the risks and live by them. Honestly whatever you do in life it holds some risk or consequence.
The guy probably lived grand while doing what he did best. Being part of some of the best in the world. Few men get to experience that.
I'd say living long is over rated if you aren't getting anything out of it.
They've always been overrated. All the former CAG guys I worked with said they were mostly just complete chads.
Easy to say when it's not your balls in a sling friendo.
Pretty sure they get real time feeds during those missions. Probably fucks with them a bit.
Why the fuck do we even have a military if SJW's like you bitch when we actually use them for? Why do we spend millions on it? You know what happens when you actually use shit? It gets broken & tore up.
And POTUS didn't get anyone killed, the muslims are who got that dude killed.
Yes there is a whole mass of fanatics committed to the demise of the west & y'all blame the good guys?
Oh please Jesus, send a meteor or supervalcano soon......this fools need an enema
F. In ancient Greece it was considered 'kalos thanatos' (beautiful death) to die in combat. It's the highest form of honor. There is no shame to be had, he died great.
Honor him. And the fact that some people are using his death to spin their little narrative is a fucking disgrace and they should be executed.
Yea, this was my first thought. American commandos signed up for this, knowing the potential consequences.
And so it begins. The eradication of terror.
We are going to do it fast. If he seriously can eradicate Islamic terrorism without a single casualty on our side (The West), he is going to be the greatest leader in the history of the world. The media will spin it as him not having gotten anybody killed without proclaiming how great of a feat that fucking is.
Obama got Americans killed for absolute fucking nothing.
You dumb fuck I am military. I do the same job he does. AMA.
>the fact that some people are using his death to spin their little narrative is a fucking disgrace and they should be executed.
Shit thread is shit
Kek agrees
Both presidents before him would have had this blacked out in the media,.. Or a passing text in the marquee while they talk about a transsexual's right to shit in the toilet next my wife at shartmart. Point being that nobody would give a shit.
The liberal butthurt is going to be the gift that keeps giving.
Try getting blown up one time and see if it changes your mind.
American soldiers were dying very regularly during Obama's tenure.
Don't you watch the news retard??
mission was created under obama.
you lose again.
He is a warrior who died fighting an evil enemy. Now the left is going to use his corpse for political gain. To promote an ideology he didn't believe in.
Jesus fuck why is everyone so retarded, including the press? The US military does not have "commandos", and a Navy SEAL is a sailor, not a soldier.
>carrying out a planned raid is the same as an embassy being attacked and not getting any assistance
are you fucks even trying?
Wtf I love Jewish newspapers now
president Donald Duck Dumbf knows military strategy better than Göring, faggots
Hillarys neglenece lead to thier death. Dangerous mission was dangerous. Can you retards think in this other then simple binary?
Yup, I'm enlisting after college knowing full well I might die. Just glad I'll be putting my life on the line for America and not globalist scum
Then why does the president read it everyday?
>civilian diplomats
Yeah, that's why they got stars at Langley, because they were "civilians".
>the murder of civilians within an embassy is comparable to the death of a commando during a mission.
Libtards everyone.
Shouldn't be in Yemen help in Saudis
2nd Civil war is about to start bigly and yuuuge and it's popcorn time. Poorly planned executive orders that violate the Constitution will make it happen. Drumpf will possibly be lynched because he fully deserves this and hopefully he can set some other records for lowest approval ratings ever as well for using weaponized autism on lighest level possible. And remember, we are barely on day 10 of this shitfest.
US had a system that assumed the President wasn't a complete moron - that whomever was in the office would respect the conventions and expectations of the office. So, rather than actually keeping the formal system of checks and balances valid into the 21st century, they instead had a hundred years of a cowardly Congress passing off greater and greater authority to the President... all the while assuming that anyone who gets elected would be competent. As I said, leave Drumpf alone, a major happening is guaranteed with this guy. 2017 will be tremendous.
“I will be so good at the military your head will spin.” — “The Hugh Hewitt Show,” 2015
“No, I’m not into anal.” — “The Howard Stern Show,”
“I don’t even consider myself ambitious.” — “60 Minutes“, 1985
“Bing bing, bong bong, bing bing bing” — “Lincoln Day” speech on political lobbying, 2015
“Listen, you motherfuckers, we’re going to tax you 25 percent!” — on China, Las Vegas speech, 2011
“A person who is very flat-chested is very hard to be a 10” — “The Howard Stern Show”
“You may get AIDS by kissing.” -“The Howard Stern Show“, 1993
Guy is a fucking gold mine.
Lol, you are funny.
Nigga, is kind of the job description.
In fact, he died with honor and happy. Not like you, you will die in shame.You will never know the joy of giving your life for your country.
Just a bunch of fake news
This is why I voted Hillary. She NEVER would have allowed Americans to die like this
When you sign up you are aware of the risks. Honestly it's no more of a risk than being an accountant and getting cucked by your whore wife. Only cowards are afraid to die. You sound like a child who's not aware of the real world. It tends to happen in cucked countries. People are born with no connection to the real world.
Don't enlist, go in as an officer, you'll thank me later.
Pay is almost double to start off and there is actual upward mobility and more autonomy for what you can do.
Plus it looks better on a resume if you return to civilian life after.
t. ROTC fag
This would have infuriated him. Instead of being praised for his heroic sacrifice people opt to spit on his grave. The left is so afraid of real life that they would rather submit to the enemy.
Refugees and Muslims welcome!
>She NEVER would have allowed Americans to die like this
Was just her policy to go to war with Russia is all, who does it really hurt?
just kys
Afaik the US military has plenty of carrier options for even lowly grunts depending on their combat capabilities. If those aren't great then yes, opt for officer.
So, I guess you'll be visiting the recruiter tomorrow, huh tough guy?
And how many have died under Obama?
Yea the shills slide this so hard.
No he didn't. Don't you faggots get it that military dudes expect that shit. Just doing their regular training results in casualties......You have no honor or you would not say stupid shit like that...
I am so glad that idiot hillary didn't get it but on the bright side we'd all be in a post apocalyptic world right now due to a nuclear exchange had the globalists had their way
Found the fruitpicking Home Depot lurker
Nice argument.
>one death during a major antiterrorist operation that straight-up murdered the AQ leadership in Yemen
>several deaths from when the terrorists you were giving weapons to got angry and attacked the US embassy in the country you overthrew, all because it was an election year and you didn't want to let anyone know that your foreign policy had failed
one of these is not like the other
Goodnight sweet prince.
Thanks based nether bro.
Holy shit you mean it's not like the movies???
It is, don't listen to him.
Because lefties deep down inside know Americans are more important than anyone else.
How is it Trump's fault? He can direct, but he can't control their weapon accuracy and combat effectiveness. The Navy SEAL was probably sloppy.
I'm either going officer to fly for the Navy or doing WOFT with the army
Remember when Obama halted the Osama Bin Laden raid multiple times and got people killed becuase he wanted it to happen on July 4th. Haha im sure you dont.