whats your opinion
also pic not related.
whats your opinion
also pic not related.
it's god punishment for denying him, faggots or pedophiles must be executed
kill them all, no mercy
Pedophiles need to be dragged out into the streets and hung from lampposts. Who gives a fuck if they can't control the way they feel. Do you know how many children get fucked up in the head because some disgusting creep can't control his sexual urges? The less of these scum in the world, the better.
How about both?
It's a sickness because a normal person shouldn't be thinking those things, it's a choice because they act on it.
It's pretty obviously a 'sickness.'
Pedophiles, get help. It's out there, and effective.
90% child mortality rate before age ten is our natural state.
does anyone question squirrels for fucking at age two?
it's instinct. if you feel it so strongly that you obsess on it you need mental help in resisting it.
further, it should not be genetically engineered out of our species. we may need that mechanism again one day.
4 1 2 3
most pedophiles just want to wank to CP pics or vids
those who want to fuck real children are the danger and they should be killed
Kids are ugly
Whoever wants to fuck children is a mentally challenged retard who needs to be electrocuted
a sickness
im waiting for these evil zionists to get exposed
>most pedophiles just want to wank to CP
That doesn't make it ok.
Pedophilia is fucked.
Hebephila is probably pretty normal because it is literally when women are the most fertile.
>most pedophiles just want to wank to CP pics or vids
How do you think shit like that gets made? It just falls out of the sky? Children get abused so these videos can be made. The more people who use it, the more incentive there is to keep making it.
i mean to pics and vids of girls naked or masturbating, not getting raped on video etc
like there are a shittion of pic and vids where the girls record them themself
Note: Back when society had lower life expectancy.
Standards and norm changes with time. Now, it is not normal in 1st world countries. The mudslimes who are still behind by 1000 years still think it is normal.
Pic related.
Hebephillia is normal.
Only conditioning and laws tell us girls under 16/18/21 whatever are not sexually attractive.
Pedophilia of toddlers and babies is sickness as is homosexual attraction to boys. That is not normal.
Acting on sexual urges be then right or wrong is always a choice.
Bad wiring. They can't be cured, and they should be destroyed.
meanwhile the average age of preggo mothers is 40yro and we wonder why our birth rate is declining, men are withdrawing from society and rates of mental illness and skyrocketing
I wish it was a clear cut as you want it to be, but it isnt.
a choice, a bad choice. people who do it know what they are doing, and care not for the well being of the child. I say we cut of their balls and throw them in the woods
Current mental health research disagrees with you. Some of them never act out, but many of them are compelled to and have no control over it.
You left out an option. Simply put they are a threat and threats need to be removed.
90% before 10 is not our natural state, you fucking kid toucher.
I hope you die screaming in prison.
Current mental health research thinks trannies and fags aren't mentally ill.
Fallacy of false choice. An alcoholic has a disease and is choosing their fate. Pedos are in the same boat, they have a chronic obsession that the choose to engage in. They can also choose to abstain but don't.
Under their definitions, they're not, and I agree with it.
a sickness that must be purged
a sickness
they still should be killed though
Chronophilia is a mental condition weather attracted to young or old or just a specific age group
Neither, it is natural.
Children do need to be protected from exploitation and paedophiles need to understand that children can't consent however.
>wanting to cut off your dick isn't a mental illness
>being attracted to the wrong sex isn't a mental illness
And opinion discarded.
OP is the same pedo Jew who uses bots to spam pedophile propaganda on 4ch boards. Pic related.
>1 post by this ID
yep, checks out.
This bot has literally thousands of bans which get evaded. Mods need to wake up.
It's normal, all men are like that. How do I know this? Everyone says so on the internet.
Bad wiring. "Sickness" implies there's a cure, and there isn't. Pedos' have the highest recidivist rate of any condition.
It's an abberation of normal, human sexuality. A woman, once she hits puberty, is a sexual object, and has all of the first and secondary sexual aspects, like breasts, pubes, pheremones, a whole slew of things to attract a man. That's why I'm against touching a 13 year old, for cultural reasons, but biologically, it's viable.
Children don't have those sexual characteristics, and the sex isn't about procreation or normal sexual urges, it's abusive and degenerate and a result of a mind that is just physically flawed in some way. A child is a helpless creature with no sexual characteristics, except the basic gentalia. Sexual attraction to a child is simply bad wiring, and that person is a monster who needs to be removed from society and destroyed.
God controls you. So if you're a degenerate, you should fear God and beg him to lead you towards Jesus.
>Pedothread started by a Turk.
The fuck is wrong with you people?
It's not, you're just a bigot.
>tfw you remember Sup Forums has always been a pedophile haven that creeps flock to
>people shocked when users dont fight the hollywood pedo ring
>confused when pizzagate keeps getting dismissed
Oldfag, you better believe pedophiles come here in mass.
Nobody chooses their fetishes or sexual preferences consciously, it doesn't work.
Sexual violence is a voluntary act of crime, punishable by law.
Onset of sexual maturity i.e. readiness for reproduction in females is marked by menarche, not by a specific age. Psychological "readiness" is an undefined and idealistic concept.
Access to violent pornography in the region decreases the number of sexual crimes.
All of these are solid facts. Healthy society ought to recognise them.
these are not facts, ruskie.
You're only calling me a bigot because you're intolerant, bigot.
All pedos must die. To fuck with a young child is the worst kind of sin against humanity.
Lol, you don't even know what the word means, you fucking cunt. You probably fuck around with bush pigs.
Anyone that thinks teenagers are hot, needs to talk to one for a couple minutes.
I guarantee you'll want to blow your brains out.
Are you guys not concerned with bot spam threads filling up the catalog constantly? Report this fucking thread!
are you an idiot
Kys pedo scum.
As a mild pedophile, I sat here reading all these posts saying I should be dead. Sure, perhaps I should be. Then I saw this.
> A woman, once she hits puberty,
So what is a pedophile exactly, Sup Forums ? What age are we talking about? Barely anyone mentions it. The one that law states? I want to fuck 15-18 year olds all the fucking time and when I see a cute 14 year old I think damn, I want to tap that in 1-2 years.
These are, though, and you can check the evidence. Hint: opinion of your congressman/pastor/favourite public speaker is not evidence.
Calling someone a bigot is literally bigotry you retard.
Just a newly diagnosed disease like autism. People have been marrying their daughters off at the age of 10 since time immemorial. Only in the last couple hundred years has it gotten illegal and even in some first world countries the legal age is 16 to marry.
Yeah that's why you stick your dick in their mouth.
It's a choice, just like homosexuality.
Did you ever think it is because they had been fucked with at some point? Of course you didn't.
While that's statutory rape (depending on where you live, 16 is legal here), that's hebephile, prepubescent is pedo.
It's a mental illness but they said the same thing bout gays so who knows.
> hebephile
I actually didn't know that word. I've been called a pedo for quite some time. Is hebephilia ''ok'' ?
Pedophilia is part of the greater sickness known as pornography addiction.
Pedophilia is a fetish that is picked up from porn overuse.
The best way to cure pedophilia is to give up porn.
Pedophilia is a mental illness. Pedophiles that have commit no crime should be incarcerated and studied to find a cure. Child molesters should be executed. Hebephilia is perfectly natural.
There is nothing biologically wrong with attraction to females capable of ovulation and breeding. That said there is at least some evidence to suggest females breeding as early as 11 can threaten the life of the child and the mother, for this reason I support the age of consent remaining at 16, since most females will be able to safely breed by this point. Females should be trained to manage a house and raise children their entire lives, and they should begin meeting potential husbands when they get their first period. Premarital sex is degenerate in 99.9% of cases and the only exceptions I'd say are those that are virgins that give each other their virginity and then get married.
Allow me to reiterate: Pedophilia is a mental illness such as Homophilia or foot or scat fetishists and they should not be allowed to participate in society. Those Pedophiles that abuse pre-pubescent children are irredeemable criminals that deserve nothing but death.
Hebephilia is perfectly natural and attraction to females capable of producing eggs to be fertilized is not a crime. While I believe a general AoC of 16 is good, I also believe females that aren't yet 16 that have developed enough bodies should be allowed to breed if they are already married.
>Hi, Mohammad
>y-you're a pedo!
Dogs get put down.
>1 post by this ID
little girls are the best
Pick one.
It's seen as considerably more normal to the point where most guys are accidental hebephiles (seeing a 15 year old with big tits and thinking "I wanna fuck that" for example), wouldn't say it's ok though since you've gotta have a cut off point after all.
Admitted Pedos should be forced to undergo treatment for an extended period of time. Pedos in possesion of CP should get sentenced to several years in prison, child rapists executed. It's one of the most vile sicknesses.
Something happens to fags and trannys as their brains develop. They are not mentally ill but they are built wrong.
Which is worse since they cant change.
projecting your experience. You got a deep dark secret hidden somewhere?
It may be the case that for some people, the attraction to minors is not a choice. However, I'm willing to bet that many of those who have this attraction acquired it via watching progressively more degenerate pornography, thereby making it a consequence of their own actions.
In either case, acting upon pedophilic ideas is always a choice.
That's literally the defence Ted Bundy concocted to weasel out of personal responsibility for his crimes. Said he was corrupted by porn mags. Admitted it's bullshit.
How does one even trick himself into believing this?
I just spoke against pedophiles.
>Which is worse since they cant change.
Pence "Tie a fag to the electric fence" would have to disagree, he was a fag now he has a family.
What about the ages in between? What about kids aged 9-14 or so?
Fucking mental illness. Honestly, pedophiles should be castrated then killed.
Sickness. Pedophiles don't deserve the hate they get, they can't control it.
Children are a boner killer for me. It's probably a sickness. Low testosterone men are probably attracted to children.
Sexual attraction literally makes no sense. Maybe as a girl starts puberty. But underdeveloped kids is weird. There has to be some kind of impetus for it.
9-14 is hebephillia and perfectly normal to have some attraction to.
Hes test subject success #1 eh?
The feelings are a disorder usually caused by childhood trauma.
Acting on it is a choice
>sickness or choice
Honestly dont give a fuck. Extermination is the answer.
Do a significant number of girls hit puberty this young?
It's a sickness. Men have always been attracted to youth, but sometimes that attraction crosses the line into pedophilia.
Usually around 12 on average.
What's wrong with being attracted to kids?
>Only conditioning and laws tell us girls under 16/18/21 whatever are not sexually attractive.
I disagree. I'm not attracted to significantly younger girls because I can't imagine having anything in common with them or them being intellectually stimulating. And contrary to popular belief, not all men view sex from a purely physical point of view; knowing that a young girl is nowhere near my equal is simply a turn off. This is not a consequence of conditioning and laws, but of my own experiences interacting with younger people.
Its about the cuteness which is conditioned(thanks jews) and the domination which part of male sexuality.
Its a sickness and one that can't be cured kill 'em or chemically castrate them.
> kids ugly
9 year old blonde girl with blue eys with tight pussy that you can get into her stomach with the dick
sign me in.
Pedophilia is the ultimate redpill. Who are those jews to tell me im not fit to have relations with a girl that's in her most fertile ages?
Finally someone gets it.
If there's once success then there's bound to have been many. It's not like he's a test run, the idea of electrocuting the fag out of people has been around for decades.
>meanwhile the average age of preggo mothers is 40yro and we wonder why our birth rate is declining, men are withdrawing from society and rates of mental illness and skyrocketing
So fucking kids cures this? Neck yourself degenerate.