What did they mean by this?
>Orange is the new red
Other urls found in this thread:
they're so far up their own assholes they don't know what to compare him to anymore, other than "any generic bad anti american enemy of the past pls listen and believe this white people so we can fill your country with niggers using your own tax dollars against you"
not even i know now. wtf is this shit dont most of the people against trump want some kind of communism. and the people with him dont think hes a commie so im not even sure now
>Trump is both a communist AND a fascist
simply cannot be fabricated
The world order is being upended, and they aren't taking it well.
I thoughts these retards loved communism?
wtf I hate marx now
Bernie Sanders is a communist. Does that make a Trump presidency the same as a Sanders presidency?
What they mean by this is that they have no clue what they're saying and are just spouting buzzwords.
Is Trump a Nazi or a Communist? Make up your fucking mind libtards.
>impugning communists by associating it with Trump
I'd love to see this. Communism needs to be stamped out.
Somebody should start this meme up. Get it going on twitter and see if it takes off
That's some kind of alternative communism, not the one libshits dream of.
This is a fucking excellent idea. Most people are idiots and have no idea what it even means. Spread it far and wide that Trump is a communist and must be stopped.
So does that mean antifa and the rest of the commies will get behind Trump now? I guess we can't stop winning!
The left is so god damn insane that anything even remotely right wing has all become some sort of Lovecraftian blob-like monstrosity made up of all the known evil in the universe.
I like it, this could work
>he's a nazi
>he's a communist
>he's a tyrant
>he's a racist
Can't they fucking make up their minds yet?
We should spread the meme that Trump is an anarchist and make Antifa the new face of white supremacy.
If they're referring to the McCarthyist ways that everyone is regarding Trump and Russia with, then it fits pretty well.
Well clearly he's an anarchist! Look at how he's dismantling the traditions of the federal government and violating all the laws (he hasn't violated any laws but that doesn't mean it can't be propagandized).
wtf I'm a statist now
McCarthy was right about literally every single thing he ever said.
>Communists calling a supposed nazi a communist
>Having this weak of a grasp on your own rhetoric
The commies, calling the right wing president a commie... whut?
I know Americans are retarded, but that some still think Russia is communist/soviet is really hilariously ignorant,
>Trump is a russian communist shill
>but also a facist
>not only that but an anitsemite!
>yeah and hes a jewish shill
wtf? cant these people at least stick with one story? and they are surprised why no reasonable person takes them seriously
WTF this is idiotic. It looks like someone didn't get the memo but still wanted to hop on the Trump bashing.
I feel like I've seen a lot of people doing this lately. They're not aware of the broader narrative, but they want to be cool and shit-talk Trump. Instead they wind up looking like retards.
Molymeme really knows how to captivate an audience
It's honestly mind-boggling how much wildly inconsistent mudslinging they do.
The left is completely off the fucking rails now.
>"Always accuse your enemy of what you yourself are doing."
So, Trump is both a Nazi and a Commie?
You should really listen. It's enthralling once he gets into it.
I'd say it's the definitive redpill on communist infiltration of the federal government, but there was already a book: Blacklisted by History.
Wait. You mean to tell me that the left doesn't even know that it's the marxist side?
They're not called "useful geniuses"...