Anyone want to admit to voting for Trump? This guy wants to know.
Anyone want to admit to voting for Trump? This guy wants to know
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Who the fuck is this faggot and why does he live in a liberal hug box?
>great pic of him and his wife's son
How brave, he's trying to intimidate people with the full winds of the media narrative, the hollywood elite, and international corporatists behind him.
>welcome to the Salty Tear
>how tough are ye
I don't even know who this faggot is
>What is a silent majority?
t. Hilary voter
No, they wanted him to break every single one of his promises. Holy fuck Kevin you are a retard.
can't find him. link to this faggot cancer?
I'd be willing to make a twitter account just to fuck with him, but too lazy to look him up.
>1 comment
Who the fuck is this person?
Leftists are so stupid that their primitive minds cannot possibly look at issues from both sides. They are programmed, thus can not be aware of anything outside of their programming. They really don't believe that anyone could have rejected the leftist agenda. They are beyond repair, and must be exterminated. Plus, we can have much rape of their females. Good times ahead.
Sure if he admits having voted for obongo who barred iraqies entry to the US for 6 month in 2013, categorizing the very same same 7 countries on trumps executive order ban list as safety risks in 2016 and having him and hillary bomb and turn libya and syria into hell on earth.
Ofc that didnt annoy libs, coz it was their guy, but god forbid Trump and republicans wanting safety for americans.
OP is trying to get Sup Forums to troll his dad or some shit
Dumbshit changed his pic?
Post screenshots please
>Hard core science and tech geek.
Like what? I screenshot his pic.
Kek, regular Sup Forumstard here I voted for Hillary
>Trump says he will do something
>says it again
>and again
>and again
>and again
>does it
Everyone knows what they voted for.
I thought you were going to reply, I wanted so see his meltdown.
I'm still not tired of winning
Short and sweet.
I'll admit it. I voted for him just so I could bathe in your liberal tears.
How fucking old are you?
Yeah, took a bit. Moonshine is hitting hard tonight.
53 as of yesterday. Why?
>central texas
brb gonna go beat his ass
Just wondering
>3700+ tweets
>only 93 followers
My avatar is Trump and I hang a MAGA hat in my office at work.
I live in North Dakota. This is not a problem as I am not a savage that lives around minorities.
He goes off twice a day, it's insane. Been doing it for months.
Hey varg
>I have a BA but I currently follow "I fucking love science"
Can we gas all of these people?
I used to work on the rigs on the reservations just past Killdeer and all the Indians had nice 100k trucks and wagons yet still smoked drugs and got drunk.
They where mostly watered down mutts also.
what happens if you admit you voted for trump?
what, you thought the demographics of this board wouldn't change after you attracted so many rednecks?
Nice. I have not visited western ND in ages.
>Neo McCarthyism
Trump is doing exactly what he said he would do and it's exactly why I voted for him.
I am EXTREMELY satisfied.
Nope, not me.
Yes please.
more people tweet him please, I wanna see what he says.
>Hardcore Skeptic
Yeah, keep lying to yourself, buddy.
Naw, I'm the redneck here.
*pale skin, red hair. Deal with it*
This Clown probably just learned how to us PIPL to look up people's real names.
What the fuck is he gonna do besides post someone's info online amd make someone else harass the person who speaks up?
Stop voting for trump.
>liberal asks liberal friends if any of them voted for Trump
Errata: Serious skeptic
I did and I'm very happy that he won and is pursuing his agenda in the fashion that he is.
pay denbts
So now we know who are the kind of people making threads like "pol btfo" tier. Kinda sad desu
It's funny that everyone's forgot about this "Trump vs Obama" inauguration shit and went full asspain mode about the "muslim" ban.
People truly do have short memories in politics.
Anyone who claims to support Drumpf at this point is brainwashed. When the Sanders political revolution happens you WILL be left behind.
I voted for Trump
face burg
Either you're a pitiful troll or you sincerely believe sanders will still be alive by/win the next election. Lets face it, America didn't want Sanders.
Too late.
Sanders doesn't have to wait until 2020. Once Drumpf gets impeached there's another chance for him to win. You're a fucking uneducated Trump supporter, who cares what you think?
Oh by the way, he could say he is going to nuke china. I'm still going to vote for him. All this salt, its just too tempting.
oh no it's a antifa wants to dox a polack episode
how unfortunately common
I just asked how old he was, how does that make me Antifa?
Look at the pot calling the kettle black.
>the miracles of socialist anarchy
I have two undergraduate degrees and a BS, but yeah very uneducated. So tell me, you measure ones intelligence by political views they have? Interesting
Enjoy the next 8 years, he would have to do something seriously illegal + have proof for him to get impeached. Or are you still in denial?
Irish immigration was a mistake
I did. I was going to either vote Johnson or write in Sanders, but at the last minute decided stopping Hillary was worth voting for Trump.
I don't like Trump. I loathed Clinton, as much as I loathed the Bushes. I voted for Obama, and he was a huge disappointment.
I still don't like Trump. Yet he was a vote for freedom over international slavery.
>he would have to do something seriously illegal + have proof for him to get impeached.
Like ties to Russia or getting hookers to pee on the bed.
>Ties to Russia
>Hookers to pee on the bed
If you think either of those claims are true you should go right ahead and neck yourself
Are you mentally handicapped, or do you lack enough common sense for an actual argument?
He is not going to get impeached, stop fantasising you sound just like the republicans when obama was president
>he took the b8
This is gonna be good.
>instantly spouts shit the msm told him
>central texas
What the fuck is this faggot doing in my beautiful state? Deport him to California.
african american you racist!
Is your shift over already?
Of course it's not what I wanted. I WANT the ban to extend to all Muslim countries, be made permanent and for Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to be wiped off the face of the earth. We all gotta dream big.
Nope! I'm proud to say I voted for based hilldawg and not some orange fascist.
>Guys check out this awesome Black Science Man video
>oh shit, Bill Nye OWNED some conservaturds
Shit like this is always sad. I gave up twatter years ago because I had no followers and nothing interesting to say. So many people like this though just scream at walls.
Found the first person we should hang.
taxes is a promise he made to the liberals, not to his base
aaand he blocked me
>liberals can't debate
>still call Trump supporters out
Why am I not surprised
He's on to us, act natural.
It's over for us
>unfriend everyone who planned to vote for Trump
>ayy lmao did anyone vote for Trump?
Fucking dumb-ass.
>Grab her by the pussy
no u
stop trying to become famous/"a victim of the alt-right" you faggot
How would anyone fall for thi-
well, Sup Forumstards of course.
>Liberal twitter nobody asks liberal followers if they voted for Trump.
He'd never say that. Nationalism is right up his alley.
Why do you speak ebonics, you are not black
>p-p-pls gib loans and federal aid