So, how do you red pill a liberal?

So, how do you red pill a liberal?

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you dont redpill, you Bogpill.

Wait till they grow up?

yeah they will redpill themselves just as soon as they come into direct contact with the words "regulatory compliance."

Make them live or work in a black neighborhood.

I used to live with one. When we moved into a shitty area, it was only a matter of time before he started to hate niggers. From there it was easy.

You don't, thats what cyanidepills are for

>Let a refugee move into their home
>Daughter gets raped by refugee

can you give me a quick rundown?

This is true most of the time.

Some people never grow up, however.

Post unsourced infographics and youtube videos.

>a liberals redpill looks awfully similar to a bullet travelling at high velocity

You infuriate them by playing inside the rules and winning, then you keep winning until they become violent. Liberals hate it when they don't win and flip out.

In small doses

Prop up their beliefs like its the greatest thing in the world. Then go Jenga on their ass.

With my penis.

teach them history that the marxist schools omit.

Start them on hating the bankers who fuck us all over. Don't mention that they're all Jews just yet.

With a 9mm

True but the problem is there is a chance they don't convert and its 1000x harder/more effortful once they're older.

An 18 year old that respects you and takes an interest in it and what you have to say is a pretty sure convert if you are somewhat competent.

i cant. the BIDF is on my back

>.45 ACP

Socratic dialogue. Only way I've ever been able to do it is by asking questions that lead them to their own redpilled answers. Then if they ask me a question, I tell them politely about what I know. I come off as really knowledgable I guess so people trust my info. If you're a babbling retard this probably won't work.

Actually, the most effective redpill I ever administered was sending With Open Gates to a few of my friends. They were never the same after that one, some of them even started browsing Sup Forums on their own accord after seeing that video and doing more research.

liberals are superior in every way to the "redpill" Sup Forumscuckers.. we all saw it in the hwndu stream.. Sup Forums's redpillers are compiled of furfags. tiny asians, and muslims named "jesus"

Surprisingly easy when they're on their own

With a bullet

>Socratic dialogue.
This. Liberalism relies on a large amount of assumptions that are largely unfounded and hazy at best. Simply peel back the layers and expose how frail their ideology really is.

The same way you would use anal suppository.

Yeah. Problem is a lot of liberals are too stubborn or stupid to even entertain such a conversation. The 'plug my ears and go LALALA' kind of people.

By fucking her

Not even that does it though.

Show them this video:

Suppository. You can't get it past the non-stop bullshit spewing out of their mouths.

Beat the redpill into them, figuratively and literally.


"Honey that is just his culture"

"B-b-but Mom?"

"Al-Saweed Jabaar is sharing your room with you, end of discussion."

How do you redpill a conservative?

Need stronger Red Pill!

But if they don't, they just go fucking uber leftist

Seriously please someone take Jeremy Corbyn away from my country