Legit question Sup Forums. Why aren't jews white?

Legit question Sup Forums. Why aren't jews white?

As a hispanic I count anyone who has a white complextion as white. Europeans and even the jews. They look white to me.

So...why are jews not white?

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>I count anyone who has a white complextion as white

Are Gooks white then you fucking retarded Spic?

Race is more than skin colour.

Jewish people are white. Don't believe what 16 hardcore Sup Forums nazis have to say. Vocal minority...and every Mexican I've ever met was a hard worker!

Genetically, many are, just they culturally separate themselves, many Arabs are this way as well.

They're only white when it suits them.
Otherwise they want their minority gibbs.

If they were really white, they would have voted for Trump like most whites.

Jews are not white, they're semites. Period.

The Nose-Stereotype is true

You're dumb

1) They chop part of their dicks off
2) the have degeneracy in their dna. By being jewish they are most likely to be liberal retards AND annoyingly smug atheists.

Semitic and Turkic admixture = not white

If you have Amerindian admixture you are not white.

Race is not skin deep, genetics is all the counts.

No cause they're asian for asia.

Most white jews are of europeon descent...thus white.

> I count anyone who has a white complextion as white

>the face when shekelman's face looks uncannily like an ex GF (vanilla) or 4 years
>a spic-aussie mongrel

Id call them white. Except blacks would call them black.

Makes no sense.

Israeli Jews are conservative.

Liberal Jews live in outside of Israel.


Have you ever seen an Armenian?

jews are white,they just dont like tha label as it means when the blacks are finished with us they will turn on the jews next

jews are white when its convinent for them

jews consider themselves a highest form of human race and every other race must worship them. thats what i heard from one old kike

Wow. Truly stunning how beautiful humans will become.

Being semitic doesn't make you nonwhite.
There are plenty of white Turks.
The problem with these two posts is that you're trying to equate fair-skinned skinned mongoloids and negroids to fair-skinned caucasoids.

>race = skin color
wew lad

Genetically they can't be, dickhead. Unless you are a convert.

>There are plenty of white Turks.
no there aren't, the few that seem white all have balkan or circassian heritage

One drop rule applies.

Semites (including Arabs) and gypsies gave up their right to be white when they started doing all the bullshit that they do. White is a level of class and civility just as much as it is a matter of kinship.

When they themselves said they weren't white, and declared war on whites.

>Being semitic doesn't make you nonwhite.
Yes it literally does. White means being culturally European. That's why Persians have more in common with Europeans than Semites do.

t. Schlomo

AND gay


You're not hispanic, I'm hispanic you're just a fuckin CTR shill fuck off.
no eres hispano.

Koreans are white
Japanese are white
some Chinese are white

By your logic many people are white

How very convenient
White does not mean being culturally European.
White is a matter of appearance alone.
You cannot look at a man, decide he is white by his appearance, then later decide he is nonwhite by his actions.

there are white jews, there are asian jews, there are black jews

none of them are any of these things though, they are jews first and foremost, the first truly post racial ethnic group, composed of the smartest and richest people on earth

oh well

because Jews aren't Europeans and that shit does not look remotely European.

>Implying you could pull out of this

i thought that race was a social construct and that only ethnicities are scientifically proven? have i been kiked on this issue?

what's the difference?

take me for example, I am predominately European, and racially we do not belong to the same root.

>that shit does not look remotely european
She would not be out of place in any Mediterranean country.


I am predominately Mediterranean and that does not look like my people, quit shitposting.

Yeah i am pinche culero.

No theyre from asia.

Jews are european.

5/7 with rice

thats cawk asians son
less than 10 inches and you aren't white

Take your shirt off.

most jews are middle class and above.

>They look white to me.

That's like saying chinese people look like japanese people because they are both asian.
Fucking xenophobic pig.

Holy shit they really do look like monkys

You look white like italian.

t. Schlomo

literally this

I am predominately European Med.

She could easily be Nia Vardalos's sister.

She is not European, is not Mediterranean either, she's a Semite.

Nia Vardalos is Greek, m8
Jews specifically refer to Greeks half the time they refereed to gentiles.

Don't ever let retarded stormweenies on Sup Forums tell you what white is and is not. It's fucking stupid. They bitch and moan about how great the Roman Empire was and all of our Western civilization and then ignore that a fuck ton of it was built by the people they now call shitskins.

Obviously, Anglos, Nordics, Germanics, and Francs are white. So are Iberians, so are Italians, so are Slavs, and so are Anatolians. Once you cross into the Middle East is where you start hitting the boundary. Syrians and others from the Levant are usually pretty white, but there are exceptions. Same with Egypt. Once you go past Iran or south of Cairo it's usually what I would consider "not white."

But that doesn't mean they aren't Caucasian. Caucasians range from Norway to Ethiopia and Somalia, and to India as far south as Sri Lanka. We share a common ancestor and it is also why almost all of the languages in that region are derived from Indo-European.

Obviously, there's exceptions. Hungarians are of course descended from Steppe nomads. But at this point it's become so diluted that they're basically white. Same goes for Finns. And Ashkenazi Jews or the name for the kind from Spain (can't reminder what they're called, Sephardic?) are white because they're Semitics mixed with Europeans over a long period of time.

I don't know, who gives a shit. All of this shit is very vague because there's a lot of crossover. What makes a nigger? Niggers in Africa are nothing like niggers in Sierra Leone, who are nothing like niggers in Somalia. It's all a shade of gray.

> Online Etymology Dictionary. mountain range between Europe and the Middle East, from Latin Caucasus, from Greek kaukasis, said by Pliny ("Natural History," book six, chap. XVII) to be from a Scythian word similar to kroy-khasis, literally "(the mountain) ice-shining, white with snow."

> The word Asia originated from the Ancient Greek word Ἀσία, first attributed to Herodotus (about 440 BCE) in reference to Anatolia or to the Persian Empire, in contrast to Greece and Egypt. It originally was just a name for the east bank of the Aegean Sea, an area known to the Hittites as Assuwa.

sephardi's are north africans and not mixed with spanish.

Armenians are white. There are red-haired and blue-eyed Armenians. They were the first Christian nation. They were part of the USSR. Armenians got surrounded by Turks and pushed further away from other whites but they used to have a border on the sea and ports and traded with other whites.

Jews look white to you because you have been conditioned through television to accept Jewish actors as white. You're so used to seeing white roles being played by Jews that you never learned to recognize the Jew when you see one.

Jews have their own language which doesn't share roots with other white languages, have their own tribal identity, etc.

Whites on average are more attractive than Jews as well so Jews take many steps to further pass as white especially the ones in show business who are obsessed with vanity.

This is the root of all Europeans and Southern Europeans, anything else is a root of Africa or Asia.


jews are white. I "pass" about as white as you can get. The final red pill: jews are white.

they are sandniggers

Does this mean Slavs are not white

no, but they are a form of sand people, but not the same as arabs

they are not white tho

they are r1a, a seperate branch but same race.

it only matters that jews dont consider themselves white

Does it really fucking matter either way? Post more Silverman.

Yes, that is literally what it means which is why it is absurd.

Greeks were completely Europeans until they decided to unite their tribes with Asia.

Jews choose not to be white so that no one can criticize them.

What point is this trying to make? It highlights what I'm talking about. You can clearly see that Ethiopians and other Kushic ethnicities are Caucasian, while western and southern Africans are more what we think of when we think of black people

just look at this white guy




In body and most importantly in soul the Jew and the European differ.


>that shadow

wtf it's true


>Jews are white!
>Israelis are right-wing!
>Israelis are nationalists
>Israel is bro-tier
Please like us

>There are red-haired and blue-eyed Armenians

they look like Ferengi from Star Trek

t. Shlomo

They are white in terms of complexion but they are a different ethnicity than European whites and they act differently.

They also a lot of times claim their whiteness in a deceiving way. They will claim their whiteness if it is better at that time and their minority status at other times. Whatever is more convenient at the time.

they ARE white, user.

what, you actually thought immigrants from europe claiming to be immigrants from babylon were actually from the middle east?

Japanese are more white both in terms of skin and behaviour than cucked countries like Spain, Italy and Greece that got raped by the Moors.

I'm a white hispanic. I initially grew up with black and hispanic people, growing up, I was a part of them, they accepted me. But one day my parents moved because the area was too dangerous, I became a suburban kid. I now talk pretty white, though I think I am a bit hybrid, I used to talk pretty ghetto.

Now I work with adult black people, they have severe resentment towards whites. They treat me like a total whiteboy, think i'm corny and can't dance or play basketball. So many assumptions about me being American white. One of them even talked about a hypothetical situation in which I'd get away with murder while he would be arrested by police officers, because I'm white. It's so retarded, my name sounds really hispanic and they don't care.

So simply because I look white, they treat me like I'm a privileged dude. And if a black dude comes from a white neighborhood or european, they are automatically accepted. So I feel the divide, I get angry, it's part of why I'm here, they rejected me Sup Forums


I would have angry sex with silverman and fill her with my goy seed.




The hardest part about having sex with Sarah Silverman must be getting the hand truck into the bed to move her fridge body around.

They roamed around europe for about 800 years.
The got kicked out of country after country and I cannot find evidence as to why though.

>She could easily be Nia Vardalos's sister.
how fucking faceblind are you?

Jews just race mix like hell, that's why it's matrilineally inherited. They can look like white people and act like white people until they are around other Jews. Deep down, like the Chinese, they are naturally indisposed to Marxism, and thus not fit to live in white countries. Anyone more than 1/10 Jew needs to be indiscriminately genocided for the good of mankind.

Because Jews are Semitic and Whites are Caucasian. Jews that look White are mixed with White blood.