looks like (((Der Spiegel))) wants to give us a neutral and honest perspective about the new chancellor candidate
Would you look at that
Hoping he wins, they expect one of us in the wreckage
It's almost Cultural Revolution time
How are normie Germans reacting to this? Anyone seeing through this shit?
God dammit Germany, do something you fucking cuck!!
Der Spiegel is indeed leftie as fuck, but this Kraut is trying to deceive you. The subtitle reads "The power hunger of candidate Schulz" implying critical coverage.
their is so much fucking jewry going on man
>Germany will have an actual socialist jew as their leader
Germany.. jesus christ.
What are his policies?
>Pro-EU army
>Pro-NATO (If Trump ""calms down"")
>Pro-immigration (worse than Merkel)
>Calls Le pen and Geert Wilders nazis and a danger to the world order
You know.. the typical policy's that a socialist jew would support.
I have been avoiding this for a while, but if this man is elected I will actually consider Germany dead.
It's looked dead for a while, but I think I'll call time if this LITERAL COMMUNIST JEW rules Germany.
Being power hungry isn't critical, it's neutral since the reason for the power hunger decideds wheather it's a benevolent one or only for egoistic reasons. The picture isn't implying critical coverage and indeed the covergage up to now was overhelmingly positiv. The hole thing seems like a big organized campaing.
Did we light the fire?
the kikes can never help themselves or show any restraint whatsoever in any situation
Holy shit theyre actually putting the Martin Schultz meme
Its like trying to meme Al Capone to be US president topkek
SPD getting less than 15 % comfirmed
That race traitor kike can go fuck himself.
Nah, the "Der Spiegel" is not always left, for example they don't cover running wars related to the NATO or their partners. They only jump on the "left-train" if they have to judge about others doing the same shit.
The "Der Spiegel" are much more like neoliberal shit-writers, that will do anything if they get paid right.
>comparing a Roman Catholic Saint to this filthy kike
Indeed. They will try to push this SPD guy. I am not very surprized after they failed with their Pro-Hilary campain. (Most state/private -media in germany was about 100% pro-Hillary, their pols always told Hillary would win with a landslide, like Brexit, they fucked up pretty bad)
The logic of irrationality tells us, that they will fuck up again.
The subtitle negates the first impression of the picture though. It's an ironic play on how the SPD suddenly thinks it's viable again and Schulz thinks he is the saviour with a white west and not a slimy fucker.
The title translates to "Saint Martin - the hunger for power of the candidate Schulz"
I really dont like Spiegel at all, but don't omit facts just for (you)'s.
You probably are the same fuck who always baits with article headlines and selfmade summaries of articles who are blatantly wrong, just for the attention.
>calling a globalist jew who hates germans a Saint
why germans became so vile and evil?
That is awful.
>Implying the general idea of magazine cover is not that people just get the picture and the headline not the subtitle
I don't know Catholic brother.
Be strong, be Catholic and elect Trump for another 30 years.
listen to this guy they dont call him a saint
That background is from fucking Looney Tunes btw
"Machthunger" is a word with inherent negative connotation, what are you talking about it's neutral? It implies that power is the only thing the person attributes cares for and nothing else. Not one normal person would say "great a guy with hunger power! Let's vote him"
From the Duden (leading German dictionary)
Wortart: Adjektiv
Gebrauch: meist abwertend (most of the time used derogatory)
Häufigkeit: ▮▮▯▯▯
Synonym: machtgierig (greedy for power)
Sankt -> German prefix for saints
Saint Nicholas -> Samkt Nicholas
But you are right the subtitle makes it clear it's ironic (if you meant that) as I wrote earlier in my other posts
>most of the time
Part of their story, will be strong canidate for hard times. Trust me.
Spiegel is a magazine for "academics" and intellectuals not for people going into the newspaper Kiosk to buy cigarettes and look around and say "look pretty pictures!"
Their readers get the irony
>look!!! See, the normal usage of the word is derogatory but this time it is clearly not because the word is used derogatorily only most of the time not always!
Stop grasping for straws or work on your vocabulary
Sorry mate didn't read your post correctly disregard
They had litteraly complained about, that this was missing Sigmar Gabriel. Also it's normal for every top level politican, otherwise they wouldn't be there. As insult it's more used on the small Level clerk or officer, without good chances, who still tries everything to grow in power.
I hope I'm not mixing him up with someone else, but I'm sure I saw a tweet of that bastard saying that there are too many governments in the EU.
Someone please help me find that.
Simple messeges for simple people. I can grasp, that you aren't bright, because of you useing the online dictonary and the limited understending of the term.
It's not normal for a politician, machthungrig is negative get over it. They would never have call d Obama powerhungry or Merkel.
Complaining about Gabriel is what everybody does. Being a better choice than him doesn't make you the right choice.
Other German newspaper s (FAZ, Welt for example) do write about how Schulz is a bland and opportunistic candidate, too. So it is really not like he is pushed on the full front as implied in the op.
Maybe not süddeutsche but that's a given because it's basically the SPD's partypaper.
He actually compared himself to Obama because he also doesn't have government experience. JUST
Fuck you you dumb fuck calling me simple while not understanding the most simple of german nuances and vocabulary.
If you don't get irony I would recommend to get yourself checked, because you might be on the spectrum.
Honestly I think people need to see the natural conclusion of liberalism before the meme can finally die, so I hope he wins. Your sacrifice will not be in vain, Germany.
>tfw you ask people what they think about Schulz becoming chancellor
>they say: "He looks friendly"
Seriously, germans know every single shit about US politics and lil wayne's lyrics but don't even give a single atom of a fuck about their own political situation.
I had to use the online dictionary to explain to you basic german vocabulary.
Now fuck off.
Simple messages for simple people would be true when the Spiegel was a magazine bought by everyday dumbos like stern or focus and not by smug academics.
>>they say: "He looks friendly"
He looks like the fucking scientist who's revealed to be behind the apocalyptic zombie outbreak at the climax of a movie.
Will you ever learn Hanz
words cannot express my loathing
The Spiegel is such a fucking jew media
pick one