its fucking happening lads..its gone violent
its fucking happening lads..its gone violent
antifa just sucker punched this guy and he's still knocked out.
antifa officially a terror organization when?
smash protesters now
bump this thread
>this is a major happening
>violence is starting
stream is kill
Call in the death squads.
stream is kill
its back
Not anymore
>Peaceful protest
I'm in Portland how do I get the ational guard called in to btfo antifa????
Trumpkin faggots won't do shit.
>as usual
wtf are they protesting
Peaceful protest includes punching nazis.
I wonder why Uncle Adolf put the leftist into camps.
Yes, let's all go down to the airport and stop people from protesting something they can't do a single thing about.
It's dead for me.
diff stream
How ironic that these leftists protest the democratically elected president by chanting "this is what democracy looks like"
I'm so glad I share Adolf's name.
Fuck these faggots.
they are protesting the bans from 7 countries but are too retarded to understand that there are more than 7 countries with large muslim populations
No, this is what domestic terrorism looks like. When you interfere with a nation's infrastructure, you are a terrorist.
Lock them all up.
how the fuck did portland turn out like this? i live in the area, basically all white for a city, and it's nothing but faggots, degenerate hipsters, and food carts kebabs
Is your youtube account M. woofington?
*begins riot*
all these guys can do is shot catch phrases and stamp their feet, this isn't going to change trumps mind
>my face the last few months
Have people been protesting at the airports nonstop since yesterday? Are flights getting cancelled?
It's Vermont syndrome.
You put enough White people in a far flung enough place and they'll collectively conclude that they're the worst people ever and must atone for having it so good.
You see, while White flight was occurring, people were acting in their self-interests, moving to better locales for schools, business, comfort so on and so forth. These people are not the ones who now inhabit those same places, they are their children, with none of the 50's propaganda to keep them proud and patriotic. These people stew and grow to hate each other to such an extent that it quickly becomes "the only way to fix our problems are importing brown people."
A la, Vermont, where their public radio station spends all day race baiting and calling people fascists. It's gone full circle from rebellious to mainstream and now, in light of recent events, "rebellious", i.e., Trump is Hitler and voting for him should be reason for one to be evicted from their home.
Don't write this off either, all isolated White populations with no emphasis on nationalism or history seem to lean left, dive left, and then board and airplane and keep going left until they've past where they've started, all ultimately seek to destroy themselves.
do these people not have jobs tomorrow?
shouldnt they be getting home to get ready for tomorrow?
they do bathe, right?
Boy oh boy you're fucking retarded. Trump has already caved in on the pressure about the gag order and reversed his decision. Pressure works. No wonder we're losing.
This is because we didn't impose a ban on Californians 25 years ago.
New Zealand and Australia are not very left wing at all.
>anyone that thinks a protest will solve their problems
>having jobs
You mean the gag order that never existed and was made up hysteria from liberal news outlets?
Sup Forums please tell me there is a magical world that I am unaware of where these degenerates get hunted down and beat after this all blows over. Where is out batman?
Soros is probably paying their rent.
Where's ISIS when you need them?
You didn't read what I said. You people don't hate your country, these is at least some degree of culture in Australia. The average Vermonter will tell you the U.S. government needs to be overthrown. Slight difference.
I refuse to believe someone with brain damage could even manage to post.
vid of mob attacking peaceful Trump supporters
RWDS soon.
>fuck borders, release detainees
>fuck the wall, we'll tear it down
good luck commies
glass chin
>Knocking a guy the fuck out and yelling "thats what you get Nazi"
Really makes me think.
Gang up on a man and sucker punch him.
Act tough afterwards.
Will niggers ever evolve?
>that guy sticking his phone out yelling YOU GOT KNOCKED OUT
wouldve loved to knock it out of his hand
A good sucker punch will knock out most anybody. If you watch MMA and boxing, it's almost always the punches that opponents don't see coming that get KOs.
If that's all you want to do after watching that, you're part of the problem.
>its not our fault we got martial law
>doing more than that next to a crowd of 20+ people who want to harm you
good luck with that life isn't like movies where you can be the hero
Open season for commies soon?
I want a toe tag tally but too mentally unstable for military
Yep, just as I've been saying
Violence towards trump supporters will be the new norm unless we do something about it.
Nothing will happen they will keep getting away making you all look weak and encouraging more violence. Police sit on their hands twiddling their thumbs while republican leaders walk around with shit eating grins on their face.
The fire rises
Just needs to be one or two instances of antifa getting shot dead in clear cut self defense on camera
At this rate it will happen
time to extinguish the leftist scum
>Nothing will happen
Doubt it will happen
Police are afraid and conservatives are either apathetic or cowardly about the situation
it's 1 hr 40
Depends on location.
Portland is notoriously left.
I don't understand why we dont fight back...
>Doubt it will happen
It almost has, if only the person who was being assaulted had better aim or a bigger caliber
Hope the fuck is permanently paralyzed
Why does this look like a rowdy tailgate for soccer or football?
There should be some way to organize rapid-response counter-protests whenever shit like this happens. Get people on the ground ASAP.
>he's still knocked out
You know, that's, like, really bad for you.
Hey guise, think these videos will be on the Today Show tomorrow morning? the media will properly attribute and denounce this violence, right?
bump for war
We're afraid because we know the media will turn us into the bad guys. Our lives would be ruined. They would truly have to be all in and Sacrifice a lot (unlike the left).
Someone made a sign of the 4 T's swastika design.
they doxxed someone shit
Do you honestly believe anyone on Sup Forums has much to lose?
fuck uber
>links to a clip an hour long... doesnt tell you when the violence starts. fuck you op
>that autistic black guy on the mic
I unironically want these leftist trash all shot. What the fuck? Where is the law and order?
ok,, it's at about 1:25
fucking hell those animals, hope trump cracks down on them
lel, then they start chanting "peaceful protest"
the cops would move up
>peaceful protests
cops back down
get killed
Especially with 3k more ICE operators.
>now that he is the pres
>i have to work with him
she didnt even know what to say
>nice try cuck
I'm on Sup Forums and I have a lot to lose.
I am positive there are others who are normal people.
this guy sounds like a dumbass
then they are shocked when riot cops turn up, well DURRR, you just started a riot you niggerd
the taxi cabs were giving up
This is not a meme, people. Let's keep in mind that Soros directly funds the SJW organizations that dedicate their time on protests like this.
right wing death squads NOW
leaf bros are u ok?
now at 1:33 they are chanting praise kek, wtf?
because the more they do this the more they destroy their own narrative
THEY look immature, THEY look like nazis to the american people.
these riots have no reason to them, its like whites beating blacks during mlk days
I'll bet it's an Ahmadi mosque and they were attacked by Sunni Takfiris
leafs are u ok?
wrong thread
so much happening
Exactly. It's all about the image made. And the image is that they are winner and you are evil if you're not protesting.
>this is what democracy looks like
no, you fucking morans, this is what mob incited violence and riot looks like
get in the jail you primitive savages