Which state has the best plates?
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New Hampshire, because of their state motto
Ohio plates are comfy af
Vermont or Virginia
Arizona, Alaska, Washington, and Colorado
Dem mountains.
I like the Texas one thats all black with white numbers/letters
>reminds me of my childhood and the good ole days
South Carolina desu. Fuck Virginia. So damn boring.
Chickadees a cute
i do really like the colors of West Virgina though
VA here. Our plates suck, but at least we have pic related.
Ye I liked my WA plates.
But those Michigan ones aren't bad. I think I'm gonna get them on renewal.
at least you dont have Delaware
arizona looks pretty comfy
black Delaware plates /thread
im from florida i like utah oregon and washington
That's our old license plate.
Pic related is our new one. It has a scissor-tail flycatcher bird instead of the indian.
Update your chart OP.
even though they are liberal cucked faggots
old PA dare plate is also cool
With the best gun laws in the union.
I've always admired Delaware's plates. They remind me of the old PA plates.
I've always thought New Jersey's plates sucked ass.
New Yorker here, this is correct. Fuck my cuck state, New Hampshire wins.
The Florida plates are nice and colorful, but that fucking orange gets in the way. If you go with vanity plates, you can't read em because of the fucking orange.
I saw one of these the other day. Do they still even make them?
>50 states
>49 plates in image
>can't figure out which is missing
Many of those are old designs. Here's an updated list.
Lmao I love how they changed it to Pure Michigan after Flint
noone gives a fuck where ur from cuck
Oregon, Colorado, Vermont, New Mexico
Vermont for nostalgic reasons
>Livin' in the middle of the woods, very cozy
Not a state. There should be 51 with DC.
Do it. They took my beautiful MI plates at the DMV when I bought my boring ass CA plates.
south Dakota is missing
Nigger, Pure Michigan has been our tourism slogan for years and years. It's been on the license plate for years as well.
NY is ugliest, SC with the muslim moon can fuck off
South Dakota.
Oklahoma here
I vote my state for having the absolute worst plate
Thanks anons
Snowniggers have the best plates of all time.
It's South Dakota.
DC is not a state, you moron.
what a bunch of fags
we used to, but not anymore thanks to our cuck governor, thank heavens we have elections this year
Texas has the best specialty plates
Our statue of liberty plates were GOAT
Fuck Illinois.
Not because their license plate sucks, but because they can't fucking drive or park worth a damn.
>Guess what state I'm in
What the actual fuck they have been doing this for ages...
Best state deserves best plate. Montana wins.
Looks like 50 to me friendo. It's 10 x 5.
>Not even a state
Cuck capital
this is the truth
well, at least we still have these
Never mind. I'm dumb
By far the most retarded.
Most of our plates are garbage.
Reminds me of robocop for some reason
Drop some redpilled personalized plate ideas up in here. Getting new plates soon. Bonus if they might actually pass the review.
bleah only Illinois is lamer
Not so pure after the crisis though michcuck
Quebec aren't bad
shut up, mountains are nice. evergreen state is a cool name and concept.
Its true. With all the rain WA is really the Evergreen state.
These are so fucking ugly!
South Carolina.
Of the ones shown, Colorado. It doesn't need a name to identify the state.
>tfw Northwest Territories and Nunavut's license plates are literally polar bears
Ontario's had inverted colours back in the 60s. And they also switched to a shitty light blue colour for the text in the 2000s. Before it was dark blue and looked pretty good. The black text on a white background is for trucks and industrial vans.
What do you think of my plates, Sup Forums?
ive never seen those. ive seen the ones with the grape vines
Nunavut changed it to a rectangle.
the flag in BC is cool af
>i also like yukon
>tfw no penguin plate
California xD
love the one shaped like a polar bear
they just started making them so I wouldn't imagine they'd be around
The blue and gold one is the best desu
i thought that was for MtF trannies
oh, still looks cool though
yoooooooo i want that shit
canadafag here. unbiased opinion:
1. delaware
2. colorado
3. california
4. maryland
5. new york
California Legacy plates. Those are the black and yellow ones from the 60's and 50's,
liking Delaware
I never knew Hawaii had such gay license plates.
6. Connecticut
The black looks nice on a sports car.
*Dartmouth College and UNH are cucked liberal faggots
New Mexico