>Who is he and what does he want?
Can someone give me a quick rundown?
>Who is he and what does he want?
Can someone give me a quick rundown?
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i think he is like a Joseph Goebbels figure
an absolute madman who will be remembered as the Dick Cheney of the Trump Administration. There's a reason leftshits started freaking out when they found out he was going to be in the white house. He terrifies them
nope, that's Stephen Miller
bannon was top boss at breitbart.com
if you want to know what bannon wants read any breitbart article that came out during trump's campaign.
Currently Bannon and his big white brain are about the only chance we have to stave off the communists.
He's the real bogdandoff.
the reason bannon terrifies liberals is because he's a good strategist who is also willing to regularly make high-risk/high-reward plays all the time. look at the previous couple elections where every candidate was basically defined by how far they were willing to go in risk management.
bannon does things like hire schlomo faggopolis and give him a big salary and corner office to be the troll-in-chief of his newspaper. what that means is when bannon loses he goes down completely in flames and when he wins he wins fucking huge and can't be stopped.
>The central thing that binds that all together is a center-right populist movement of really the middle class, the working men and women in the world who are just tired of being dictated to by what we call the party of Davos. A group of kind of — we’re not conspiracy-theory guys, but there’s certainly — and I could see this when I worked at Goldman Sachs — there are people in New York that feel closer to people in London and in Berlin than they do to people in Kansas and in Colorado, and they have more of this elite mentality that they’re going to dictate to everybody how the world’s going to be run.
what is his endgame?
Steve Bannon is the most powerful man in America right now.
Bannon is probably a genius, and has used his talents to manipulate his way to the highest levels of society. He went from being a US Navy officer to a Hollywood producer to a Goldman Sachs banker to being a right-wing blogger to being the right-hand man of the US President. That kind of career doesn't happen to idiots. I suspect that when we look back at this era, Bannon will be viewed as one of the most influential figures. His connections to Trump are known, but I'd be surprised if he didn't have some hand in the Brexit campaign.
As for what Bannon wants, that's the question. We don't know for sure. He's publicly stated that he wants to destroy the establishment, but we don't know what he wants to replace it with.
My guess? Bannon wants to end globalization. Both cultural and economic globalization. He's spoken out against secularism before, and has said that the West should embrace its Christian roots, not "progress" beyond them. He's also against immigration too, both in Europe and the US.
Bannon has described himself as a "nationalist" without any guilt. A civic nationalist, but still a nationalist.
Destruction of a fucked up system.
He's a former climate change warrior that bankrupt the Biosphere 1 project, then figured out he could make money on net as an "alternative" conservative voice.
He's an alcoholic con man.
all he wants is to know where and when his next glass of whiskey will take place
that's how he realized climate change isn't real
So that he may rule over the ashes
lol milo probably makes about $30k per year at breitbart he just doesn't actually have to do any work
Let him explain it to you.
He writes all Trump's executive orders and speeches. When Trump speaks, they are Bannon's words. Trump is a rubber stamp for Bannon's ideas.
the shills in here.
nobody is going to believe your quack conspiracy that bannon is trumps boss and i'd vote for bannon anyway.
he has the connections of Andrew Breitbart
he's backed by billionaires against the liberal elite
he's fought against the liberal elite since forever
he's ready to tear America to pieces to destroy the liberal elite
schlomo is getting paid
fuck, he's amazing
Actually, that's how he realized he could dupe rich suckers for a fancy title and control until the money is gone.
He wants a return to golden age Judeo-Christian influenced capitalism where the middle-and-lower -classes are taken care of. aka 1950s America with a dash of 1776.
I used to listen to his radio programme on Patriot before he became a strategist for Trump. He never struck me as an extremest of the sort the left is making him out to be, just a regular conservative/nationalist who seemed pretty sound to me.
Watch his documentaries, especially Generation Zero. The guy is very intelligent, whether you agree with him or not. Very interesting dude. Looking forward to what he accomplishes with Trump. I'd rather him or Kellyanne be president than Trump desu but I'm glad it's them advising him.
you got burnt, bitch, stop being a crybaby
And he's out for revenge.
They killed his best friend Andrew Breitbart for exposing pizzagate
that sounds right, that project was a billionaire's unscientific boondoggle, so he's still in the same game
Anyone see the resemblance?
awww....you mad you got faced with facts?
Did mommy not buy you fruit loops today?