Are you physically fit enough to serve the God Emperor in the upcoming civil war?
Be honest.
Are you physically fit enough to serve the God Emperor in the upcoming civil war?
Be honest.
No, I'm a skeleton
I have a bitch of a time gaining weight even.
I sprint 3 days a week and lift every other day
user, why would you talk about physical fitness and then refer people to /fit/?
/fit/ is comprised almost entirely of gay permavirgin bodybuilders who don't even do cardio, but who still think they're in shape because they follow IIFYM and autistically lift weights three times a week. Half of them literally eat their own cum because it has protein in it.
The sticky on /fit/ is actually a good starting point, but the board itself is degenerate cancer, and most of the people who post there are more likely to be the TARGET of the right wing death squads than anything else.
No, I'm fat as shit, so I'll stick to doing propaganda for the cause from my house, hiding among the civilians.
No, but I have extensive firearms experience (I have a SOT) and an FEL. I'd be proud to be in the rear with the gear and making sure shit goes bang.
being /foreign legion/ means I might be a bit behind, but can run a mile in 8 minutes so I might just have good enough cardio.
Currently working on everything else.
Stay the fuck out of fit you weebz
I ruined my left ankle 3 years ago and lost all my conditioning
I could run for three miles solid but I would probably die after.
Used to run 27 miles a week with weekends as rest days :(
Most faggots on /fit/ are autistic weebs though
No, but I have a good shot.
I like that picture they act like that log is heavy
I can pull a 20ft 6x6 yellow pine up 80ft on a rope without a problem
I'm ok, but I could be better
We could all be better
I'm getting there. Been lifting regularly for the last 4 years, spending more of this year working on my cardio.
i eat really really healthy but im too lazy to ever actually exercise
so ill just sit here in my 100/70 blood pressure skeleton and shitpost to till i die at 110
I do push-ups and sit-ups every morning, increasing by two each week. Last year I got up to 35.
How do I improve my pull-ups? Is it better to just do five or so every time I leave my room, or should I build a day at the gym for shoulders? I want to be able to bust out at least 25 dead-hang before I go to basic.
>it's a fuckton denser than pine, treated to make it extra heavy
>they're carrying it through a waist-deep river
>after a day of running and doing PT and probably not sleeping more than a few hours
i got up to 20 withing 4 weeks of just leaving a pullup bar on my door, doing 5 every time i pass it. getting ready for basic myself.
So is that like 50 a day? I'd rather peg it to a specific number and do it a set intervals than have to remember to do it erratically as I come and go.
start at home. start now. push ups. sit ups. go running. eat a lot. get sleep. get a small weight set.
pan handle $50 get a jar of whey protein and month gym membership. do stronglift 5x5.
>Americans will always fight for liberty
>Allies with communists to crush Germany
whats your diet? Activated almonds?
it varies, probably ever 30 minutes to an hour ill just do 5. every other day i go for max reps just to see where im at, sometimes ill just do max before and after bed. ill do the same with pushups. I try to do pyramids 2 times a week though working up to my max and then back to 1 rep.
max out your pull-ups and then deadhang until your arm gives out
same thing with increasing pushups, each time u do them max out until your arms buckle then hold form flexed until you can't anymore
army will also make you do this exact same thing during the beginning of basic. you will deadhang before you do a proper pullup
Doubt you will see this, or take it seriously, this is fucking Sup Forums after all. But I use to rope up 6' scaffold frames, 12' laminated scaffold planks, and scaffold stair stringers all the time. This on top of packing gear for all hours of the day.
I also would jog at night.
Best shape of my life back then, took and office job and now am struggling with weight. Pretty sure I am going to die of a heart attack in the next 10 years. I should have stayed on the tools.
formed flex? is that just holding half way up at 90 degrees?
I did wrestling in high school...
I've started doing ss unironically.
I wish I had done wrestling in highschool or really any sport.
yeah, i usually hold it a little more than 90%, you just want the resistance, you can apply that to pretty much anything, crunches/pullup/squat/pushup ect
today i had a cup steel cut oatmeal boiled in whole milk, 4 hardboiled eggs and about a half pound of aspargus roasted with avocado oil, and a liter of pelligrino with fish oil tablets and a multivitamin
i ate that about 8 hours ago, that's all i had today and im not hungry at all. i wasn't even hungry when i ate all that i was just kinda bored.
tonight i think ill just have a beer and some guac while shitposting
hard living boys
>tfw /asp/
>he doesn't know about our superior bjj
Blue pilled /fit/ cluck.
My legs are still really sore from yesterday's practice.
I can actually say yes to this.
Started working out when Trump became the RNC nominee. I knew he was going to win, and the world was going to panic for years.
Went from benching 130lbs to 200. Eat 4000 calories a day. Not sculpted like i want, but I'm getting there.
better enjoy that guac.
Try getting that mile down to 6:30- 7
Let's face it, those guys are pussies.
No but I think my gaming skills will make me quite useful, perhaps as a sniper
Not yet. I am still a fatass and need to lose 30 more lbs. But I have been going to the gym and have lost 20 lbs so far and am lifting for the first time in my life. Nothing has ever motivated me to exercise in my life, but getting redpilled did the trick.
no way dude if you're good enough they'll make you a fighter pilot
>implying snipers aren't required to be in particularly good shape
You're thinking of a sharpshooter, they're dime a dozen.
Benching 315 lbs. Ready for the Final Crusade, Nanking II, and the RaHoWa
Resources would be appreciated. Had a lot of surgeries, haven't really bounced back. Need it for health more than anything.
How long did it take you from 200 to 315?
and what's the quickest way there?
I want to start lifting and such, but I have literally no idea where to start. Every time I wander over to the weights, I get intimidated and go back to cardio.
I'm literally stuck benching a few reps of 155, but mad deadliftz at 245
This is after only 2 years though, mostly of trial and error, and I still look like a lanklet betanerd. Alls going to the gym did to me was give me confidence in approaching chicks and raise my standards
Already there ;)
iktf user
No doubt, 5:57 mile. Just hit a total of 1,210 at my last powerlifting meet @198.
Whole milk
Pb&j sammiches
Protein shakes
Greek yogurt
This has worked very well for me.
Not him, but Weighted dips. They got me from 225 to 295. They do wonders
are you 6'4" or is this an old pic
without preparation, I took a 30-pound three day bag along nine miles of hilly horse trail over four hours in loose-fit hot weather boots (single layer thin wicking socks and dropping fat everywhere because of cal-control hi-protein diet)
I don't have raw strength, but I know I can push myself past the wall and have the endurance to keep it legit the whole way through.
My little brother was a skeleton.
Buy a blender, and eat a shake everyday. Protein powder, milk, peanut butter, oats, and whatever fruit you want.
He gained weight like crazy and after he started lifting, the fat went away pretty quickly.
I don't have a gym membership. I've been buying stuff for my home gym. Whats the easiest way to do weighted dips from home?
You could be a decoy. Put a MAGA hat and shirt on and serve as a distraction.
>meme leggins
women ruin everything
Saved. Very nice, thanks.
Do a p/p/l/rest split.
Cardio is shit, which is what like 90% of military training is.
Can hike for ages which is nice in case of shtf, I suppose I could make a viable dead nigger lifter for RaHoWa.
Don't worry about it man. Find time and get fit when you can. We got you.
you calm down esti. just cuz everyone loves you doesnt mean you get to be mean to Lauren
that actually sounds like good advice thank you
>got high on creatine
I wish this was true
I have a gameplan I'm implementing.
Gotta focus on cardio a lot more...
no I'm a woman
You would think that the guy was exaggerating. But he really isn't. You get pretty ripped fast. I started noticing a difference in two weeks.
5'11 180 lbs
Has guns. Lift weights on and off.
Just waiting for the fucking day
I serve my family, my God, His Church, the Constitution, and the republic. Not Trump. I will fight on his side so long as he remains on mine.
Can't wait to go kill some sand niggers
some people don't take whey well.
You can buy vegetable protein and lactose free milk and it will go down fine. I'm that way and still get 100+ grams of protein a day.
Trigger finger pulley reps?
what is wood density?
I was, and then a woman I had oneitis for that I had a several year off and on relationship broke my spirit completely, and I sat ummobile for about 6 months. I was at 154lbs with 6% bodyfat, and now I am 137 with 13% bf. Feels bad man, but I ran a mile today and tomorrow I am starting a SS program to get back into shape for the days to come shall be relentlessly brutal. THE END IS NIGH, WE HAVE 3 YEARS AT BEST
6'3 175lbs
I don't workout tho but I will if I have to.
I've been training my whole life for this. My body is ready. THANK YOU SIR MAY I HAVE ANOTHER!!!
Who /Goblin mode/ here?