Is this organization a legit enemy of the state?

They're literally subverting the order of the president.

Other urls found in this thread:

No they're huge liberals who shit on everything they think will help benefit the right.

That, or idiots who legitimately think they're right.

Fucking cancer. I'm sure they know for a fucking fact that Trump isn't banning all Muslims, yet they're begging for donations from all the libshits promoting the lie that he is. They haven't even commented since they said they would sue him and it's still going strong

they are an organization that seeks to help people that might be the victims of civil rights violations. They're a good organization, never understood why republicucks don't like them, oh wait, it is because republicucks think that everyone should bend to the will of a theocratic state and then the try dumb horse shit like putting the ten commandments on a government building? That might be it, maybe.


Reported to the ADL you Alt-Right troll!

true. he is just banning the immigration of refugees from states that are almost predominantly muslim. thats not the same thing at all :^)

States that have a lot of terrorist presence and hate America.

Did you complain when Obama banned people from Iraq from coming over? ,

>Almost predominantly Muslim
You don't even have confidence in your own alternative facts.

>States that have a lot of terrorist presence and hate America.

thats true too. just calling at as i see it.


They serve a very important function in our society. Anyone who thinks that because they tend to bring attention to causes that are generally considered "liberal," they're illegitimate, is wrong and uninformed.

Whether you admit it or not, there have been absolutely terrifying acts of injustice in the US justice system. Innocent people facing indefinite detention without charge or trial. Whistleblowers being black-balled, harassed, and threatened for reporting illegal actions on the part of corporations. LEGAL immigrants being deported because of false testimony.

These are people who NEED non-profit lawyers on their side because the system, as much as we have to trust it, is severely flawed.

Are there no child rapists to get off?

No, you're not. If you were calling it how you see it, you would just consider it a national ban on people from countries filled with human refuse. Instead, you want to frame it as analogous to a ban on Muslims.

>These are people who NEED non-profit lawyers on their side because the system, as much as we have to trust it, is severely flawed.
>There needs to be a group of liberal activists Jews who cuck out every opportunity of justice.

Please fuck off.

But most Muslims are human refuse, so I have trouble not framing it that way.

The ACLU are very consistent and for that reason they're also very important.

They were fighting Obama's abuse of power and citizen's civil liberties for the last 8 years, but nobody talked about it cuz Obama had a pass from the press.

They will also fight Trump every time they feel it's needed.

Yours is the voice of complete ignorance. Do you have any idea how many people have been wrongfully imprisoned in your country?

Do you have any idea how many times a person was denied their legal rights because of intimidation and fear?

Yes, they are activists. Yes, they are generally liberal. But they serve a very important function in our society and they do a lot more good than evil.

They're nicknamed American Communist Lawyers Union for a reason.

It's a Jewish overrepresented organization meant to basically go against everything White, traditional or Christian in America. They go after fucking any single public nativity scene, cross, etc. without even getting any complaints but don't give a shit about anything else similar like menorah's.

But you aren't the shill in this thread are you?


o shit

Why can't you liberal cucks hold them accountable?

Why don't you lash out when people supposed to be doing you a service are lying?

I don't think you have any idea how much damage a good lie can do. Especially when funded by the liberal Jew.

Do you have an example of them explicitly challenging public displays of Christianity and ignoring public displays of the menorah?

Youre a fucking retard. The ACLU are one of the most consistent organizations in the world. I don't always agree with what they do but thats because they fight both sides.

With the menorah, there was a display of it on Christmas outside of the white house.

I'm not. But even though I generally dislike Islam, I believe upholding the constitution is more important.

First, I'm not a liberal. Second, what are you specifically asking about? I've never been to court or been arrested, but there are people out there who had neither the money nor the knowledge to properly defend themselves. These are among the things the ACLU tries to help with. Just because a poor, uneducated dude broke a law, doesn't mean he's not entitled to representation and justice.

And what's this good lie you're talking about? What did the ACLU lie about?



Even ACLU's most wild pie in the sky estimates claim only 10 percent wrongful convictions. Almost all those niggers are guilty. They lack the self control to exist in a modern society.

Sure thing, give me a moment.

No, they serve a valuable purpose. They're one of the nation's biggest privacy advocates and fund civil rights suits on behalf of people who can't afford the expense - ie the people who have civil rights violations happen to them.

>Sup Forums is infested by card carrying ACLU libcucks

I literally had no idea.

Every year.

There are images if you just search "menorah outside of the whitehouse"

I don't see them making any giant crosses, and I'm pretty sure it's public property. I'm not the most affluent when it comes to Jewish conspiracies, but this really makes you think. They are obviously not beholden to the united states government.

You ever heard the phrase: "I'd rather let ten guilty men go free than wrongfully imprison one innocent man." ?

It's the truth. That's what the justice system should strive for.

But what if they are blek?

The only thing the ACLU is good for is when free speech is involved.

Otherwise, they're worthless.

If he was banning states because they breed terrorists why didn't he ban Saudi Arabia, the source of the plague?

As a former diehard prog who thought the ACLU was basically a bastion of goodness: theyre fucking cancer

Their supporters misrepresent everything about them, just as they themselves misrepresent almost everything they do constantly.

They do it because they are what I call True Believers. These are not your cynical Clintonites. Theyre much worse.

Whenever you see a progressive that objected to Obama, understand this: cancer kills indiscriminately. It doesnt care who it has to attack.

Is it also banning Christians from those states? This is a legit question actually.

Fuck those ACLU kikes and fuck every Muslim on Earth.

We're coming for you faggots.

The founder wanted pure communism and the org is set up for it

just a jewish NGO

That's bullshit man, they've sued for the right of KKK and Nazis to march before. This is about laws. Their whole job is to sue whenever they might have a case that a law or order is unconstitutional.

Also OP you need to review the constitution and understand that it's perfectly okay to challenge the president on legal grounds regarding his executive orders.

America didn't become a monarchy or some shit just because Trump won, lol. Questioning the president is not subversion man.

Because Trump's a fucking cuck who'll bend over for that thick, hot Saudi oil money.

Nah, just folks who actually take the US constitution seriously. Unlike you frogposting Trumpshit bastards.

>As a former diehard prog
No you are not and never were, shit-for-brains,.

> why didn't he ban Saudi Arabia, the source of the plague?

Because America and Saudi Arabia are uneasy allies. They are more commonly subverters as opposed to killers. They are the arabian Jew.

I'm pretty sure it's a total immigration ban for 120 days. Banning Muslims specifically is impossible and also unconstitutional.

stop being a passive aggressive leftist cocksucker, or you're going to be lying in the dirt trying to suck in air through a gaping chest wound

>Communism is the goal
>Still wants disarmament


They love the KKK, and Black Lives matter, and violent refugees. They are communists who think the more violent and disrupted society becomes the closer the revolution gets.

This appears as neutrality, but they have taken sides against anyone who want a stable society .

love how leftists suddenly care about the constitution

It sounds like the courts came to agree that a public display (put up and paid for by members of the public, not the government) does not violate the establishment clause. This link talks about a couple of the cases.

Now, if there was a publicly funded menorah on the white house, and a Christian group wanted to put a cross beside it, they could not be denied under the first amendment. That would be something worth submitting a complaint to the ACLU for.

The national menorah is sponsored and organized by a non-profit, NGO.

So you're not a democrat?

ESPECIALLY if they're black.

might wanna see how many of them are Zionists.

No they are people keeping themselves in cushy jobs by following the hottest trends

Someone should Oklahoma City their headquarters.

The ACLU actually had an objection to the public display of Menorah's at one point, so the ALCU isn't actually a major player in the current debate.

You're right, it was funded by a private organization, and you're right, it's totally legal.

I was missinformed.

I am concerned with the lack of Christian symbolism in a christian nation though. But that might have something to do with all of 10 people actually caring about Christianity these days.

>Complain about theocratic state
>Import theocrats who want to stone women to death and execute homosexuals
>Complain when those people aren't let into the country
