Trump and Sup Forums BTFO by Pittsburgh Mayor
How will we ever recover?
Trump and Sup Forums BTFO by Pittsburgh Mayor
How will we ever recover?
>unverified twitter account
What a loser.
Tbh 1 is too many
by sending him back
>Thing A is more likely to kill you than Thing B
>so stop getting mad that i am increasing the chance that Thing B kills you
Pretty sure it isn't illegal.
Wow,she doesn't consider faggots american,pretty based actually!
By holding a magnifying class in order to find the real problem
>being shot by another American
idiots like him probably dont understand why the party is in shambles
>hundreds killed in France by "refugees"
>big woop, who cares -democrats
And yet Germany and every other nations that have let the Syrian refugees in have turned to shit.
Neither illegal nor unconstitutional. The morality of it is debatable, but given that most of those cucks and whores screeching at airports and in D.C. support women butchering their own children so that they can continue to whore around, it really isn't the best idea to start a morality argument.
>terrorism is fine as long as it kills less than lightning every year
what are "far right-wing terrorists" ?
UH thats wrong. false info graphic is false.
Omar Mateen & syed farook killed slot more than 11........
also 11k gun death? WTF thats totally false...even with suicides & perp on perp killing
>terrorist attacks since 9/11
That's funny I wonder why they chose that date to be the cutoff point.
also strange that they're taking 10 year averages. leftists love mental gymnastics
Why the fuck is ctr back on this board???
They keep saying banning immigrants is unconstitutional. I'm pretty sure it's perfectly legal.
I could use the same argument for gun owners in the US.
no because gun ownership is apart of the constitution
Did President Trump just solve the migrant crisis with a single phone call?
>aussie is more in-tune with how shit works here than an actual american
Let's ask Trump to do a trade,
CTR shills get sent to China
We import Aussies
>9 people died including the 50 at that gay nightclub
Really makes you think
>in thebill of rights
You really can't
So is freedom of religion :>)
It also says in the constitution that our currency should only be based on gold and silver. What happened to that?
>cant even jew nose
freedom of religion applies to citizens....
And yes we agree the constitution needs to be followed more closely like shall not infringe but neither of this has to do with that trump is doing.
But what even is a "citizen"?
We are all humans of this earth. Our manmade borders shouldn't matter. Equal rights for all! We should be able to come and go as we please. I can't wait until the pendulum swings back. And it's going to swing back hard.
>Muslim ban
10 year average, Islamic terrorism relatively new. Doesn't include 9/11. What a study, data hasn't been cooked at all.
America will never be Muslim you faggot.
No you literally couldn't you aren't letting gun owners in
Really need to learn to jew nose
No, the Pittsburgh mayor was BTFO when 40% of Allegheny County residents, over 250,000 people, voted for Trump on November 8th
The Jews are pulling the strings to fight him like they did Hitler. It's time for anuddah shoah.
they keep pushing that lie
We ARE Muslim and we ARE gay and we ARE female and we ARE trans and we ARE black. We need a president to represent the forgotten, not the millionaires and the billionaires. Fuck, I wish Bernie had won.
How many died in san bernado?
Didnt 49 faggots die in Orlando?
Sooo more fake news....big surprise
We are not at all
we are white founded nation over all
sooo, kick out the blacks?
So I guess since assault rifles kill fewer than hammers California will now leave them alone? Same logic right?
They're doing 10 year averages to purposely make the numbers lower
Wow CTR NEET perma virgin cucks are getting really desperate.
YOU LOST. WE WON. Deal with it, faggot.
I've seen enough of what happened to Europe to know that reckless migration can never be a good thing. I don't give a shit if that makes me a bigot, I refuse to jeopardize the values of the West to a bunch of savages that go watch honor killings for fun. The number of crimes committed by terrorists are low in America. Good. It'll stay that way. I won't let another Cologne happen in my country no matter how many of my RL friends disagree with me.
These leftist niggers can't rub two neurons together to realize that we could help far more people if we invested in rebuilding these nations, not to mention that it would be good for everyone in the long-run.
What a stupid poll. They cut off the largest terror attack in the US.
By that logic:
>Number of Jews killed by Nazis since 2016: 0
>Holocaust didn't even happen lulz!
war is never over you bitter cuck
>t. ass-blasted virgin NEET CTR cuck
trying to keep it that way, subhuman