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>Watching someone get beat and doing nothing.
That's sick
He needs a marketing team to shorten his message and give it some drawing power. Nobody is going to stop and read that. Come on put in some efforr.
that's white people for you.
Yes, he should find out efforr is and then get some.
>"Someone trashed me, you sick fuck"
The muslims he wants to let in would have him beheaded for being Sikh.
>Le Sikhs are bro-tier meme
More like poo-tier.
I respect indians more than anglo subhumans.
Daily reminder that literally every black neighborhood in the United States is a no-go zone for respectable white people after dark.
>that changing text size as the poster goes on
They never think the whole message through before the write it do they?
not really
t. the country that let an arab refugee rape a 10 year old boy at a swimming pool because it was a sexual emergency
I just watched a Trump support get knocked and people did not stand around doing nothing, they cheered.
So fuck off.
Wow this must be 100% real and honest like liberals always are!
except dumb fascists mistake sikhs for muslims all the damn time.
Yeah, they should have joined the beating.
It's called the bystander effect. You wouldn't have done anything either.
He's right. Hindu's and Sikhs get beaten up because ignorant people confuse them for muslims. They have to take the side of muzzies for their own protection.
It's almost like they should assimilate so they wouldn't be "mistaken," huh?
But no, their foreign bullshit religion is more important than fitting in their new "home," right?
And heaven forbid these shitskins go back to their humanity filled homelands, right?
If there weren't Muslims here, that wouldn't be a problem, would it?
also if that raghead nigger went back to India
>I wrote a story that is probably false on a board to validate your political beliefs, pay attention to me please
Religious practices should be upheld regardless of whether or not the culture of the current day/location aligns with it
All secular culture should be as homogenous as possible to produce the most prosperous society
At least that's my ideal, as well as my interpretation of the constitution (freedom of religion)
He should be beaten again for writing a long message on a vertical poster
maybe he should go wear that wacky hat in a slum in saudi arabia and see what happens
>Religious practices should be upheld regardless
Nah, times change and religions change. Islam is a medieval death cult and should be swept away from the face of the earth, and any religion that could be "mistaken" for it should do whatever it can to distance themselves.
>All secular culture should be as homogenous as possible
Nope, it's perfectly fine to have cultural distinctions across a secular society. Rural life versus city, northern culture versus southern, etc. As long as everyone shares basic values (which muslims do not) then having unique cultural differences is actually ideal.
>my interpretation of the constitution (freedom of religion)
Freedom of religion is strictly a limitation on the government. It's only purpose is to keep the US government from declaring a "national religion" and banning all other religions. Basically, the founders were afraid that one flavor of Protestantism was going to be picked and the other flavors were going to get converted/exiled/marginalized/killed. It has nothing to do with "respecting" or "upholding" religious practices, it's solely a limit on how hard the feds can crack down on them.
tl;dr the sign
The stupidest thing I read today.
>I'm an inept retard. Pls guide me.
May I add the the VERY REASON Sikhs wear a Kirpin (knife) at all times is because Muslims were systematically killing them off (in the 1500s?)
>t. Punjab
Go home, towelhead.
>This book was too long for me!
Oh you burgers.
>can't plan to fit his words on his sign
his lack of intelligence disgusts me.
Explains that Muslims were killing Sikh leaders so they made carrying a knife part of their doctrine for self-defense and defense of the weak.
What a fucking manlet
HEY BRIAN let's make millions of people addicted to opium to create demand LMAO everything is about ME ME ME
Anglos are scum I hate them
>Can't format the words on a sign
>expecting people to give a shit about the content on it
The other day I was in the middle of stopping a chinese dude from accidentally killing himself in a particularly stupid way when I thought "why the fuck am I doing this?"
I'm trying to be better.
(quote)Freedom of religion is strictly a limitation on the government. It's only purpose is to keep the US government from declaring a "national religion" and banning all other religions. Basically, the founders were afraid that one flavor of Protestantism was going to be picked and the other flavors were going to get converted/exiled/marginalized/killed. It has nothing to do with "respecting" or "upholding" religious practices, it's solely a limit on how hard the feds can crack down on them.(quote)
Bro, do you even Mencius Moldbug. There is always a state religion, even if it's not an official "religion". The state religion of the US is Progressivism, a kind of secular puritcanicalism.
More like Sikh
The fitness gram pacer test...
No its not.
I was in Bangkok and say a man and a girl fighting, well she was taking a beating.
Up sets a German lad and pulls him off her
then they both set about kicking the shit out of him.
He should have just used his telekinesis. Shit, with a brain that big he should just be smart enough to avoid danger altogether.