President Trump hits majority disapproval in record time, Gallup finds

President Trump hits majority disapproval in record time, Gallup finds

>Game Over

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Would be better if he has a BLM shirt and said "take that police!"

It's too bad that I don't care about niggers, spics, self-loathing lefties, and high school kids think.

We're not here to win a popularity contest, we're here to Make America Great Again.

>1 post by this ID


Under budget and ahead of schedule!

That's only because people have been led to believe that this is some permanent ban on all Muslims when it isn't.

>Make America Great Again.

Without Americans.


I hope his approval goes to 0% and then people realise nobody redpilled is even bothering to answer to fucking Gallup shills.

Fun fact: when Gallup ran a worldwide quiz on elections, they concluded that he'd lose massively in every country except Russia. Something like 70% of USA would vote for Hillary they said. But that's not the funny part, the funny part was when some people ran an anonymous online voting and collected 10 times more votes, and Trump was winning globally by a few percent, including in US. I've seen comments claiming that Gallup knows some special sociology magic and can conduct "correct" assessment, so fuck off and take the blue pill like the good goy you are.

Guess this magic didn't help.


The same majority who disapproved of him in the polls before the election?

the shills have returned

rot in hell


>t. Chechnya

Days until >50% disapproval:
President Days
Reagan 727
Bush Sr. 1336
Clinton 573
Bush Jr. 1205
Obama 936
Trump 8

have another sage


Le Pen will save you all.


The fuck is this, you can't even answer coherently.


go to hell liar

Being unpopular doesn't make someone wrong.

That just means he did more things quicker.


Face it, Trump fucked up a big time.

who cares about california anyway

Good thing it doesn't fucking matter.

Also (((polls)))

Trump truly has gotten to work! These plebs give reason to rejoice.

The polls said the same thing every month leading up to the election. Protip: Fake News

Approval rating literally doesn't mean shit. Obama averaged 47% throughout his 8 years, Bush had 49%. Trump had lower approval than Hilldawg and won.

>this thread again
They only poll people in major cities, which only vote blue



and LA times is at an all time low in readership, clicks, and overall views and visibility. Color me surprised

Numbers are literally all over the place
I don't believe any of them. The media has been RIP for months now.

I hope you boys have the equipment to be prepared for anything.

Oh no, 48% of the country who didn't vote for him disapproves of him. The horror.

Saving this one.