Don't you get exhausted of this, Sup Forums?
I've spent all weekend debating liberals, explaining, advocating, citing sources and all I got in return was a bunch of cheap insults and a lot of projections.
Is there even a point in trying to explain? They don't really listen, they don't really refute, they just gang up as a massive group and cuss you out until you leave. And frankly, I'm a bit disheartened right now at the amount of hate I received, I didn't even know people could hate this much, this deeply. I'm surprised there haven't been mass lynches against Trump supporters yet. But we will get there.
How do you handle it?
Don't you get exhausted of this, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
shut up cuck
>I'm surprised there haven't been mass lynches against Trump supporters yet.
That's because Trump supporters are all dumb fat american who can't even wipe their own asses. Let alone lynch somebody.
Has this meme been acted out irl at HWNDU yet?
I know that liberals have tunnel vision, are hypocrites, and generally lack a wide political perspective, but just because you generally support Trump doesn't mean you have to defend everything he does.
He's going to do things that in the back of your mind, you know are wrong. But something will tell you to brush it off and try to defend it anyway, because defending Trump is a greater good.
I disagree. He's elected. Nothing short of an assassination or an impeachment will change that. Now is the time to be a good citizen and challenge the powers that be.
If Trump does something unconstitutional, criticize him. I beg you.
Have you considered it's maybe because you're on the wrong side of history?
Where were you doing that? Because it wasn't here.
>I'm projecting
its been 1 week only and you just got tired of winning yet?
You dont deserve god emperor.
I've been on a high since Nov. 21 and I want it to stay going for 8 more years. Every time they lie, exaggerate, get angry, start screaming, and chimp the fuck out my massive shit-eating grin gets bigger and bigger. These husks of people, these soulless shell, these drone robots could never come close to beginning to hate me as much as I hate them and every thing they stand for.
If those limpwristed faggots want to try lynching me they'll have to catch me while I'm reloading and hope I can't get to my knife in time. I'd gladly take a dozen or so of them screaming down to hell with me.
I just take small comfort railing against these fools....I have hope that I aggravate them half as much as they aggravate me. Seems like we do get to them sometimes.......LOL
>seriously debating liberals
99% of them aren't worth your time. Just meme them.
Not an argument
The anger I feel only fuels me.
With every injustice I grow stronger.
My will is unfailing, my faith is unshakable and my desire to win it unstopable.
Violence begets violence and the day of the rake/rope approaches. Woe betide those who come at me Bro for I shall smite them down.
>99% of them aren't worth your time. Just meme them.
>tfw you can't even remember the last time you had a political discussion IRL that wasn't just you slow trolling your leftist family and coworkers
We'll I have a gun and all my roommates like Trump. Sooooooooo... any lynching parties will lose a lot of people before they get us.
>I learned to read from my grandpappy with an IQ of 85, the post
there is just no point lel
become a smug fuck and call it a day
I c-can't stand liberals. I-l pick apart their arguments with my research from far right websites and they just laugh at me. Sure, they're smarter, better educated and have a girlfriend, but I've done research and everything! Why do they laugh at me? Why won't they look at my research?
Role play much faggot?
>he can't beat a liberal at an argument
Not this decade, mostly D&D 3.5 and some V:tM back in college.
Uh, like Trump is president now desu.
Is your snark rake proof leaf?
The bogandoff twins are disappointed in this post.
>Don't you get exhausted of this, Sup Forums?
I live for this, kike.
Hey, if this place has taught you anything:
Some of us have been fighting since our hands could get on the first thing that can fight, shoot, spit, or talk!
"You're on the wrong side of history!" shouted the man on the wrong side of the rifle barrel.
no worries user. when someone gets royally served online, it sticks with them whether they like it or not. People do NOT like to be wrong, it makes them feel ashamed, and we remember shame.
Whether they realize it or not, they DO get something from it and learn from it.
I've gotten into countless stupid internet fights throughout my teens and into adulthood. I'm autistic about it, but even when I was even more retarded, the people that ruined my arguments were the ones that stuck with me. They pissed me off so much, and even if I didn't consciously realize it, they taught me something. Maybe the back of my mind, they planted an idea. Maybe my rage showed me something about myself. Maybe they gave me an idea on how to better "defeat" people. It could have been anything, but every single fight I've gotten into has helped me. Even the most mindnumbingly retarded bullshit I've gotten into has helped me.
If you feel disheartened, take some time away from it. I know the pain, I'm literally going through this with my best friend right now (they just KEEP insisting insane things about trump no matter how many times I try to explain it. they are really sincerely scared of him too, it's bothering me so much, i don't know how to help them understand it's going to be okay). Some people are unsavable. The ones that are, will benefit from your words.
And remember, the court of public opinion isn't based on your opponent accepting defeat. It's based on the silent onlookers who observe the battle. You present your best argument, representing your beliefs as best as you can, and you hope it sways others to your side. Make yourself the best person you can be, and stand for the truth when you are able. It makes a difference. You may never know it, but it all makes a difference. Why do you think he won?
It's tiring but you can't just fucking give up, you know? This shit's important. Politics has more influence on your daily life than you might think.
Here's the thing: Trump won, you don't need to explain things to bitter losers.
Just wait till election time before trying to convince anyone.
I dont argue with liberals, I dont talk politics
I vote and I win in silence
>I'm an ignorant city boy the post
There are really people like him in the US you dumb cunt. This is why I really didn't want Shillary to win (besides the fact she would have been fucking awful). It would be an actual civil war, not this cry-in, live video whining shit but actual people being shot. I actually prefer sitting on my couch playing video games and shitposting instead of having to worry about a gender or race war.
I just broke up with my girlfriend because of our political agreements... It's hard because I really loved her and she mean't the world to me; but the argument really did it in about our differences
>match with a girl on tinder
>somehow get into politics
>say i like trump
>"oh boy, i think our romance just ended"
>say: "it's alright i don't think there was much to begin with if this is an issue, bye."
>get 3 consecutive messages telling me to come back and she doesn't really care for politics
women need to be put in their place and taught the rules. If your girl doesn't accept you having your own opinion, then it will result in cheating and lack of respect.
You did what you had to do user, it had to be done.
no, you fucking leaf, leftists are fanatics and arguing with fanatics is like trying to prove troll he is wrong
I'm joining the military just to escape NYC
I think that was what is called a "shit test". Girls will try to do shit and gauge your response to it to determine if she'll submit and stick with you or just walk all over you as a beta provider.
Looks like you passed in your case.
People I know respect me and my opinions. Both friends and colleagues.
It energizes me to correct their thinking. And it usually works
>debating liberals
>I'm surprised there haven't been mass lynches against Trump supporters yet
Quit being a pussy. Start shit with them. Lets get this civil war started!
Honestly if The Hildebeast managed to cheat her way in the plan was to just kill, maim, and burn our way across DC, hanging every lawyer and politician by their own guts along the way. Sure, we'd all be killed, but it would have worth it.
It's just that I tried to be reasonable with her, she seemed to accept my opinion when we first started, but the second trump won she became more aggressive on my beliefs until it just exploded... I guess if there's fundamental differences it can't be done, but I legitimately thought she would be the one for me.
No there is no point. I handle it thusly: I ask libtard a question, when libtard goes to responsed I immediately interrupt them saying:
"It doesn't matter what you think because we won. That's right we won. Eat a dick"
No, because I'm right.
It's always darkest before the dawn. Look to the east. The cross of the first light will guide you brother OP.
The world is fucked. Civilization is fucked. That is the final redpill/blackpill/whatever-fucking-pill-you-wanna-swallow-because-they-all-lead-to-the-same-fucking-thing-in-the-end
Prepare for the end, or don't, and continue debating libtards that have nothing to do with you and never will.
You call.
>it doesn't matter what they think because they're already dead.
This. is the answer. Finally somebody said it.
Go cry in a you cuck fag
sorry to hear it man. my best friend has been doing the same thing and I'm getting to the point where we have to stop speaking. i'm trying to be honest and understanding (very old friend), but I'm getting really sick of getting shit on any time I bring up something that even HINTS at some sort of political affiliation.
always be ready to walk away
What is there to debate? What are your arguments? I'm curious.
Defeating liberals in an argument is not the hard part.
Watching people shoot themselves in the foot out of their own ignorance is
future terrorist
Exactly. The job is to trigger them.
Never surrender !
Don't debate liberals, no honest discussion ever happens. Just make fun of them for being fags instead.
They're all on anxiety medication.
Just do what Obama did and false flag the shit outta them.
Let me try this:
Liberalism is the failure of reason, thus failure of the human mind. Which if we dont need to survive, we need to be distinct from other apes. So the success of liberalism is either extinction or regression to animals. Either way, its a failure to live as human.
Failure is also human. It is the necessary by-product of choice, which we also need. We need the opportunity to choose, therefore failure is part of being human.
So failure, and death, are inextricable components of the human experience. We will never remove either.
Therefore, we will never *defeat* liberalism. We will never remove failure or death. So any plan with that goal is also doomed to fail.
So now we discuss the alternative with a fresh understanding of the nature of liberalism in humanity, the choice to fail and die.
If we cannot defeat it, we must address it nonetheless or it wil take over. It is, after all, the entropy of thought.
The alternative plan: if we cannot kill it, we must wound it. Every hour, every day. We must hunt it down, drag it into the light and watch it wither. Then we do it again. And we do it every day. In the past, this was simply called enforcing moral order. Because humans can fail, they can wrongly arrive at the conclusion that bad ideas make perfect sense when reason fails. Some cannot reason well. So as peers, we apply force to keep the race from thinking itself into its own extinction by error.
Wound it. Hurt it. Every day. Hunt it down and cause it pain. Then do it again.
We can't kill it. But we can control it.
just troll them
pretend to be a liberal
be further to the Left and make them argue from the Right
it's fun!
congratulations on posting the dumbest post of the day, your parents must be proud
i was following until you allude to violence there buddy.
violence is just one way to control people. But it comes with it many risks. You need to take a page and study how govts use propaganda to manipulate people. You don't need to lift a finger to get people to do what you want. You just have to know how people think, how memetics work.
But the truth is, what we need is a strong focus on teaching rationality to kids. The whole reason people get these self-defeating attitudes is because they aren't living rationally. You want to teach them, meme them to your side. Violence will only bring out their worst.
Find one that looks foreward to being a homemaker and has been well trained to do so. Anything that smells traditional is a step in the right direction politically. They're always too liberal. That's the way they made 'em.
>I've spent all weekend debating liberals, explaining, advocating, citing sources and all I got in return was a bunch of cheap insults and a lot of projections.
Reminds me of talking climate change with Sup Forums
I was being figurative. You don't literally kill or hurt a belief system. Liberalism is not a physical thing.
If you interpreted that literally, I find it difficult to believe you followed any of it.
Good evening.