post your transition on the compass
Political Compass
Other urls found in this thread:
>no z-axis for radical centrism
Fucking commies
wait, the government can be... smaller?
Fucking normies
You're becoming normie and soon leftypol
no, pic related is best
Libertarian masterrace reporting in.
What made you more Authoritarian?
Made me pepe hard, want moar
Sea of degeneracy is retarded. How can you be an authoritarian sjw under the line of libertarianism? That shit is communitarian.
got no more that aren't cliché
have you considered suicide?
an authoritarian sjw would watch watchowski films for political insight.
Show anyway pls user friend
Why would I have?
alright there
Was studying in Brussels university for some years, got my shit stolen more than once, met youngsters from the "new left" going apeshit over literally nothing and not giving a fuck about people's actual living conditions or history, saw all the bureaucracy and inefficiency of a non-country held together by power-sharing between many different parties and political correctness, lived 10 min by feet from where the metro bombs happened
Have shifted more toward the right after leaving college and getting a job working full-time.
Think it's been mainly due to the polarization in the media, especially over the past 1.5 years (since GG, Trump, etc).
From Anarcho-Communist to Ayn Randian-fag.
Makes sense
What a fucking sheep you are
Did you vote Trump?
How do you go from full gommie to theocrat.
sorry, forgot to post my progression
Strasserism, probably. Pinkness was also much "cooler" during the Bush/Blair years.
Commie Sympathizer to everything after 1789 was a mistake.
Take a seat
ello blazers
this compass is shit
lmao what the fuck are you
If your not happy with that compass do it with this
This compass seems a bit fucked. I voted Trump, I own a Meme-15 with assault clipazines, I want all leftist protests to be carpet bombed with teargas and 12 gauge beanbags the second they do anything remotely violent, and, that failing to get them to fuck off go with live rounds. I want muslims to go and stay go, along with niggers. Don't give a fuck about gay marriage but I'd love a qt bf who isn't leftist scum.
do this one then
radical contrarian centrist master race
i also dip back into the purple quadrant sometimes, for the memes and when i see someone abusing welfare
Much better.
Still a snek I see
Your welcome
>This is violating the NAP but it feels so good!
I'm guess I'm a communist now for liking bondage...I'll show myself to the gas chamber.
We got something else for you
What I used to be
Tee hee hee.
Started in the 1776 area of purple but realized that dream can only be realized once we eliminate everything/everyone on the left
What I am now post red pill
Fuck that's drastic
Also please post some sectioned off political compasses, I've seen some good ones but forgot to save them and google images is full of retarded ones
>fascism = keynseian economics
u wot, the fuck is nationalisitc about an economic theory that encourages the nation to go into debt to cover recession?
great post you dingo
extremely socially conservative/traditionalist and authoritarian
but more socialistic economically
what does this make me?
who /memes/ here
A damn commie
but i hate communists and want them thrown out of helicopters
Right back to the beginning.
That means you have to do some research my man.
the test doesn't do a lot of good differentiating between "I want government benefits" and "i want government benefits that help whites and only after we kill all the degenerate scum"
Bet he was this guy on Australia day
Fucking this.
Capitalism has eroded culture and nations more than Communism has. The only way to preserve it in this modern era of globalization is through a right wing socialist government.
lost a couple brain cells in a year you kangaroo?
national bolshevism, strasserism, national syndicalism. something like that.
i have similar leanings, user. you're not alone
>right wing socialist
This better be bait
Who is this man?
yeah that's a good point
on another test (5 dimensional) i got
Socialist Pro-Government Non-Interventionist Nativist Fundamentalist
Not really, I only became more authoritarian because I think some people are too fucking stupid to make decisions on their own and some people are more valuable than others.
Rate me Sup Forums, how am I doing?
I've really gone soft on my libertard principles since seeing the light of Kek.
According to their website though I'm still closer to Hillary than Trump, but I'm absolutely aligned with him in every meaningful way.
Id be more authoritarian, but it is hard in this current world. I am waiting for the proper time to rise up.
Mein Nigga
Nevermind. Here's a more refined one. This fits me better.
My favorite image. We need to make more of these!
Still looking pretty good
Went from Spirit science Antifa tier anti-white
Average conservative rebub
Alex Jones tier Libertarian
Hail Europa
>be old me as far as I can remember
On reconsideration I never was that libertard, and I think most of my move to the (((left))) on that graph is my embrace of based ethnostates.
No way. Communism out right demolishes culture by slamming it's own authoritarianism down on it. It essentially forms an entirely new culture.
4 years ago i was in the middle of the purple quadrant
Lay off the red pills man, or you might overdose.
dude thats windows