/based black people/

Post your based black people here.
I had to go to the loo and let the other thread 404.

Other urls found in this thread:



niggers lol



Why is the monkey fighting the spic?


I'm not Jane Goodall. I don't know.

These fine gentlemen fit the bill.







This image annoys me because it implies there's some kind of news room conspiracy going on

In reality, it really is the dog that wags the tail, meaning that the news only reports what people want to hear
And people want to hear SJW shit




This is a based black man from England.






Seriously, this is so fucking terrible. Poor kid :(

Its time


Reminder that an organization that genuinely cares about public health made this.



was this a based black people or nigger hate thread?

me so confuse

They're so fucking ugly and stupid. Kill em all.

Based African pugilists.


who hasent gotten their willy tugged after getting mean mugged



fucking good shot George lucas!!!




Lol, the documentary is 100% worth the watch

>source: youtube.com/watch?v=ZRuSS0iiFyo

Also, this VICE ebola in liberia documentary is also fucking hilarious

Here's a classic.

Wtf happened here? Link to story or something?

day of the axe and rake when

>5 MB, 592x720
Good, kill them all those fucking sub-human

Multiculturalism is oureally strength


If you ignore the commentary, VICE's Fortress Europa is pretty good:



Thanks and:

>attempted to shoot him a second time, but the gun jammed

Was wondering what happened there.

>his face
>he knows this to be true but denies it anyway
Surprised he didn't chimp out on the chink.


He cheats the chinks by speaking their local language when doing the dealings.

wew. I don't think I'll save these.



I love seeing niggers die



I love Sub Saharan Africans with a passion. Not because I see them as equal productive people. But because the shit they do cracks me up.


what am i looking at here?



Shit writes itself. Their complete lack of organization and emotion makes for interesting happenings.

Even when they attempt to make their heritage known they use Berber, Arab, Egyptian, Ethiopian history instead because the only barely workable Sub Saharan African civilizations were highly corrupt slaving empires or warlike zulu kingdoms

>Why do you cross the street when you see black people? You're so racist!

>Aztecs were black
>Ancient Chinese were black

>mfw never believed my relatives living in America how bad black people were

No wonder they're all racists and walk around carrying guns :S


I've been to Detroit. It's on the border with Canada, across from Windsor.


I can't even begin to imagine how fucked up Detroit is.

What's it like in Canada?

Compared to Detroit, absolutely nothing happens here

A few big cities have "multicultural" issues, but even then it's not even remotely compared to American levels

For example, in my city, there was a death a few blocks from me.
Two black kids who watched too much American TV shows tried to rob this middle aged Eastern European lady.
She pushed one of them down and he cracked his head on the sidewalk and died.

Don't believe Sup Forums entirely when it says that blacks/browns/"others" are inherently violent.
They are more violent, but American culture exaggerates it much more.
I think it's the rap music, desu

Yeah dude, black people are fucking scary, they just don't get any better either, just worse and worse

That's good to hear.

And I definitely think the black American culture plays a huge part, rap music included.

Why though? What in your opinion causes this, in your town/area, for example?

people like dirty laundry sure but the media has a narrative and its pretty clear they want to push certain topics

but at the end of the day they will still headline the most interesting story

this is clearly exemplified by trump getting massive coverage on multiple topics throughout his nomination of the GOP to presidency, and it ultimately backfired on alot of them


link to full vid?

dont worry bb i got you

It's mostly cuz they don't have the same opportunities and are mostly raised in ghettos, which results in a small minority (about 13%) they commit a large, large percent of all crime, you just stay away from black people anywhere in the U.S.

dont let this shit slide
these pieces of shit go down in 2017

I visit Detroit a lot because of family. Whenever I go to visit my Polish or Spanish family I have to deal with the occasional nigger walking through the neighborhood

Good night, white pride

>I have to deal with the occasional nigger walking through the neighborhood

Well as long as they're just walking and minding their own business..