Well? Regret voting for him yet, Sup Forums?
Well? Regret voting for him yet, Sup Forums?
I regret nothing
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
I've been a strong supporter of Trump but when I saw this post from one of (((Stein)))'s employees i changed my mind. FUCKING POL BTFOOOOOOOooooo
Regret? I'm laughing my ass off. It's fucking gone. My ass has left my body and is sprinting down the road into oncoming traffic.
How could I possibly regret this?
I regret nothing.
if he was worried about being popular he wouldn't be able to make the unpopular but right decisions
where did they get this number from even? #fakenews
Wasn't Trump supposedly at 37% on his first day and now he's at 50%? So his approval is raising.
I'm thrilled with the job he's doing
kikeodile tears
Only because my parents are about to disown me for it.
if we wanted a president that would focus on doing what was uncontroversial instead of doing what is right then ¡Jeb! would have been elected
No. 50% sounds about right because the country is more divided than I ever remember it being. One side is ecstatic about Trump and the other side is pissed.
(((Polls))) are back in the menu boys!
I bothered to read OP's post after posting this and it's actually a Stein employee. Really makes you think hmmmmmmmm?
It's a good thing, wasn't he at 32% or something like that?
>libtards still bringing up george w bush
i thought 8 years was enough of this shit
>wins election through electoral college
>narrowly loses popular vote
>50% approval (disapproval is not a term used in this context by anyone ever) is a surprise
Good. Let the normie faggot liberals sucking on the tit of the jewish media revolt in their balkanized cities . Let's wrap this up.
And what has the election taught us about (((polls))) dear user?
>Not gonna lie, former Bog thread here. This is fucking hilarious watching The call that Saved Trump from crashing and burning. But in all seriousness we can't meme the nuclear codes.
Are they suggesting Trump stage another 9/11 to boost his approval rating?
>trump does everything he promised
>ctr pretends to be trump voters turned
you guys are so fucking dumb if you think a single person believes anything you post ctr
remember all the 'percentages' of how likely Trump would lose the election?
yeah fuck you and your graphs
Hey look, a poll. I trust those.
I regret nothing. Every since the election has been Christmas, my birthday, and Kristallnacht all rolled into one.
Every day I wake up and ask "What is God-Emperor Trump doing today?" And every day I fire up my newsfeed and find out his answer is "I'm pissing all your enemies off and making them suffer, citizen; I'm just kicking their shit straight in while they wail like the despised and impotent little cucks they are". And it is good.
>Regretting voting for him because other people disapprove of him
Amusing aint it :D
He will lead us to a glorious age.
never ever
>kikes using all the old busted tricks
Nope. Fabulous!
This is a CTR shill thread
Replying without a bump
The same polls that had Hillary at 6000000%?
everyone is happy with the job he's doing, the only liberals that are still buttblasted are the braindead ones
He is at 64% as of today. oP's post is fake news lol
hE won the popular vote to. Chheck infowars
He already has them cuck
Wtf, i hate trump now
Are these the same polls that gave Hillary a 92% chance of winning the election?
All this does is prove that not a single President has done jack shit for like 70 years. If every President actually got into office and got to work, like Trump, every single President would be like this after 8 days.
This is literally the greatest Presidency of all time after 8 days.
I remember this one time Sup Forums called bullshit on every media poll a few months ago about a little vote we had in my country. I don't remember them being wrong, as a matter of fact I remember them being always right.
fuckin checked
>Trump has low approval ratings according to the sources that hate him
Wow. Interesting.
These fake polls. Last week I saw three different polls with completely different numbers. One had 52%, another had 44% and another had 32%.
so his approval rate is going up?
>polls that had Hillary winning at 98%
>t-trust us guys these numbers are legit
Ahead of schedule, as usual.
I like efficiency.
>thinking that's how nuclear codes work
You do realize, that not only trump, but several other officials, and 2 other workers would have to approve a nuke being launched, right?
The same system is put into place into literally every developed country.
Threatening to launch a nuke in this day in age is literally just a meme to scare people back into a corner.
Difference is, he's not working. He's not getting paid, right?
Shit's basically charity at this point.
but in all seriousness, can I get a quick rundown?
Kill yourself
feeling desperate aren't ya? your tears are so schweeet. and you got this for 8 more years!
>tfw when no soft bbw midget gf
>Trump was supposedly at 37%
>Then 50%
>Then 64%
So... The fastest rising approval rate in American history?
>Recognize source
Fucking French.
So what they're saying is that he's at 50% approval? That's great.
>Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes
my favorite from the campaign
He started with 40% according to (((them)))
I guess Trump really is worse than invading a country for bullshit reasons and causing widespread death and displacement, leading to Ba'athists moving into Syria to be part of /ourguys/ ISIS, as well as kidnapping random people with vaguely similar names to what unreliable sources claimed were terrorists and sending them to Cuba to be tortured.
In less than two weeks Trump has already done more harm than that!
How do you be a former Trump voter?
>well you know I voted for Trump but then I voted for clinton haha le drumpf fugg whitey
Newfags don't realize this was a nice pasta in an attempt to put Sup Forums off balance. But we've embraced Kek and his glorious power of gets.
>being newfags
here's your $0.02 goy
It is funny, Obama left with a higher approval rating while bombing all the places Trump banned immigration from.
I am always amazed by how retarded Americans are daily.
>Lets make up numbers like we used to do after ww2 because it worked back then.
>What do you mean Hillary lost?!
>Look at me! I'm fitting in!
Once i get to cards in a row in ragnarok online with chance of 0.01%
>Believing in (((polls)))
99% chance of hillary president right?
sems that the media tried much harder this time, but I dont think they can mantian this lvl for 4 years
You can't teach an old kike new tricks.
>(((fake polls)))
go home reddit
official portrait?
Except he's going in the opposite direction.
Wasn't it above 50% when he started?
Weren't they saying his approval rating was below 50% when he took office?
>rassmussen reports
Nice fake news
And yet Bush got reelected.
He started off at 32% disapproval and now half the country loves him. That's an 18% rise in 8 days.
kek. I almost sort of miss the primaries and general, in a masochistic way.
Meant to say 32% approval.
Oh you!
"Most people hate whites and want you to die, feel like committing suicide yet?" No fuck off.
>trusting (((polls)))
So glad they've been right all this time and we have president Clinton
Why are people listening to the same mainstream media that claimed Hillary had a 98% chance of winning?
I kinda missed CTR