I'm curious Sup Forums what are your ethnic backgrounds?
One side of my family is pure German, and the other side is pure Russian.
I can't decide whether to squat or ruin Europe.
I'm curious Sup Forums what are your ethnic backgrounds?
protestant french, english, and melungeon
1/4 Portuguese jew
1/4 Kuruminha hue
1/2 Mountain Italy
Big light Pardo hue monkey master race
I bet you're ugly as sin
Why not both?
I literally look like what a bunch of races fucked would look like
1/4 Chinese
1/2 German
1/4 mish mash of Sicilian, Czech, Italian and Portuguese or something
but I look like a 6' tall mexican/arab with chinese eyes
I guess I could. Squatting is a pretty good brainstorming position.
Portuguese and native american heritage here
Oh for fuck's sake post a picture. I can't even create a mental image of that.
Entirely West Styrian
Pure blooded prussian since ever
My mom's side is NSA and my dad's side is a 50/50 FBI/CIA mix.
>all these filthy non-whites on my Sup Forums
Take me back to 2014.
Greater Scandinavia when?
God damn Brazilians ruining Portuguese ancestry for me. My last name is really common in Brazil, too, and that causes people to assume I'm from there. Fuck Brazil.
I'm Italian on both sides. My ancestors hail from Northern Italy.
I have olive eyes, light brown hair, and pretty decent facial aesthetics.
you'd think, but really it turned out fairly well.
Russian and German? pretty sure that means balding with a unibrow.
You forgot potato shaped head
Pure Lithuanian
I'm an ethnic Polak from Mazovia. It's hard to be more polish
>being dyslexic
Welsh and Lebanese..... don't ask how but it happened
Italian/portuguese/polish mix here.
Med master race, sieg heil.
Leaf, we are here since before /news/
bet it involved a sheep or maybe a goat, depending on what the lebanese are into
>Half german
>Half italian
I basically look like an austrian.
My paternal line is English and have been in the US for a long time. My maternal line is mostly German immigrants (as makes since for my area) with one French immigrant.
I guess I am not huwhite though because I have 1 free colored female g-g-g-g grandmother on a very old census. I have determined that she was indeed Cherokee.
are you tall, have long hair and dabble in the occult?
My father's side were German/British colonists in America, who fought for independence.
My mother's side left Prussia before World War 1 started.
I'm glad none of my family were native fuckers
Yer my dad was a sheep fucker and my mum is a goat fucker, guess they found a lot in common.
half egyptian with a minor amount of french mixed in, half armenian.
Norwegian/Chinese reporting
>are you tall, have long hair and dabble in the occult?
yes, no, does worshipping KEK counts?
Mom: German/French
Dad: Scottish/English
Mostly British and German. I think one of my ancestors fucked some Native American chick like 100 years ago so many I can get some minority benefits.
He just wanted some native pussy senpai, but I really do wish I knew how/why they met.
I am still white, r-right?
Pure Sri Lankan Tamil
Feels subversive fucking with liberals here
Entire family is mexican all the way through the Spanish/Mayan/Aztec days. I'm first gen American (I'm legal).
Data mining thread but who cares at this point.
German and Japanese. Supreme Gentleman father before you ask if I'm an incel Elliot.
We integrated in the US after WW2. Both families were in WW2, some were fighting in US of A too. Nationalism above all else. We don't care about what the fuck these liberals and turbo kikes push unless it infringes on basic liberty. Which they are now doing bit by bit. Our family is humongous, our redpills go out to all our servicemen. If they push the envelope a little more you will have our names in history books for six gorillion years.
Pure Sri Lankan Tamil
Feels subversive fucking with liberals here in Canada
One side is German, another is Scandinavian. I have a Celtic name though.
basques, toscanos and very little german
You are a true sir
I'm part literal Mongol, part Ossetian.
Protestant German and a little bit of welsh
>I can't decide whether to squat or ruin Europe.
Put me in the screencap senpai
nah u gotta be into all those orthodox idols and weird ascended masters. whateves, i guess knowing one lithuanian doesnt count as knowing them all.
keep being good cannon fodder against the ruskies kthnxbai
Sicilian and English
1/4 Jew, 1/4 Russian, 1/4 German, 1/8 Pole and 1/8 Ukrainian.
I'm cancer incarnate.
That's because it cuts of blood flow to the legs, forcing extra blood to the diminutive Slavic brain, which allows rudimentary reasoning. Specifically, the ability to lure tourists into alleys and Rob them off their western shoes.
Mostly German, bit of nearby countries mixed in, quarter Korean though
On my dad's side 33% Scandinavian (swedish) , 7.5% finnish , 5% northwest Europe (germany) , a few percent English. Haven't gotten the dna tested on my mom's side but I've been told it's English and Scottish
ur just genetic trash desu
i bet u have curly hair
some irish or scotish, not sure how much just sure that my pale complexion and red hair make me stand out in a crowd
u haff no sole
Oh for fuck's sake post a picture. I can't even create a mental image of that.
Gee, Ivan.
pure german mother aboriginal father
Mostly German, and I hate it.
Half north Italian half basque
more than a catholic at least.
You're a cunt. Albeit a funny one, but a cunt nonetheless.
pic of your hand pls
As far as I know 100% Irish
also tanya a cute
I'm a mash of like, French, Spanish, Norwegian, Filipino
You might think that looks ugly as sin but i turned out alright
3/4 Swedish, 1/4 fingolian
Scottish, French, Portuguese and Greek
I get greasy when the humidity isn't just so and sweat like a motherfucker when it's even remotely hot
At least my teeth are good
My eyes and hair are light brown, but my hair gets a sort of golden tint when the light hits it right
also my beard looks brown but under bright light it's actually dark red
apparently that's a thing in my family, a few of my ancestors had the same color difference, got more pronounced as they got older
you can do both cant you?
I'm Jewish
Wew, I knew I wasn't the only one.
1/2 Spanish
1/4 French
1/4 Black
What's with all these shitty anime about little girls in masculine positions with mile thick plot armor and magical bullshit?
I just want a normal anime about tanks or some shit without all the airsoft and moe blobs. Is Japan so cucked that everything has to be centered around women now?
so basically you're a Finn
By my mother side, French basque grandpa and Catalunian Grandma
by my father side, Spaniards who got here in the conquest and fight in the independence war, later in the civil war, so you may say "Criollos". My family name is kind of a big thing in here.
I'm (over half) German and Irish. Most typical background you can expect to find.
1/2 Gook
1/4 German
1/4 Briton
Feels kimchi man
I'm a Euromutt.
Irish, English, Dutch, and Lithuanian.
Tiny part japanese, croatian.
75% Anglo
15% Irish
Just watch UC Gundam. The only person who gets plot armor is the guy who pilots the Gundam.
Squat and take a shit on your family's dinner table, then post pics.
Celtic/norse, with just a bit of anglo.
Oh for fuck's sake post a picture. I can't even create a mental image of that.
Purest white genes in Europe
Oh for fuck's sake post a picture. I can't even create a mental image of that.
Oh for fuck's sake post a picture. I can't even create a mental image of that.
Abo Irish. Fucking potent mix ay
But he's a guy
Well, my great, great, great grandmother on the mother side was either russian or more likely ukrainian i heard. Yeah, i know. It's boring.
nice samefagging
Oh for fuck's sake post a picture. I can't even create a mental image of that.
90% Anglo. 10% western Europe in general. (got dna test)