/Pol and Trump utterly blown away!
You can't recover from this meme. Might aswell kys now.
/Pol and Trump utterly blown away!
You can't recover from this meme. Might aswell kys now.
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Settlers aren't immigrants.
Look what happens to the original owners of land when immigrants can't be fought off.
Sooo, native American genocide wasn't a bad thing and we should let it happen to modern Americans?
The pic implies he go back to Europe.
Beads, motherfucker... BEADS.
>we stole it before you stole it so change don't enforce the law 400 years later
Fucking kek
Maybe when the Turks give back Thrace, Anatolia, and Northern Cyprus. Never hear leftists get asshurt about that.
Where is the Native American Immigration Law written?
so if we don't keep them out, we will get exterminated and the survivors will get forced onto reservations?
>tfw the "natives" actually want the wall not to be built
Seriously they are retards.
They could not keep the white man out and now they want the white man to fail at keeping Mexicans out.
They are the biggest cucks of them all.
But he was born there, his ancestors were immigrants but sending them back serves no purpose as they are dust.
First post best-
Wait, never mind. SPBP
>sell land for literal shiny beads
>get butthurt after
'Native' Americans were immigrants from Serbia. Plus, land is only yours if there is a government able to defend that right. Those mongoloids had what was coming to them.
We fought for it and we won, next time bring your A game
So were other non-whites that you retards tell to "go back"
Not our fault the Natives had poor business sense
Indians don't have a claim to the land since they didn't recognise property ownership. Let that be a little lesson in politics and economics for ya
Fucking kek
Not an immigrant if they never "owned" the land in first place.
That image is pretty stupid I'm triggered. Not believing in private property does not mean private companies should benefit from this belief while giving back nothing.
A native american on the dangers of immigration.
/out/ they were going to get alot of money for it and they already make money from the casinos and gub gives
>americans are illegal immigrants several generations after they came
>everyone that crosses the border gets american rights
Doesn't this picture just sum up perfectly how you should be AGAINST mass migration?
Injuns would still be king if they'd been able to stop European migration into the Americas.
What makes you think Native Americans like illegals?
why didnt americans enslave natives instead of nigs?
>Native americans getting genocided are a proof how bad ilegal inmigration can be
>Is used like a argument to let illegal inmigrants into a country
Native Americans had laws against immigration?
Fun Fact, the idea of all property having an owner was relatively new in Europe around the time Europeans colonized the Americas. Before then in Europe there was land known as the commons that anyone could work. The idea that all land was owned by someone was particularly strong in England after virtually all the commons was taken up by farmers or posh hunters. That's why the English emigrated in such high numbers. They saw America as a way of becoming one of those rich land owners.
U wot m8?
If you sympathize with native American experience you should realise how damaging immigration policy can be.
Of course they do, and there's nothing wrong with that. What you're doing is just using "No true Scotsman" fallacy against them, "No true Indian would profit from something it's against their beliefs".
Also their beliefs on private property is that land can't be owned but belongs to public not some company for a project that won't benefit them at all.
We bought most of the native american lands for the low price of a couple of muskets and a bunch of shiny beads.
Not enough people realize this. You can shut down 90% of emotional whiny Native American arguments alone with this fact.
fucking kek
They were dying off too much.
>Upholding stereotypes
They always do this.
Here they always tell us about how the Anglo-Saxons and Normans invaded Britain in the past. So we should totally allow it again, because like in 1000 years nobody will care, or something.
Both of those invasions altered the culture of the island completely and the people who were here before were forcibly intergrated. The division between Norman ruler and Anglo peasant took literally hundreds of years to heal but lets just invite everyone on earth to live here lmao.
>they will pay you to use the land you don't need for a thing
>It doesn't benefit you at all
Pick one dipshit
It's funny because it's actually highly likely that "native" americans aren't the first people here either.
There's evidence to suggest there were people here much earlier who were genocided by the current "natives". There are peoples living very isolated in parts of South America who are completley unrelated to the current "natives" in America.
"Native" Americans are basically that kid who would yell "TIME OUT" right after he hit some other kid really hard.
you weak ass Canadians make me sick
You are such pussies
taking it up the ass without vaseline
Then they probably didn't like the price. There you go, it's not a hard problem.
We conquered this land you stupid leaf. Its ours
>he doesn't work the fields for his french vikinf overlords
>welcome in migrants onto your lands
>get utterly conquered by them and have your "country" replaced by their new ruling government
>years later still bitter and drunk off listerine try to inaccurately compare illigal immigration in a country that has laws against it to your lose association of tribes that all hated one another and made the mistake of letting the strange white people on boats in. Not that they could have stopped them anyway.
If liberals really give a single fuck about natives, they should give all of their property to them. But they won't. So just shut the fuck up about muh native stolen land.
t. Running Horse-Shit
Trump is native to america. So is the ingian. Meme doesn't make sense
Kind of funny how his wife was an immigrant who worked illegally in the country for a while.
Of course they aren't, the history of every people (>implying these various fucking tribes were some sort of nation) has been mixing, assimilation, conquest.
But even if that weren't the case
>don't enforce the law because muh injuns
Is fucktarded
There's been findings reported even by liberal media but it doesn't seem to be talked about much by the academic community.
>implying the Injuns had Immigration laws to break.
This meme just needs to be retired, it is so transparent and dumb I don't even know why anyone posts this except as low tier bait.
>Thinking you own the land because your ancestors were on it first.
That's like someone saying the house their grandparents owned is theirs even after they sold it and died.
Is it racist that I read that in an Indian voice
Its not like they didnt try fighting it
They would even give settlers nice haircuts for it
Anyone born in America is a Native American. The term has been bastardized by liberals trying to shame white people born in America.
when are they injuns going, the buffalo were their first
The Injuns are cucks for wanting even more people to come to their land and shit it up.
If I was an Injun, I'd prefer civilized whites over 3rd-world niggers.
Im tired of hearing this shit.
Everyone was killing indigenous peoples back then.
There were fuckin native americans helping kill other native americans.
It was a shitty situation but to take THE PAST and judge it with THE PRESENT... everyone in history is a piece of shit.
Stop using shit to fuel your white guilt-mobile so you can drive around pickin up points for looking like a fuckin cucktard