Realistically speaking, how long will he last?

Realistically speaking, how long will he last?

8 years

8 months until he is impeached

At this rate he's going to be the next JFK.

He's literally pissing millions of people off in the first 10 days and there's bound to be someone who's ready to take it to the next level.

1 presidential term is 4 years long

any other questions you god damn retard

Only rural rednecks and suburban retards voted for Trump. All city people voted for Hillary.

6 mo



RARE as fuck

4 months. His shit illegal executive orders are going to take that long to go to court.

Solo los debiles agricultos y los debiles suburbanos votan Trump. Genta de ciudad votan por Hillary.

He is using up a lot of political good will in his first days. Republicans will probably start to distance themselves if things get really bad.

The good thing for Republicans is that there aren't many good Democratic candidates for 2020. But I would doubt that Trump could win a national campaign. I would expect a primary challenge if nothing else.

4 months

50 years

CTR Saaaaaage


8 years. youll prob bitch and cry the whole time op

U.S. Code compliant completely legal orders. Nothing you cunts can do about it.

>if things get really bad.

That ship has sailed.

as needed for 36% US white

I never said I was against him. I'm just curious.

he gets impeached and replaced to preserve the stability of the Union


Trump BTFO

Everyone I disagree with is Hitler: The Article

8 years easily

first politican in decades to actually do what he said he would do and that means everything

2 years 3 months

30 April 2019

Cap this post

>8 years

Great. A senile, bedwetting president

Why do people jump to assassinated or impeachment. The guy wouldn't survive 8 years because he's

>the most stressful job in the world

Guys a tacobowl and a tweet away from kicking the bucket.

better get on your knees unless you'd rather lick Merkel's boots

Sorry, i dont speak italian.