Giant crowds everywhere defying Trump. His presidency is over before he started. His approval rating is 33%...

Giant crowds everywhere defying Trump. His presidency is over before he started. His approval rating is 33%. You can't be president when nobody likes you.

Other urls found in this thread:

> Argentina
> White

these protesters are so incredibly out numbered, you wouldnt think that tho since you only look at what CNN is showing you


This CANNOT and WILL NOT go on for four years!


Tell that to Bush Jr. (22%)

33% approval rating

100% not white.

Thats a crowd shot from Obuma's inauguration in 2009, you fucking idiot. FAKE NEWS, FAKE POST

>You can't be president when nobody likes you.

That's where you're wrong.

>approval rating is 33%
>gallup has him at 45%.
>Rass. has him at 55%.

it's fucking nothing

Actually his approval rating is 57%.

Can someone give me a quick run down of the situation?


Nice source faggot

malvinas = uk property


Butthurt shitlibs are screeching because baby rape won't be legalized while Trump is in office.

This. Op's a crybaby ctr antifa faggot

>believing polls produced by the "media"

That entire Trump's America situation is inherited from his predecessors.

>polls say Hillary wins debates
>she loses them
>polls said Trump wouldn't win by a big margin
>he wins
>polls say he isn't likable
>now we believe them


In 2011??

Someone fucking napalm these crowds already.

Pol argies don't fall for such a weak bait, man.

Fuck off shill. Your (((polls))) have been discredited for a long time now, and semi-decent pollsters like Ramussen have him at 55%

Yeah you can... Peoples approval of someone has nothing to do with how they voted or who is in power. Change comes through votes not from little bitches throwing hissy fits. It didn't work to get Obama out of office, it won't work to get Trump out of office. Deal.

I thought it was revealed on the HWNDU stream that Sup Forums is basically a bunch of LARPing non-whites.

Lol nice fake news

tear gas, rubber bullets & water canons should fix it.

oh yeah boy

you really think what some poll tells you is an actual representation of every single citizen of the US opinion on this? it's not even possible to somehow poll everyone who ends up voting. these approval ratings don't mean shit. why haven't you learned from the election polls? look how off they were. there is absolutely no in hell these blue areas will overthrow the new government. the left are in their last grasp for air and are willing to do anything, still Trump is not doing anything illegal.


What counties were polled? I guarantee you they are areas that voted overwhelmingly democrat

CTR is bring funded again - quit replying to these god damn bait threads. You are killing Sup Forums by replying.

>His approval rating is 33%.
lol, who does these polls? I always (((wonder)))

is civil war a legitimate possibility?

it's kinda hard to guage the true situation not being american

Thanks breh

Anyone else getting legit worried we might be headed for civil war? I thought it was just a meme but now I'm starting to get concerned. At least in Tennessee I'll be on the right side of things.

The three parenthesis are anti-Semitic symbolism

Seriously, just look at George W Bush's presidency. The country hated him and yet he had two terms.

I used to think that these people had legitimate concerns. That they were just honest people on the other side of the debate that had a different idea about how the world worked. Not lesser, just different.

I feel like this changed my mind:

Trump has a one percent approval

you can if you jail them all and silence the media, putin is giving bannon his playbook

And yet he is still there for AT LEAST another 4 years.

lol stfu tina.
America is going to be so badass! You can't stop us.

Why do drumpfkins keep posting this as if empty land has political sway

until he is impeached*

>n shit. why

It swayed his ass into the whitehouse. what timeline are you in?

butthurt kikes

Is there some kind of critical mass of liberal tears that will result in him being impeached?

sounds like an Obama voter's justification to me lol

fucking delusional kike faggot

> can't be president when nobody likes you.

Democracy precedes Tyranny >:3

>California leaves
>US declares war in order to preserve the Union
>Cali gets BTFO, millions of shitlibs and spics killed
>It loses most of its electoral votes due to decreased population
>Democrats lose for eternity
pls let this happen

I can assure you sir, we're not on the verge of a Civil War. What's happening right now are a bunch of cucks who, for the first time in their political lives, have not gotten what they've wanted, and they're shitting their pants. Trust me, things are going to be looking up for us.

Here is your (you).

Because you are correct.
Prise kek.

This is an act of war, CTR.

>Less than the 1% of the usa population

Wow, is fucking nothing

only because the undemocratic electoral college gives a voter in Wyoming 3.6 times more electoral vote power than a voter in California

>Californian Shock Troopers

You should read more about the EC. were it undemocratic you woulda lost your fucking minds when hillary lost to odummer. i didnt hear one word. why is that?

It must be hard leading a pack of savage wolves, so cut the man some slack he's just attempting to stop america from cannibalizing it self.

that has a lot to do with a few states being morons and voting before schedule tho

they got their EC votes halfed

> Giving more voting power to unproductive peasants who do nothing for this country


Who's doing the approval polls?

That's right, the same ones that said Shillary had a 99.7% chance of being prez.

are you high? do you think for a minute that if the dems had something that would flip the election they wouldn't have been screaming it on all media? instead, they said Trump won. Trump won. Trump won.

>yfw 2020 election features Donald Trump vs Katy Perry


You realize most of that red area is empty farmland and wilderness?

are you seriously already thinking 2020?

I've been thinking 2020 since November 8.


damn son. well props i guess. i woulda thought you needed some period of mourning or something. i know dems are pretty destroyed. do you think unrest will increase when chaffetz and the DOJ prosecutes hillary for her crimial activities...AND do you think it will hurt dem chances in 2020 when they feel that betrayal?

Serious questions...not jabbing at you.

What are leftards gonna fight with?
Dildos and safety pins?

>WILL NOT go on for four years!
yeah, we'll probably have eight years. Praise Kek.


Dick Cheney and the Koch brothers are against this guy. Something here is incredibly fucked up. I think a lot of us regret voting for this guy.

The TPP wasn't going to provide any jobs.
No one has died from the refugee ban

And if he builds the wall, it will still be less of a boondoggle than Obamacare, whose website alone cost 6.5 billion dollars and didn't work for nearly the entire 2-terms, even then only very poorly.

They dont even know what they are protesting for.

Since when do these people give a fuck who refugees into this nation?

I give it two weeks and they go back to reality tv.

gtfo shill, he is following his campaign promises.
Nobody who voted for his policies is regretting their vote.

Your daily reminder of what happens to Breitards when you try to post on Sup Forums in your real llife.

Which of these two people do you think actually needs a safe space?

Keep memeing alt-cunts. We are coming for you...

I live in a state filled with white men who love owning guns


Its be a shame if the cia started taking care of these traitors

Going after green card holders? Fuck outta here man I don't want a fucking recession

Thas right!

I sure as fuck am not.

>trumps big rallies mean nothing

pick one you fucking faggot

>Sup Forums 2028
>Gifs of Field Marshall Spencer throwing degenerates out of helicopters.

Get ready, get hyped.

If I don't like the idea of's fake


CTR faggot detected.

praise kek pbuh, chek

BTW: It is your solemn duty, as a follower of Kek (pbuh), to take as much as this fuckwit's cash as you possibly can and spend it directly in to the hands of your local small american businesses owners.

It's in new York, so no. There are no white people in New York.

>You can't be president when nobody likes you.
then how was obama president for 8 years?

you should kill yourself


I guess they should've voted

unironically "fuck outta here"
yeah you've got to be a spic.
Getting rid of people with greencards will make the domestic economy stronger. More jobs for Americans, skilled or otherwise.
I sure as hell don't want an Indian taking a job from middle class Americans.

>he replies to himself

No. No one wants to actually fight about it.

Where is this pic even from?

This could be from anywhere.

People loved obama.

if they don't ask everyone, they can't say that as fact.