What is Sup Forums's honest opinion of Duterte?
What is Sup Forums's honest opinion of Duterte?
It's shame he's not white. Would be a great successor to St. Augusto Pinochet the Great.
actually crazy autocrat prolly more corrupt than it appears
he is doing what he needs to do. When he is gone everybody will curse at him, and yet the country will be in much better shape than when he picked it up and put it on his back.
A more hardcore version of Drumpf
At least he's not a globalist shill
Wants what's best for his country
Kind of crazy but who gives a fuck
Great at keeping kids off drugs.
Based as fuck. Single handedly fixing his country.
Laughing at all the fags ITT believing the tripe western media is feeding them. Anti-politician is best politician.
>be filipino
>smoke weed
>get thrown out of helicopter.
He's a man with passion that doesn't afraid of anything
You're a fucking ignorant cunt, aren't you. Bet you vote independent gobshites into office?
Amazing leader. No fucks given.
He loves his country and his country loves him. Liberal mainstream media be damned.
Self hating dope fiend.
Pretty fucking insane and needs to be shot in the face. I mean, it wouldn't be too hard for one of his people to accuse him of being a drug dealer. Under his own law, he would be subject to execution.
He should just make a new city instead of patching up the ones we've got that are so contested that long-term, significant immigration renovation is impossible
He's a goddamned hero and a madman.
He's the savior of his people through the means of incredible violence.
I wish him and his people all the best in wiping the scourge of drugs and scum from their cities.
most people here love da dope, so they obvious dont like the guy and because he is technically left wing
but overall I think hes a reality check in terms of a start towards pinoys getting on track
too many pedos, rabid dogs, crime, drugs going on so now they just shoot the problem till theres nothing left and boom, then start fixing shit
hospitals are now turning free, pedos are leaving the country for fear of death and of course kids arent doin ganja and turning into drugdealers otherwise they chuck em outta planes
+1 duterte
Hes a nationalist and self-described socialist. Probably a crypto fascist
>I mean, it wouldn't be too hard for one of his people to accuse him of being a drug dealer.
Except they have? Multiple times?
A pragmatic leader. A shame filipinos are a cucked race obsessed with the US. they'll probably get him out of power sooner or later without external help needed.
I genuinely believe he's been bought by some drug cartel and is clearing competition on their behalf. At the end of his term he'll get a large payout, dissolve the anti-drug units and retire from politics.
Based as fuck.