Where is your Kek now?

Where is your Kek now?

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kek will guide us through the coming civil war

may leftist blood flow as foretold in the holy 10Mil get

Harvesting memetic power from butthurt liberal tears

the unbelievers will learn
Praise KeK

Harvesting memetic power

the kike will a purge, but not the one he thinks


The Whitehouse.
Where are your false gods now profligate?

I was just posting on a random facebook live chat and like 90% of the posts were pro-trump anti-Muslim

silent majority is the best majority

This is CHAOS.

This is exactly what KEK wants.

you are part of his web.

unleash the police and start cracking skulls.
a few years in prison should cool these rioting maggots down

A Kek is never late, nor is he early.
He presents digits precisely when he means to.

>young liberals inconvenience the people
>expecting their movement to grow

>a bunch of rent-a-mob liberals disrupt their own shitty liberal cities

Do you understand how many counties in the US are Trump territory???

Classic journalistic objectivity.

In office

Silly infidel.

This is the WILL of KEK.

We don't interpret it, on praise HIM.

>europeans protest too many immigrants
>murricans protest not enough immigrants

is it time to move to australia?
inb4 fuck off we're full

Can't wait
>We Right Wing Death Squads Now

>bright red title
>totally not fake and biased news gais i sware

literally how is this allowed?

Naming the Jew, CNN President Jeff Zucker.

he's at a mosque in canada, bretty shore.

>is it time to move to australia?
we're the refuge actually.

we hold it all down while israel gets glassed in a couple of years.

The fact half the left NEEDS paid protesters, controlled media, twisted/exaggerated truth and flat out fabrications just to get a response out of people shows how weak their arguments are.

Is that a Jew? Never seen one. Horrible!

They are not """real""" resistance, they are being paid by Soros and CAIR.

Plus, KEK is a god of chaos. So, this is exactly what KEK wants.

Daily reminder that the left is literally doing historically bad when it comes to holding actual political power

Please KEK let Trump arrest Soros and give him the public execution he deserves. Seeing his wretched face hanging from a rope would be the most pleasurable thing imaginable.

The difference: Europe imported massive amounts vs. America just banned them. The losing side is just protesting. Completely different

>think a fake news organization will summon anything worth of a response

Clearly unbiased journalism. Can't wait for Trump to pull down the whole rotten structure.

They really are indistinguishable from HuffPo now aren't they?

Dont you remember what happened when they tried that after the civil rights movement?

Territory is mostly irrelevant in the face of population numbers and as Trump lost the popular, well, I just hope he gets reigned in before things turn really ugly.

Kek wills the chaos and that's why Trump will stand in the end

Kek being the god of chaos is right at home with all the happenings.

Why is it biased?

>They are not """real""" resistance, they are being paid by Soros and CAIR.
Do you have evidence of this?

Is this the beginning of the end for the Trump campaign?

top kek user


Do you think Donald will ever just say for everyone to take to the streets and whatever happens happens? Is the purge going to really happen? This is what I want the most.


I bet you do comrade. I bet you hate free speech.

Why isn't Soros in jail or dead?


Why do you say this? I mean, were you there?


i see u ctr

in the white house

few hundred pussy-heads and paid prosters are never a majority...

Better live in a democracy, than in OCHLOCRACY (rule of mob)


The so-called resistance isn't civil rights movement.


>Territory is mostly irrelevant in the face of population


you confirmed you're a retard m8

ship these snowflakes to a muslim country and watch them melt.

Kek is a god of chaos. Surely you know this.

Because despite Trump's habit of suing everybody who makes him look bad Trump doesn't really have a case here.

You mean the non-violent demonstrations that shunned militants like Malcom X instead of having it be their cornerstone?

Jesus Christ, every fucking thing is "just like muh Civil Rights movement" to leftists.

>liberals burning their own cities down in (((protest)))

Yeah, and half the country lives in those blue pockets, while the other ever shrinking half is in the red, spread the fuck out.

Look, I don't like this libs, but do not underestimate them or the lengths they are willing to go to enact change.

>Everything is corrupt except for my side.

The more in your pathetic resistance. The more weaklings I get to slaughter. Your heads will make fine trophies.

We will call on Kek at the right time. Kek knows best. (PBUH).

>the resistance
CNN needs to be immediately liquidated , this is no longer free speech , it's sedation

Remember that Occupy movement that nobody gave a flying fuck about? Yeah, Kek remembers.

Hi CTR. You're admonished for trying to subvert your country.

Civil war now! The fire must rise!

Sorta this. During the election, most people did not want to reveal themselves as Trump supporters.

>few hundred pussy-heads and paid prosters are never a majority...

The capitol building alone saw something like 20,000. I think that it's more than a small minority.

What exactly are they resisting?

Immigration law that has been on the books for decades actually being enforced, instead of just looking the other way and letting lawbreakers continue to live in the US illegally?

A 90 day moratorium on travelers (Muslim, Christian, Atheist, doesn't matter) from a small handful of countries that are known state sponsors of terrorism until government agencies can ensure that there are proper checks in place to help keep the bad eggs out and keep AMERICAN CITIZENS safe?

We need to spread awareness of twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/825848204633731074 the guy is being absolutely sabotaged by the joint media and people are falling for it. There's no way for him to get his message at them when the media owns basically all movement of information.

>When you awaken an Egyption god that then proceeds to wage a proxy war with Moloch splitting the most powerful nation on earth.

CNN, your organization is terrible. YOU ARE FAKE NEWS.

Fuck off, American Bridge.

They want you to get mad
If you just let them be there won't be any protests in a week, they thrive off of your outrage

>Can't disprove their point or answer their question better call them shills.

The fire rises

Yeah, the cops eventually backed down. It was a mistake.

>uncritically invoking civil rights leaders to promote partisan propaganda

Literally its all bitches niggers and cuckolds, it was one of the biggest red pills for alot of my friends. I dont know many people that can tolerate all 3, let alone pretend to relate to them.

Well you are a shill,so yea

The information will still disseminate, but just from around the media, just like it did in the campaign.

Kek is a god of chaos. These events were predicted in the tarot - pic related.

We're currently on the fourth card. Next is a nuke, it would seem. Then the Magician saves us with 3D printing. Merkel falls while Le Pen rises. Finally, we all become stars - angels like Enoch.

Kek is all around me - and my other gods, too.

Interesting how capitalistic america makes even protesting a profitable job. I wonder if you get paid extra for shit smearing your protest sign.

>Drumpf gets elected

>Drumpf gets impeaches

>Either way you flip flop, you're still a retarded frogposter.

Can anyone confirm?


He's getting the fire hose ready. Klanking soon I'd wager.


A news article saying that Trump wants to ban refugees? What's your point?

fucking gross

Okay, why? And don't say "Because you are" because that's lazy thinking and you know it.

t h i s t b h f a m

we already won
we are still winning
they are losing at every turn besides late night talk shows and hollywood celebrities
don't be surprised by their childish behavior

How am I a shill because I believe in free speech?

Chief Washington Correspondent (((Jake Tapper))) and CNN Lead Political Anchor (((Wolf Blitzer)))

You do realize the whole fucking military sides with Trump right?

Yeah the media is so full of shit, it's disgusting.

Their lies are no joke going to get people killed. They will have blood on their hands.

we /communist/ now boys

kek wills it

Even the New York Times admits to it now if anybody wants to spread this.


What did they mean by this?

>making our country more unstable for more clicks
This is treason

General Mattis's military codename was CHAOS

Coincidence? ;)

Shadilay brother.