jesus christ would be an illegal immigrant in trump's america
Jesus christ would be an illegal immigrant in trump's america
>implying Jesus Christ would flee a conflict zone because scared of mean dictator man
Jesus Christ doesn't have to go to America to deliver his message.
Tell him to follow the law and not sneak in.
he never even step foot in the west did he?
>implying Christ would waste his time on this shithole
No, Trump loves jews
>Bethlehem/Jerusalem, Israel
This makes absolutely no sense you stupid liberal shill
Jesus also wasn't a coward who fled his home and family
No he would get priority because he's a Christian.
>not palestine
good goy
>implying Israel is on the list
Jesus wouldn't flee a war torn country to save himself
adios hombre
your time is done
holy mother of god THIS
Render what is ceasers unto ceaser. Pretty sure jesus would follow the laws of the land.
pic related
Why would He go to America?
>jesus christ
Born In Jerusalem...Would that count toward the banned areas?
Did we ban immigration from Israel when I wasn't looking?
Not that I would mind, but I'm making sure.
dont make me check these myself
Shia LaBeouf wouldn't let him on his live feed either
you're even worse than the far left who make up fantasy shit in their head and feel validated in their views.
Why doesn't he manifest in recent times then? I'm all for a higher power but come on. Especially one who wants you to donate 20% of you earnings per year if your almighty what the fuck do you need with my money
Jesus Christ would be guilty of hate crimes in Obama's amerikwa.
CTR started up a new wave of shilling. Sage it all.
Jesus was real mate, its a commonly accepted fact at this point like evolution. Stop being a retarded atheist cuckold
Nor Palestine nor Judea were banned
Implying he ever existed...
Ad hominem you liberal centrist civcuck nigger loving bitch
I think Trump would make an exception for Jesus somehow.
Jesus was pretty big on law and order so I doubt it.
>Implying anyone here falls for the nailed jew
Cool kick the faggot out
>look i pointed out a logical fallacy!
>nevermind, me using a strawman!
Nope, he would fall into the exception of religious minorities fleeing from those specified nations that are allowed in, as the muslims have killed off all the christians there and thus he would be the absolute minority.
Came here to post this. It's Caesar btw. Can't say that I blame you for spelling it that way though because phonetically that is accurate.
>truths I don't like are strawmen
You really are a liberal. The argument from the source is bullshit, it doesn't matter how anyone mocks it.
I fail to see the fallacy.
Jesus indeed was not a faggot cuck who fled his home and abandoned his people.
The mormons believe he did...
Good thing Jesus the illegal immigrant evaded Roman rule so he could keep preaching Islam while being a parasite under the radar rather than the dying on some sort of cross as the literal link between Man and God
Good. Jesus was the Karl Marx of his time.
give me a source on 'the faggot cuck who fled his home and abandoned his people'
>blaming the Son of God
>for the actions of man
Trump would make an exception for the son of god but he would still get crucified by the sjws at JFK for being a jesus freak
Every refugee.
you really need a source? Jesus taught that people should leave the families/rebel against their father/etc. Christianity was a doomsday religion teaching of an impending end, hence the get rid of all your physical possessions, leave your family, etc. teaching. The NT after the Gospels were just trying to make up reasons why the end never happened and trying to transform a doomsday religion into a sustainable lifestyle. Cucked as fuck.
Cite verses from it that prove your point please. If you just scoff at someone wanting you to source your claims then maybe Reddit is a better place for your rhetoric.
Are you even a Christian? If so, why are you asking for sources? If not, why do you care so much?
Luke 14:25-27
Mark 10:29
go look up others yourself, it's a major theme of the gospels
**Mark 10:28-31
I'm not but I've done enough reading of the scripture to know that you're grossly misinterpreting it. He's using hyperbole to make a point. Reading a statement that says that faith should come before family and extracting from it "You should leave your family" is autistic.
Jesus would have been subject to extreme vetting just like the rest. I imagine he would be able to come to this country if he wanted.
>And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. --Matthew 19:29
>Reading a statement that says that faith should come before family and extracting from it "You should leave your family" is autistic. --some faggot on Sup Forums
Jesus didn't flee, he stayed and took his punishment.
>What is monasticism
>Rewarding true dedication to faith is demanding that literally everyone lives as a monk
>ban on kikes
>in trump's america
I wish.
It's one thing to live as a monk. Monks don't start families and have houses and farms. It's another thing to LITERALLY LEAVE YOUR WIFE AND CHILDREN to follow some homeless guy wandering around the middle east because he promises some good rewards later
But it's the ultimate test of faith. This was said in a context where everyone thought he was a madman or he was the Messiah. Following him then was far more controversial than it is now. Do you think anyone has to leave their family now to follow Christianity? Not many people do, obviously. The authors of the scripture couldn't predict what the world would be like now; they wrote purely within the context of early/proto Christianity.
Talk about leaning on your own understanding. Talk about taking scripture literally.
The bible is a lot like a full meal, with each book making up a portion of the meal. Unless you consume the full meal, you are missing out.
Confirmed that you are really taking things out of context. All that really means is that if those people in your life are against your faith in Christ and God to the point that conflict results and you must leave them in order to pursue your faith, that you are blessed by Him for doing so because you are choosing to suffer here on Earth in some way for your faith. This doesn't mean LEAVE YOUR FAMILY NAOW OR NO HEAVEN FOR YOU HURRR!
>Sand nigger religious zealot
Yeah keep him out please
As I said before, Christianity was a doomsday religion. It was predicated on 'the end is near, so abandon your life and responsibilities to follow me!' That's literally what it was. And, like I said, the remainder of the New Testament was the dudes that did that shit trying to piece together a coherent church and sustainable lifestyle after the fact. Never did I say that modern Christianity was about leaving your family. My point is that the entire basis of the religion was false and that people following it now is just absurd. Jesus walked around saying "HAPPENING SOON" and then nothing happened, so people kept saying "uh... happening soon maybe guys?" for 2000 years. Everyone's waiting for that second coming.
And, when was it? A few years ago some Christian pastor predicted the coming of Jesus and the rapture, so a ton of Americans sold their houses and got rid of all their possessions and severed ties with their friends and families, like the good old days of Jesus, just to be met with a similar disappointment and a similar need to put the pieces back together.
that's how Jesus meant it before. again, the entire modern church is just an attempt to re-contextualize Jesus' teachings against the fact that what he predicted never happened.
"Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom." -- Matthew 16:28
Oh man, but no one standing there ever did.
Jesus is from Israel, where immigration is great.
With all the focus on morality and leading a life proper to God's liking I wouldn't think it was built upon abandoning your life and responsibilities. Saying it was more on radically changing your life to prepare for the coming of God is a better summary of it, and it's one that can still contribute to stable societies and churches which was seen in early Christianity. I disagree with your take on the later books of the NT being a form of damage control because the book of John makes clear that Christ was a sacrificial lamb and that the kingdom of God wasn't a physical place. The differing authors of the NT wrote the scripture in differing contexts, sure, but the apocalyptic Hebrew context is only a sliver of the overarching themes and imagery.
That's right, and he would get deported.
Born in Bethlehem about 10 clicks South. Muslim territory because the Jews have no need for it.
You are re-contextualizing the passages based on hindsight. That's all I can say. Consider the context of 30 A.D., given that the gospels themselves were written between 50 and 90 A.D., long after Jesus was dead.
fuck, is soros becoming a 3rd stage guild navigator?? wtf
He might have been born there but that wasn't his place of residence.
>Jesus of Nazareth
Nazareth is in Israel.
There is so much hidden in the scripture and you must also remember that due to the Council of Nicea, the Jesuits, The Roman Catholic Church, the Pharisees, and probably many others, many different books were not included in the bible. Two such examples of this are the books of Thomas and Enoch.
Much has been found in archaeology that supports scripture, such as the remains of a humanoid giant, but no sooner was it found, the story was buried and the remains were carted off to the Smithsonian and never talked about again.
How do you know that out of those standing there he wasn't referring to demons, djinns, or the devil? You don't. See, how focusing on the material concerns can trip you up?
When you focus on the material plane in regards to doctrine that focuses on the divine, the spiritual, and the nature of the spirit, you're likely going to misinterpret it...
was supposed to be a reply to
I'll admit my point about the bigger picture was using hindsight. If there are discrepancies between the Gospels, however, which image of Christ can we say was true? On a metaphorical level all the Gospels align well but on a literal level I'd think we're in the dark if each book can't agree.
I'm not Biblical scholar, but my understanding is that the general picture of the gospels is as such:
1) Mark was written first (~50 A.D.). No virgin birth, Jesus is an ordinary man, no magical powers, he denies being powerful, and the scene of the empty tomb at the end is widely agreed upon as being added in much later
2) Matthew and Luke were written at a similar and drew upon Mark and an unknown (lost) gospel. Jesus has a bit more power here, performs miracles, virgin birth, etc.
3) John was written MUCH later, the latest of the books, and Jesus is fucking superman. He tries to hide none of his miracles (directly contradicting Mark).
There are also many other gospels that have been lost over time, having been decided not good enough for the KJV. (Thomas is a good example).
I wouldn't say the gospels offer a clear and consistent picture of Jesus. It's also important to realize that the gospels were *not* written by disciples and that the names assigned to them were assigned much after their authorship. They are likely written collections of word-of-mouth stories, which evolve over time, which explains why John is so much different.
I'd argue that the gospels are just folk lore, in essence. Mark is closest to the truth, being closest in time to Jesus' life, and in Mark, Jesus was little more than a Jewish human with some Buddhist teachings.
That seems fair. I knew John was a sort of outlier but I do know that a lot of scholars teach it as the first Gospel that tries to be symbolic as opposed to a literal recollection of Jesus' life. I do appreciate your insight on the matter, though, as I wasn't too knowledgeable on Mark.
Christ owns the Earth. His Church is based out of Utah. He can come and go as He pleases.
But he is not so fuck off
Obviously not you nigger
how? i don't see christ entering ilegally into a nation.
hey OP how many refugees have you been hosting since shit hit the fan in Syria 5 years ago? How many poor immigrants do you have living with you, or at least in a place that you are paying for?