Is this white enough, /pol?
Looks legit
Greetings fine citizens of the world!
My name is Justin Trudeau and I'm a huge faggot. Some of you might recall me as a part time drama teacher but I'm Prime Minister of Canada now thanks to my family name and my #1 kike, George "I start insurrections" Soros. Now you might be wondering why I've taken time away from finding black bulls to fuck my wife and inhaling muslim cocks. Well, I'll tell you.
As I watched my wife being pleasured by numerous men that were not me the other night I thought of how all white men could get a deep sense of satisfaction if they could just let go of their inhibitions and act as fluffers for the 3rd world, offering up the women we cherish most in an altruistic gift of formerly unexperienced patriotism of not country, but humanity. Wives and daughters the western world over impregnated by strong verile niggers and muslims. I say nigger of course in only the most cuckold fashion.
Well there isn't much more to this. I think I should go check and see if my wife needs a cleaning!
Again, my name is Justin Trudeau and I love sucking big hairy cocks.
Yea, All Europeans are white.
>5% Trace
you have to go back
What's "huwite"? I've seen a few times lately.
Do you know who this guy is?
It's just a tongue-in-cheek way of poking fun at the pronunciation of 'white' by old school guys like William Pierce
You're a Mongolian Arab
Yeah, I know that much, but do you guys use it with some kind of added meaning, like with (((white)))?
Is this white enough, /pol?
>Did the 23 and me thing.
>Its been like 6 months what the fuck.
>Call them up.
>Inquired about my sample and whats happening.
>Give them my name.
>They tell me to hold.
>On hold for a fucking hour.
>Some guy finally picks up and transfers me to some shmo.
>Tells me that they couldn't find a match for my DNA.
>Ask them if the sample was incomplete.
>They said it wasn't.
>They're sending me a new kit anyways to try again.
I'm scared, am I an ayy lmao?
that is cool as fuck. i bet you get agents surrounding your house instead of a new kit, though.
post pic of face
Going by that flag your probably just some new breed on mongrel you probably have a bit of everything in you
Send help I just want to be Anglo
I think 5% trace is just fluke on everyone's """DNA"""
As opposed to what? A 'purebread" briton/celt/saxon/norman such as yourself?
>21% Irish
Fuck off, potato nigger
>8% Italy/Greece
Fuck off, shitskin nigger
>american shit skin subhuman race isnt even human let alone white
Take a picture of yourself and timestamp it.
Yes exactly
Bona fide white OP
>13% finnish
Are you sometimes lonely and quiet and feel that the only fix for it is more vodka?
>a purebread mix
I knew Brits were inbred, but jesus christ.
Somebody give him a quick rundown
kill yourself
You're the missing link
If anything it's simply how an extremely white person would say white. It's almost like aristocratic white person slang if such a thing exists.
It's like people who pronounce schedule as "shédual", it's just extremely cultured
>8% greek
is this white enough, /pol?
your credit score just got 8% lower
>anything it's simply how an extremely white person would say white.
lol what
That's just how old people speak around here.
Can someone be quick on the rundown
All purebreeds start off as a specific mix that gets isolated and popular, just look at dog breeds
Wow you got,
and Semite'd
You must be the biggest kek in the world.
I'm sorry Jamal, but the cotton doesn't pick itself
Don't be surprised when Fox Mulder shows up at your door
Point is Anglo Saxons and Normans Celts etc are all Western and Northern European whites whereas your probably 1/4 Black 1/4 Mexican 1/4 Native American 1/4 Italian and thats a true mixbreed
It's alright if it's Tuareg.
Plz no bully ausbro
You have 13% warrior blood. More than most. Be proud.
That's the point. homogeneity vs. heterogeneity. In that sense he's certainly "pure," but not so much as certain primitive tribesmen.
I'd kill myself if I saw any African DNA mentioned on my results.
By "extremely white" I mean culturally, more English cultural influence than us. I knew I should have been more specific.
>sound retarded
>move the goalposts
lol truly a british gentleman
all races are more or less mixed, the questions is which mixes are better. In terms of iq and height the average american beats you out. But at least you have your purity, a trait you share with a your few primitive tribesmen.
where are you getting 13%
But those tribesmen were just mongrels that got isolated in the past.
Pure and mongrel are just arbitrary terms that depend on the timeframe you use as a reference. It applies to culture too.
who /gedmatch/ here?
>In terms of iq and height the average american beats you out
erm no
No ones moving the goalposts Jamal your ancestors decided to move to the worlds melting pot,embrace it you're a mutt
forgot pic
Post 'em
23andMe master race
100% European
5000% American
>erm no
lol, if you say so snaggletooth
>No ones moving the goalposts Jamal your ancestors decided to move to the worlds melting pot,embrace it you're a mutt
I'm glad they did. If not I would be like you- the short, dumb inhabitant of an american airstrip.
>100% European
Not 100% white though
I'm the whitest man on this board
>compete with our shitskins
>up by two points
thanks for the laugh, but we were discussing white american "mongrels" as you call them
The 0.1% Ashkenazi in every ~tenth test can't be a coincidence.
I see it in every thread.
Maybe theyre putting it in randomly to fuck with white supremacists but that just calls into question the accuracy of all the tests.
Whata bout me?
An American calling me dumb is the most offensive thing anyones ever said to me im genuinely offended and i would have you arrested if you were over here.
But seriously i'm objectively provably smarter than you,Jamal.
>white american
Whats that? they dont exist