Sup Forums will try to defend this
33% Approval ratings
3 3%
I literally don't care.
There were always be more sheep then lions, that doesn't mean the sheep's opinions are superior.
Face it, America does NOT want nor do we need Drumpf.
>Trump is anti Net Neutrality
Sup Forums will try to defend this.
But the lion cannot exist without the sheep to feed them. The sheep however does not need the malicious lion and can prosper on there own within the herd.
Tl;dr- Fuck off nazi scum kys
And are these the same pollsters that said Trump was gonna lose?
>polls are accurate
Lefties will try to defend this
You can get banned for reporting posts that adhere to the banned formats in the sticky thread
Mods will defend this
>jon won
that's joseph you shit
The herd us sheep needs the lion to cull them or they will eat all the grass and starve.
You must be one of the sick and the weak. You'll be one of the first to go.
>2% chance of winning
Leftypol will ignore this
>Hillary has a 98% chance of winning
>Shitskins and faggots will defend this
>Because the polls definitely predicted the outcome of the election
Trump did lose the popular vote. The people do not want him. He needs to leave.
Mods will only ban the truth. Proves my point if they ban me. I win either way.
Until the sheep overpopulate and fuck over the entire ecosystem
33% Approval ratings
100% President of the United States
lel and hillary is president by that logic
The USA isn't a democracy and besides, votes from shitskins and women don't really matter. Kind of like your opinion.
He's not my president
we don't say "I was only pretending to be retarded"
we say "Sup Forums is satire"
Yes he is, for the next 8 years. Hahaha! LOSER!
There he goes posting about "muh white master race" again! Wow he is so cool!
He must get all the wo- oh wait. I forgot one of your main arguments is the "shitskins" are genociding your (((race))) and stealing your womenz.
>poll libtard areas
Higher than I thought
ID: h8
Nice job, senpai.
More like 8 months. He is barely holding up from this pressure. All he can do is call people out on twitter and host child cartoons in the white house
Well it does make you quite upset. I wonder why? Also, please keep pushing the violence and hate against white people. It's working wonders!
All the more embarrassing to Liberal media if he is re-elected.
It will prove once again approval ratings and polls are just the media's approval rating, and not the people's.
Drumpfags BTFO
Ironically, Trump is the only way you'll get universal healthcare through.
Libtards should be working with him for such.
But muh Muslim ban that is an Obama policy. Muh wall that stops illegal immigration.
You guys can't even see the good aspects of having a socially liberal nationalist in place.
Wow you learned how to use a keyboard and post smack on the internet. Guess what cupcake: Trump is going to be president for the next 8 years and there is nothing you or all the Jews in the world can do about it. Loser!
That's all hitler needed
>newfag thinks we care about the will of the masses
We don't need CuckDrumpf. Impeach or resign.
It's actually 43% approval rating and 45% disapproval. According to Rasmussen, his approval rating is over 50%.
Are there any old fags out there? Was Reagan's 2nd win and the lefty tears afterwards as tasteful as the first?
>Sup Forums will try to defend this
Nope. Trump isn't popular, I fully accept this.
But what the fuck are you going to do about it, faggot?
I don't care about universal health care.
I havent been sick since my childhood barring a few colds here and there.
Will do. It's not like your people really care when we hurt you anyway.
why did you reply twice
hitler also killed himself
Fake news. Not a credible source.
Maybe. Maybe I will have to do something...
You gave me some ideas.
No, things were different then. There wasn't all this drama. What were are seeing here is Jewish Bolshevism 2.0
>Not a credible source
What's your source?
>You gave me some ideas.
Enjoy your visit from the feds. :^>
>Trump did lose the popular vote. The people do not want him. He needs to leave.
Thats not how the political system works. You can't just remove the president when you don't like it, the US isn't Brazil
>Trump did lose the popular vote. The people do not want him. He needs to leave.
Oh so those polls were for the popular vote and not the presidency?
>What's your source?
He has the mandate.
The whole media is against him; 4 fucking years to go.
Calm down,lad.
>I don't care about universal health care.
Most lefties in the US care about such the most, user.
Trump is their only hope, and the retards don't even see it.
I was surrounded by Republicans so mostly it was a party.
W's second win was my favorite. If you can find old Air America audio/footage from that you will have a fuckin' salt mine.
Washington post
Sometimes MSNBC and CNN for happenings.
I also browse Sup Forums and /news/ for stuff once in a while
Oh yes they do care, you just aren't seeing the consequences yet. You must be like a teenager or something to have such limited cognitive functions. Now keep up the violence, you will reap what you sow. When you're bleeding out from that sucking chest wound maybe you'll figure shit out, but probably not.
I don't care about the lefties tho. Both libcucks and conservafags are equally retarded.