Is the wall really worth it Sup Forums?
Is the wall really worth it Sup Forums?
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even if we did nothing to change entry policy the wall would still be worth it because of the effect on smuggling
Why not just make the USA population less depressed and thus less likely to buy drugs? The smuggling will stop itself.
"Experts say Trump won't win the Republican nomination"
"Experts say Hillary will win by at least 100 electoral votes"
"Experts say Trump's voters are already having buyer's remorse"
"Experts say the wall won't work"
"Experts say Satan isn't real but if he was he would be a good guy"
cost vs effectiveness of both plans
materially cutting off supply is much more likely to reduce cocaine on the street then a public service campaign
you can't legislate morality but you can shut down illegal industry
>Or we could give all the money to freeloading illegals and niggers as welfare!
is 25 billion in nasa funding necessary
>least effective*
*not based on data, but on """""""experts""""""" fee fees'
I don't know, user, ask China and Israel
>a bunch of weird special interest shit that only benefits very small groups
>a wall that benefits everyone
almost as if the government wasnt your personal piggy bank, tyrone
>a year of shitty, broken education for less than 1% of the US population
>research grants that get squandered away on tech monkey research designed to be as slow as possible
>eliminate half of the hunger until people realize that structural and governmental problems in africa are the reason for most of the world's hunger. BONUS: giving retards food who produce more retards
>grants of 20,000 dollars to businesses, which is so little money for a business that it'll go to a new truck or something
>gibs me dat for the world's already biggest leeches on society--never bothered to get an education and then are surprised nobody wants to hire them post military
>paying adoption fees for kids who nobody wants to adopt, and paying for a future semester of college after tuition rates continue to skyrocket by the time they're adults
really activated my almonds
Man is that how retarded they are? Or are they being willfully ignorant?
Dont conservatives hate liberals when they try to use the same argument for guns?
There needs to be another infographic that shows how much we already spend on those things and how the corruption and bureaucracy prevents them from getting enough of that money to the projects themselves.
to spend even a penny on niggers is a horrid waste of precious resources
Shouldn't it be showing the number of Mexican households instead?
What would George Soros money fix if he wasn't paying protesters and actually helping?
Experts say he could end American poverty but instead funds its destruction.
George Soros could make every black in America a millionaire instead he pays them 15/hr to hold signs. Literally slavery.
George Soros cwould pay for every Mexican to be an legal American.
George Soros could give all LGTB a scholarship for college. Instead he pays them 15/hr to hold signs. terally slavery
Let's get libtards turned on their leader for being super rich and not sharing
Havent you guys watched adam ruins everything? Spics will just fly over the wall. Sup Forums and trump BTFO again!!!!
valid point, I'll have to update it
If they're bitching about 14 billion imagine what we could've done with the 1 trillion we spent on Obamacare.
The point was that dumbass donald drumpf said that Mex was gonna pay for the wall. Now he's trying to slither around that, and the American taxpayer should pick up the tab? Nope. Hold your promises, or don't get reelected bitch.
your forgetting - Mexico will pay for the wall so we get it for free!
'merica bitches!
Why does no one factor in maintenance and only use the most conservative estimate? Also who the fuck is going to pick my damn strawberries? I know you NEETs arent.
guns get smuggled across the boarder too
why do you refuse to respect the gun free zone that is Mexico by allowing a wall to keep our excess freedoms from leaking over?
if broke down the bodies of 100 million liberals we would gain enough resources to build a space elevator and also there would be no liberals left
It's gone from $6B to $14B now?
Experts say Hillary Clinton didn't lie once during the entirety of her campaign
You're not doubting the experts now, are you, goy? It's been Fact Checked!
mexicans dont pay taxes
He's an annoying douche but statistics are on his side on this one. The wall will stop AT MOST only half of illegal immigrants going into the US. Still something, but not a solution.
A wall is permanent
These are not.
>get mexico to pay for the wall first
>that pic
how much maintenance does this fucker take???
who the fuck are these "experts" on border control and why are they left leaning?
Great Wall makes more as a tourist attraction than it costs to maintain. Trumps wall probably won't do that.
Yes. We want a wall.
For experts, theyre wrong fucking always.
>Only half
>Implying thats not a HUGE improvement
Instead we should keep paying for that halfs medical bills and food stamps. The wall will literally pay for itself when you realize how much we will save every year from these spics
Uh racist much?
Mexicans are people too. They can do more than just manual labor for rich white people.
Do white people think we are buro? Just your lowly beast of burden?
Cooking,cleaning and doing labor for gringos?
Fucking racist
You worried no one will make your fat ass some tacos cause Mexicans are too stupid to do anything else?
Gringos like you are racist slave owners. Import poor Mexicans, psy them next to nothing and only allow them low positions.
Fuck you racist
or you could pay for our fungis for 6 months with that money
>Trump will create jobs to maintain the wall
wall just got 4 feet higher
>we should keep paying for that halfs medical bills
Does the US do that as is?
>14 billion dollars
I unironically agree. There are better things we can use the money for. Do you know how much zyklon-b 14mil buys?!
Why not deport all illegals so you can use the safed 100 billion yearly for all things together
You realize politicians waste trillions filling their pockets right?
>pay for education we're already taxed to pay for
>research diseases that will never be cured
>feed people who will go back to starving once the free gibs of food runs out
>stake a bunch of shitty leftist businesses like transgendered dog psychics and other great things
>yeah, helping the vets would be great, but the government should ALREADY be doing that as they claim to be doing, so between their failure and the flawed mental health system, this money would do nothing
>already many people willing to pay to adopt, more than there are kids at this time, it's not lack of funds that prevents adoption, it's red tape and hurdles
There you go!
Wow they couldn't even come up with anything that was good.. if you gave me all of these things or the wall I'd still pick the wall
Wait how does alaska and hawaii have illiegal immigrants?
Tell that to the F35 program Obumer kept around for no reason.
Oy vey goyum
Of course, you a citizen who just spend 2 weeks in the hospital? No insurance? Well prepare to go bankrupt to pay that 100k bill. You an illegal spic, dont worry, uncle sam has your back jose!
Because anyone on the opposing side is just labeled a hate group. There's only one acceptable opinion.
Tear down this wall.
People fly there on visas then don't leave when they're supposed to.
>fly to alaska or hawaii
>don't leave
pretty easy desu
>injecting 14 Billion into the economy
Not totally not worth it.
Sure, right after Mexico tears down their southern wall. Thats right, Mexico has its own fucking wall
Same as any state in the center or north, people go and just stay there undocumented
if i went to the hospital for something serious i would just say my name was jorge sanchez and get the free everything
10/10 image
Smugglers dig tunnels.
Buy 14 B-52 stealth bomber @1 billion each(no wholesale quotas yet) and then allow the low IQ military members to crash it.
Would you like to explain what statistics he has that back up what he is saying?
the sep 8th politifact article literally says it has no hard data to back up anything it is saying, and if you follow its trail of sources it all points to the number coming from one guy who doesn't ever specify how he did the calculations, he just says he does some estimations.
the cyclical flow thing can be solved by deportations.
lets say the mexican economy is doing well right now for the sake of the argument, how well will it be doing after american factories get pulled out? would that not cause pressure to immigrate?
even if it doesn't casue pressure to immigrate over any immigration above 0 is an issue, let alone 300k people
he even says himself nearly 1 out of 30 people in america are unauthorized immigrants, those people have to GO
i tried to find adam ruins everything about deportation but the only thing i found was some appeal to emotion about how immigration courts are a mess
>1.3 million liberal arts degrees
Like we need more of that shit. 1.3 million students isn't even a whole lot.
Where were you faggots when Obama spent a trillion dollars on near-useless missile defense? Or on so many other things?
A few years too late to talk about wasteful spending, huh?
so whats wrong with making them work a little harder?
the 14 bills will end up allowing us to stop spending 100 bills on illegal immigration every year. Think of what we can do with THAT money
Education is the most valuable investment a country can make
>experts say is the least effective and most expensive way to secure our border
The NSA had a budget of 10 billion in 2016. Say it with me,
"It's okay when Obama does it!"
Do you know how much zyklon-b 14BILLION can buy?
What a horseshit infograph
liberals are a cancer to nations.
Turning countries from prosperous civilized societies into ghettos.
14 billion is an investment for a better future.
> Be adult in the 90s.
> Experts say video games make kids violent.
> Experts say conceal and carry laws will make the U.S. back into the wild west.
> Experts say SARS, Swine Flu and Bird Flu pose serious health risks to the U.S.
> 2017, no one even remembers or believes that shit.
> Crime rate is low and has been for decades, average life span is longer than it has ever been.
Who are these fucking "expert" guys? They should all be fired at this rate. They fucking fail at predicting everything. We need new experts that don't actually suck at their jobs.
I do think a wall is less effective than just stopping welfare, but even with the GOP in control of EVERYTHING, that would never get passed. A wall it is children.
How did Hungary build such an effective wall in only a month?
>A year of (((education)))
>more gibs for undeserving ghouls
>all the new small business will crush each other
>money for adoption racket, (((foster care))) and (((college)))
Veterans are the only problem I see
fucked up how the gubmint cannot even pay for the accommodation for stupid veterans of their stupid wars
how much money do we give to those jewish snakes in Israel is what I want to know.
I'm going to travel to the border when it's finished and spray paint 'user was here' on it.
I'd say benjamin Netanyahu is an expert on wall building that can completely verify their effectiveness.
Israel has very little illegal immigration.
>Experts fail to predict election results
>Experts fail to predict election results
>Experts fail to predict election results
>Experts say a giant expensive wall won't stop people from coming in through tunnels, planes, unguarded spots on the wall (unless we spend many more billions monitoring every inch of the wall), Canada, etc.
>This phenomena began in the second half of the 2000s, when a large number of immigrants from Africa entered Israel, mainly through the fenced border between Israel and Egypt. According to the data of the Israeli Interior Ministry, the number of immigrants that arrived illegally amounted to 26,635 people to July 2010, and over 55,000 in January 2012.
b-52 stealth bomber? are you retarded?
the most disingenuous image i have ever seen lmao
Yes because those fuckers always want everything FREE FREE FREE! What makes them believe they deserve anything free?
>people buy cocaine because they are depressed
Fact: Experts will say anything as long as you pay them enough.
Only the grants and veterans are the only ones worth spending money on. The other ones need to have a bit of reform before they are worth spending government money on.
Spend $14B once, get it back from Mexico, save $84B.
Liberal snowflakes are literally too stupid to do the math.
We had 70 years to put more than that into everything listed in the picture and more. Instead, we did nothing, politicians ate the money, and nothing ever got done.
- No immigration laws were reformed.
- No civil matters were looked into.
- No education money, unless we count No Child Left Behind and other failure bills that caused education to suffer.
- No reformation/clean up of poor/inner city areas.
- No shelters for the homeless.
- No mental health and well being institutions created or proposed.
- No alternative sources of power.
- No better food, health programs, or overall fitness incentives.
- No new jobs save for part time jobs that are taking by illegals for $0.02 to do because lefties love indentured servitude (why do you think they enslaved black people?)
- No infrastructure improvements.
- No improvements/competitiveness on the world stage for sciences, engineering, and space exploration unless it was done by private companies.
- No research done into diseases unless from private companies that would take an arm and a leg to get.
- No help for the homeless, orphans, victims, or anything.
We've spent a shit ton of money but none of the above got better. No actions were taken. Politicians ate the money. We now have a chance to change that. Action is being taken and things will change. However, to make an omelet, you have to break some eggs. You want better things, then we got to start making 70 year old issues non-issues and then actually make progress (which also requires action, not protests) to move this country forward.
The wall is worth it. It will be a symbol of people getting shit done. You want immigrants to come in? I suggest you start figuring out how to fix our current immigration issues and the laws regarding them (20 years before citizenship is insane). However, until you take action and do something about those, nothing will get done (protests don't count). The wall is a step in the right direction and worth the cost.