Trump DESTROYED at SAG Awards



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I saw it too, but I saw a lot of virtue signalling. Is he gonna accept refugees in his home? Fuck no. Celebs are all full of bs

Promoting Assaults and more Crimes.. libshits btfo

I only know who the big titty jew is, who are the others

That's ok. I think we should publically burn transvestites and gay people. We all have opinions.

Season 2 is gonna suck anyway

Liberalism is a mental illness.

Also WE WUZ NASA won the top prize


Wow what a bunch of fascists

>stranger things is so cool...slobber
all year log
>they said something bad about trumpy..bad..bad
today in your mom's laundry room

Killing is never the answer, said the church fathers of the first 300years.

>SAG Awards

I guarantee you like 95% of the actors there are liberal California faggots, of course they all hate Trump. Seems like most famous actors are liberals, I've never seen a famous actor support Trump or claim to support him. I guess they're too afraid it'll affect their career if they said something so they have to pretend they're high ranking liberals.

He's literally shaking

That's too bad...

I actually like Stranger Things
>GoodBye Netflix

Paranoia is a mental illness.

Kek. There xhe blows.

Our side is responsible for casual violence?


>True Story
Actually a white man who did the plans and he stated he saw no blacks in the calculation room.

The guy's a great actor that's true but no way he'd shelter anyone. What a load of self-congratulatory bullshit.

I'm no expert, but I'm fairly sure that calls for violence that are likely to produce that violence are illegal in America.

liberal protests do nothing but commit crime after crime after crime..

Can't wait to see him getting punched right between the eyes

>Trump supporters should be punched in the face!
>has to have bodyguards at his events like everyone else
Absolute faggot

>he's asking liberals to get killed.

That was really gross to watch.

You wouldn't be paranoid walking through cities police don't even go?

Yeah, all the good parts of season 1 were stolen from Twin Peaks. They're literally out of material to steal, so it's going to go to shit like every other show that is only capable of one good season (True Detective).

tweet his home address to him

So what are the fuck you faggots going to do while these subhuman nigger loving kikes openly attack Trump supporters in the streets repeatedly? When they flat out call to violence?

Sit around and post here? If you don't kill a colored/race traitor tonight, you are a nigger in my eyes.

That's because they were hidden


Eastwood, Stallone, Voigt, Woods

a few good are left

Damn what a fine dime, would.

When your a marionette and the model X29 has just replaced you. Picture enclosed vs your picture.

>watching season 2 of stranger things

Things I'm not going to do.

"Whilst I stay behind my walls and electronic surveillance, defended by armed guards, I shall preach how the US should allow the world's cretin free access through its bordrs and ye little people should happily bend over and take it. I'm famous."



Kurt Russell

Source? Better not tell

wtf I hate stranger things now

About time the fine work of female minority scientists got some recognition.

Does their achievement make you butthurt about your own inadequacy and feebleness, user?

You forgot

>My job is absolutely safe. No amount of increase in labor supply will affect it.

damn...rly liked that show too...

oh well.

>We need somebody to play government asshole.
>Say no more

Mel Gibson, Vince Vaugn, and Bruce Willis voted for Trump

Chicagofag here

I've already been attacked at a Trump rally. What do we do about the normalization of violence against Trump supporters?

The what?

still going to watch it thou.

Never heard of him...

You're right, my mcfriend.

I looked up the Oscar awards during the late 60s to early 70s. It's the same shit, Hollywood lives to virtue signal but will never do more than give speeches for the things they care about.

But to them they're "raising awareness" so its the same as being a scientist working on cancer.

Just means even more voters for Trump for re-election.

you guys are so fucked kek
can murrica just start a civil war pls and remove those idiots

I was thinking: How to properly mock these assholes?

Thought: Team America.

Then I thought: How the fuck could the SP guys go from being so redpilled in Team America to their current state of cuckitude?

Shill, no doubt, move along.

user, have you seen any white Sup Forumsack's at HWNDU????.....No....Most white Trump supporters are assuming the law/police will protect them but by then it's too late.

what a cuck

I know OP is a leaf but I think something needs to be said and it's applicable to both the right and the left, you cannot "btfo" "own" or "destroy" anyone in a closed forum where you're the only one who gets to speak. If you're on your late night show, in an awards ceremony, or in your moms basement commenting on Sup Forums that's just bitching, the headline should be "Actors bitch at SAG awards" OP's post should be "Leaf joins bitching actors in their bitching"


Sounds like an invitation for liberals to start getting more violent, you guys better be ready for stronger retaliation than just shouting in your face.


Video? Video won't load

With black magic?

These fuckers openly call for peaceful citizens to be hunted and beaten simply for disagreeing with them

when are you going to fight back?

For fuck's sake, demoralization works.


Why does the left seem like they are constantly projecting? Talking about hidden truth like there is some secret about muslims us racist are secretly missing. No its them who are living the lie not us. Not to mention he talks about hypocrise and violence from Trump supporters. They want to be victims so badly,but they are the bad guys.

>Celebrities teaching us about being a narcissistic

>SAG awards

more like FAG awards!

>lol he was a nazi, he deserved getting punched in the face

How did you deduce he was a nazi?

>he voted for drumpf

mon visage when libshits bring about the day of lead upon themselves

Hollywood needs to be put under watch by the IRS.

Good thing, Trump's Treasurer says he wants to expand and empower the IRS to unprecedented levels so they can take on larger companies or entities.

Hollywood also invented the term Hollywood accounting after all.

checks out


can't make this shit up

>le unfortunate ID

I almost think that the root of the problems we're facing is that we give celebrities too much attention thus having too much influence.

Holy shit

Mentally ill weirdos

This, it was falling apart toward the end

The celebs own fancy big mansions in Europe as well but they don't want to let any refuges live in them even though most celebrity houses sit empty for most of the year.

Plot twist, he was actually talking about the antifa fucks when he mentioned fighting back against violence.

>Things that will never happen

Wah I'm not going to watch Stranger Things now. Wah that'll show them

>Sag awards
Literally fucking what. Wow! What an honor!

Daily reminder that we are living in the Upside Down.

>unironically screaming YAAAAAASSSSSSSS!

Word has it, the big tittied jew once dodged an oven. mel gibson said so.

Funny thing is that in Shakespeare's time period, actors used to be treated on the same level as prostitutes in society.

They were that low on the social ladder.

Just who I want to take political advice from, professional Larpers.

Not surprising desu

Also goddamn i would still fuck Winona Ryder into oblivion.

>that flag
>that ID

Will Morris Dees sue him?

I am now an #antifa_missile

The UK has problems. They are going to double down on importing people from the common wealth (India/Africa) to try to ease their economic pains from Brexit.

So expect much more multicult propaganda from them.

The point kinda went over your head

So what are we going to do about the normalization of violence against republicans?

Big fancy celebs, like zuckerberg who scream, protect the refugees but build walls around their own homes.



What the hell did any of that mean.
No you won't, you have no power to shelter anyone. Even if you did, you wouldn't. Your million dollar mansion is for you and you alone, you won't invite any refugees into your homes or neighborhoods. You'll leave us to deal with them, then you'll preach to us when we tell you what it is like living with them.

No we don't, your speech is proof of that.